Module cryptoxide::hashing::sha3

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An implementation of the SHA-3 cryptographic hash algorithms.

There are 6 standard algorithms specified in the SHA-3 standard:

  • SHA3-224
  • SHA3-256
  • SHA3-384
  • SHA3-512

Based on an implementation by Sébastien Martini


An example of using SHA3-256 is:

use cryptoxide::hashing::sha3;

// create a SHA3-256 context
let mut context = sha3::Sha3_256::new();

// append input and get output digest
let out : [u8; 32] = context.update(b"abc").finalize();


SHA3 224 Context
SHA3 256 Context
SHA3 384 Context
SHA3 512 Context
SHA3 224 Algorithm
SHA3 256 Algorithm
SHA3 384 Algorithm
SHA3 512 Algorithm