cryptouri 0.1.1

URN-like namespace for cryptographic objects (keys, signatures, etc) with Bech32 encoding/checksums

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A URI-like format for serializing cryptographic objects including keys, signatures, and digests using URI generic syntax:


A URI-safe "dasherized" form is also supported:



About CryptoURI

The CryptoURI format leverages the URI generic syntax defined in RFC 3986 to provide simple and succinct encodings of cryptographic keys, including public keys, private/secret keys, encrypted secret keys with password-based key derivation, digital signatures, key fingerprints, and other digests.

Binary data is serialized using the Bech32 encoding format which is designed to prevent human transcription errors by using an alphabet that eliminates similar-looking characters to avoid transcription errors and adds a checksum across the whole URI to detect these errors when they do happen. CryptoURIs which have been mis-transcribed will fail to decode.

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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as noted below, without any additional terms or conditions.


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