cryptonote-raw-crypto 0.1.1

Cryptography Primitives for Cryptonote

raw-crypto Library For CryptoNote Based Crypto Currencies



    // Generate key
    let key = ChachaKey::generate(String::from(""));

    // Generate iv
    let iv = ChachaIV::from([0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18]);

    // Generate chacha object
    let chacha = Chacha::new(key, iv);

    // Prepare plain text
    let plain = *b"hello world!";

    // Encrypt with chacha8
    let cipher = chacha.encrypt(&plain[..]);

    // Encrypt again will get the original plain text
    let recipher = chacha.encrypt(&cipher[..]);

    // they should be equal
    assert!(plain == recipher.as_slice());