cryptoauthlib-sys 0.2.2

Automatically generated Rust bindings for CryptoAuthentication Library calls.


The Rust bindings for the Microchip CryptoAuthentication Library version 3.1.0.

This workspace member provides a "raw" Rust bindings, generated automatically.


The underlying C library was cloned as a submodule using below command:

git submodule add -b Release/v3.1.x

The library was locally compiled to investigate what cmake arguments are needed. After the above succeeded, the bindings were generated automatically from the build output using following command:

bindgen cryptoauthlib/lib/cryptoauthlib.h -o src/ --
    -I ./cryptoauthlib/lib/
    -I ./target/release/build/cryptoauthlib-sys-****************/out/build/lib/