Crate crypto

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RustCrypto: crypto crate

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Facade crate for RustCrypto Traits, providing a single place to access compatible versions of all traits from the Rust Crypto project.



Facade crate for RustCrypto Traits, providing a single place to access compatible versions of all traits from the Rust Crypto project.


The RustCrypto Project publishes and maintains independently versioned crates containing traits for many different kinds of cryptographic algorithms.

However, these algorithms are often interdependent (e.g. many depend on digest algorithms), which requires figuring out which versions of the trait crates are compatible with each other.

This crate will automatically pull in compatible versions of these crates, with each one gated under a cargo feature, providing a single place to both import and upgrade these crates while ensuring they remain compatible.


The following traits are available as re-exports of RustCrypto crates through this crate’s facade. To access a particular re-export you (or a crate you depend on) must enable the associated Cargo feature named below.

Re-exportCargo featureDescription
aeadaeadAuthenticated Encryption with Associated Data (i.e. high-level symmetric encryption)
ciphercipherBlock and stream ciphers (i.e. low-level symmetric encryption)
digestdigestCryptographic hash functions
elliptic_curveelliptic-curveElliptic curve cryptography
password_hashpassword-hashPassword hashing functions
signaturesignatureDigital signatures (i.e. public key-based message authentication)
universal_hashuniversal‑hashUniversal Hash Functions (used to build MACs)

Minimum Supported Rust Version

Rust 1.65 or higher.

Minimum supported Rust version can be changed in the future, but it will be done with a minor version bump.

SemVer Policy

  • All on-by-default features of this library are covered by SemVer
  • MSRV is considered exempt from SemVer as noted above


Licensed under either of:

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
