crypto-bigint 0.5.0-pre.3

Pure Rust implementation of a big integer library which has been designed from the ground-up for use in cryptographic applications. Provides constant-time, no_std-friendly implementations of modern formulas using const generics.
use core::ops::{Sub, SubAssign};

use crate::modular::sub::sub_montgomery_form;

use super::{Residue, ResidueParams};

impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
    /// Subtracts `rhs`.
    pub const fn sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
        Self {
            montgomery_form: sub_montgomery_form(
            phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,

impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Sub<&Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
    for &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
    type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
    fn sub(self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {

impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Sub<Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
    for &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
    type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
    fn sub(self, rhs: Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
        self - &rhs

impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Sub<&Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
    for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
    type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
    fn sub(self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
        &self - rhs

impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Sub<Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
    for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
    type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
    fn sub(self, rhs: Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
        &self - &rhs

impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> SubAssign<&Self> for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: &Self) {
        *self = *self - rhs;

impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> SubAssign<Self> for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
        *self -= &rhs;

mod tests {
    use crate::{const_residue, impl_modulus, modular::constant_mod::ResidueParams, U256};


    fn sub_overflow() {
        let x =
        let mut x_mod = const_residue!(x, Modulus);

        let y =
        let y_mod = const_residue!(y, Modulus);

        x_mod -= &y_mod;

        let expected =

        assert_eq!(expected, x_mod.retrieve());