crossref 0.1.1

Implementation of the Crossref API

Crossref-rs - A rust client for the Crossref-API

Build Status Documentation

Crossref API docs

This client is inspired by sckott/habanero.

This is still WIP.

Crossref - Crossref search API. The Crossref crate provides methods matching Crossref API routes:

  • works - /works route
  • members - /members route
  • prefixes - /prefixes route
  • funders - /funders route
  • journals - /journals route
  • types - /types route
  • agency - /works/{doi}/agency get DOI minting agency


Create a Crossref client:

let client = Crossref::builder().build()?;

If you have an Authorization token for Crossref's Plus service:

let client = Crossref::builder()

Encouraged to use the The Polite Pool:

Good manners = more reliable service

To get into Crossref's polite pool include a email address

let client = Crossref::builder()
     .token("your token")

Constructing Queries

Not all components support queries and there are custom available parameters for each route that supports querying. For each resource components that supports querying there exist a Query struct: WorksQuery, MembersQuery, FundersQuery. The WorksQuery also differs from the others by supporting deep paging with cursors and field queries.

otherwise creating queries works the same for all resource components:

let query = WorksQuery::new()
    .query("Machine Learning")
    // field queries supported for `Works`
    .field_query(FieldQuery::author("Some Author"))
    // filters are specific for each resource component

Get Records

See this table for a detailed overview of the major components.

There are 3 available targets:

  • standalone resource components: /works, /members, etc. that return a list list of the corresponding items and can be specified with queries
  • Resource component with identifiers: /works/{doi}?<query>,/members/{member_id}?<query>, etc. that returns a single item if found.
  • combined with the works route: The works component can be appended to other resources: /members/{member_id}/works?<query> etc. that returns a list of matching Work items.

This resembles in the enums of the resource components, eg. for Members:

pub enum Members {
    /// target a specific member at `/members/{id}`
    /// target all members that match the query at `/members?query...`
    /// target a `Work` for a specific member at `/members/{id}/works?query..`

All options are supported by the client:

Single Item by DOI (ID)

Analogous methods exist for all resource components

let work ="10.1037/0003-066X.59.1.29")?;

let agency = client.work_agency("10.1037/0003-066X.59.1.29")?;

let funder = client.funder("funder_id")?;

let member = client.member("member_id")?;


let query = WorksQuery::new().query("Machine Learning");

// one page of the matching results
let works =;

Convenience method for Work Items by terms

let works = client.query_works("Machine Learning")?;

Combining Routes with the Works route

For each resource component other than Works there exist methods to append a WorksQuery with the ID option /members/{member_id}/works?<query>?

let works = client.member_works("member_id", WorksQuery::new()
    .query("machine learning")

Convenience method to append works query term:

let works = client.member_works("member id", "Machine Learning")?;

Deep paging for Works


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