crossbow-admob 0.1.7

AdMob Plugin for Crossbow
ext.versions = [
    crossbowLibrary    : "0.1.7",
    androidGradlePlugin: "7.0.0",
    compileSdk         : 31,
    minSdk             : 19,
    targetSdk          : 30,
    buildTools         : "30.0.3",
    kotlinVersion      : "1.6.21",
    appcompatVersion   : "1.4.0",
    javaVersion        : 11,

ext.libraries = [
    androidGradlePlugin: "$versions.androidGradlePlugin",
    kotlinGradlePlugin : "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$versions.kotlinVersion",
    kotlinStdLib       : "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$versions.kotlinVersion",
    androidxAppcompat  : "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$versions.appcompatVersion",
    crossbowLibrary    : "com.crossbow.library:lib:$versions.crossbowLibrary"

 * Parse the project properties for the 'custom_build_mode' property and return
 * it for turning on custom build mode.
ext.getCustomBuildMode = { ->
    // Retrieve the custom_build_mode from the project property set by the Crossbow build command.
    return project.hasProperty("custom_build_mode") ?"custom_build_mode") : false

 * Add Crossbow Gihub Maven repository with credentials to the project.
ext.mavenCrossbowGithub = {
    repositories.maven {
        url = uri("")
        credentials {
            // Use this open machine user token because repo requires authentication
            username = "token"
            password = "\u0067hp_YQdtzsNYrpQM3lmZPOXYHpC5GXiord4Qodew"