crossbeam-epoch 0.4.1

Epoch-based garbage collection
use core::fmt;
use core::ptr;
use core::mem;

use garbage::Garbage;
use internal::Local;
use collector::Collector;

/// A guard that keeps the current thread pinned.
/// # Pinning
/// The current thread is pinned by calling [`pin`], which returns a new guard:
/// ```
/// use crossbeam_epoch as epoch;
/// // It is often convenient to prefix a call to `pin` with a `&` in order to create a reference.
/// // This is not really necessary, but makes passing references to the guard a bit easier.
/// let guard = &epoch::pin();
/// ```
/// When a guard gets dropped, the current thread is automatically unpinned.
/// # Pointers on the stack
/// Having a guard allows us to create pointers on the stack to heap-allocated objects.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// use crossbeam_epoch::{self as epoch, Atomic, Owned};
/// use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
/// // Create a heap-allocated number.
/// let a = Atomic::new(777);
/// // Pin the current thread.
/// let guard = &epoch::pin();
/// // Load the heap-allocated object and create pointer `p` on the stack.
/// let p = a.load(SeqCst, guard);
/// // Dereference the pointer and print the value:
/// if let Some(num) = unsafe { p.as_ref() } {
///     println!("The number is {}.", num);
/// }
/// ```
/// # Multiple guards
/// Pinning is reentrant and it is perfectly legal to create multiple guards. In that case, the
/// thread will actually be pinned only when the first guard is created and unpinned when the last
/// one is dropped:
/// ```
/// use crossbeam_epoch as epoch;
/// let guard1 = epoch::pin();
/// let guard2 = epoch::pin();
/// assert!(epoch::is_pinned());
/// drop(guard1);
/// assert!(epoch::is_pinned());
/// drop(guard2);
/// assert!(!epoch::is_pinned());
/// ```
/// The same can be achieved by cloning guards:
/// ```
/// use crossbeam_epoch as epoch;
/// let guard1 = epoch::pin();
/// let guard2 = guard1.clone();
/// ```
/// [`pin`]:
pub struct Guard {
    pub(crate) local: *const Local,

impl Guard {
    /// Stores a function so that it can be executed at some point after all currently pinned
    /// threads get unpinned.
    /// This method first stores `f` into the thread-local (or handle-local) cache. If this cache
    /// becomes full, some functions are moved into the global cache. At the same time, some
    /// functions from both local and global caches may get executed in order to incrementally
    /// clean up the caches as they fill up.
    /// There is no guarantee when exactly `f` will be executed. The only guarantee is that won't
    /// until all currently pinned threads get unpinned. In theory, `f` might never be deallocated,
    /// but the epoch-based garbage collection will make an effort to execute it reasonably soon.
    /// If this method is called from an [`unprotected`] guard, the function will simply be
    /// executed immediately.
    /// # Safety
    /// The given function must not hold reference onto the stack. It is highly recommended that
    /// the passed function is **always** marked with `move` in order to prevent accidental
    /// borrows.
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_epoch as epoch;
    /// let guard = &epoch::pin();
    /// let message = "Hello!";
    /// unsafe {
    ///     // ALWAYS use `move` when sending a closure into `defef`.
    ///     guard.defer(move || {
    ///         println!("{}", message);
    ///     });
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// Apart from that, keep in mind that another thread may execute `f`, so anything accessed
    /// by the closure must be `Send`.
    /// # Examples
    /// When a heap-allocated object in a data structure becomes unreachable, it has to be
    /// deallocated. However, the current thread and other threads may be still holding references
    /// on the stack to that same object. Therefore it cannot be deallocated before those
    /// references get dropped. This method can defer deallocation until all those threads get
    /// unpinned and consequently drop all their references on the stack.
    /// ```rust
    /// use crossbeam_epoch::{self as epoch, Atomic, Owned};
    /// use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
    /// let a = Atomic::new("foo");
    /// // Now suppose that `a` is shared among multiple threads and concurrently
    /// // accessed and modified...
    /// // Pin the current thread.
    /// let guard = &epoch::pin();
    /// // Steal the object currently stored in `a` and swap it with another one.
    /// let p = a.swap(Owned::new("bar").into_shared(guard), SeqCst, guard);
    /// if !p.is_null() {
    ///     // The object `p` is pointing to is now unreachable.
    ///     // Defer its deallocation until all currently pinned threads get unpinned.
    ///     unsafe {
    ///         // ALWAYS use `move` when sending a closure into `defer`.
    ///         guard.defer(move || {
    ///             println!("{} is now being deallocated.", p.deref());
    ///             // Now we have unique access to the object pointed to by `p` and can turn it
    ///             // into an `Owned`. Dropping the `Owned` will deallocate the object.
    ///             drop(p.into_owned());
    ///         });
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// [`unprotected`]: fn.unprotected.html
    pub unsafe fn defer<F, R>(&self, f: F)
        F: FnOnce() -> R,
        let garbage = Garbage::new(|| drop(f()));

        if let Some(local) = self.local.as_ref() {
            local.defer(garbage, self);

    /// Clears up the thread-local cache of deferred functions by executing them or moving into the
    /// global cache.
    /// Call this method after deferring execution of a function if you want to get it executed as
    /// soon as possible. Flushing will make sure it is residing in in the global cache, so that
    /// any thread has a chance of taking the function and executing it.
    /// If this method is called from an [`unprotected`] guard, it is a no-op (nothing happens).
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_epoch as epoch;
    /// let guard = &epoch::pin();
    /// unsafe {
    ///     guard.defer(move || {
    ///         println!("This better be printed as soon as possible!");
    ///     });
    /// }
    /// guard.flush();
    /// ```
    /// [`unprotected`]: fn.unprotected.html
    pub fn flush(&self) {
        if let Some(local) = unsafe { self.local.as_ref() } {

    /// Unpins and then immediately re-pins the thread.
    /// This method is useful when you don't want delay the advancement of the global epoch by
    /// holding an old epoch. For safety, you should not maintain any guard-based reference across
    /// the call (the latter is enforced by `&mut self`). The thread will only be repinned if this
    /// is the only active guard for the current thread.
    /// If this method is called from an [`unprotected`] guard, then the call will be just no-op.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_epoch::{self as epoch, Atomic};
    /// use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
    /// use std::thread;
    /// use std::time::Duration;
    /// let a = Atomic::new(777);
    /// let mut guard = epoch::pin();
    /// {
    ///     let p = a.load(SeqCst, &guard);
    ///     assert_eq!(unsafe { p.as_ref() }, Some(&777));
    /// }
    /// guard.repin();
    /// {
    ///     let p = a.load(SeqCst, &guard);
    ///     assert_eq!(unsafe { p.as_ref() }, Some(&777));
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// [`unprotected`]: fn.unprotected.html
    pub fn repin(&mut self) {
        if let Some(local) = unsafe { self.local.as_ref() } {

    /// Temporarily unpins the thread, executes the given function and then re-pins the thread.
    /// This method is useful when you need to perform a long-running operation (e.g. sleeping)
    /// and don't need to maintain any guard-based reference across the call (the latter is enforced
    /// by `&mut self`). The thread will only be unpinned if this is the only active guard for the
    /// current thread.
    /// If this method is called from an [`unprotected`] guard, then the passed function is called
    /// directly without unpinning the thread.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_epoch::{self as epoch, Atomic};
    /// use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
    /// use std::thread;
    /// use std::time::Duration;
    /// let a = Atomic::new(777);
    /// let mut guard = epoch::pin();
    /// {
    ///     let p = a.load(SeqCst, &guard);
    ///     assert_eq!(unsafe { p.as_ref() }, Some(&777));
    /// }
    /// guard.repin_after(|| thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)));
    /// {
    ///     let p = a.load(SeqCst, &guard);
    ///     assert_eq!(unsafe { p.as_ref() }, Some(&777));
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// [`unprotected`]: fn.unprotected.html
    pub fn repin_after<F, R>(&mut self, f: F) -> R
        F: FnOnce() -> R,
        if let Some(local) = unsafe { self.local.as_ref() } {
            // We need to acquire a handle here to ensure the Local doesn't
            // disappear from under us.

        // Ensure the Guard is re-pinned even if the function panics
        defer! {
            if let Some(local) = unsafe { self.local.as_ref() } {


    /// Returns the `Collector` associated with this guard.
    /// This method is useful when you need to ensure that all guards used with
    /// a data structure come from the same collector.
    /// If this method is called from an [`unprotected`] guard, then `None` is returned.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_epoch as epoch;
    /// let mut guard1 = epoch::pin();
    /// let mut guard2 = epoch::pin();
    /// assert!(guard1.collector() == guard2.collector());
    /// ```
    /// [`unprotected`]: fn.unprotected.html
    pub fn collector(&self) -> Option<&Collector> {
        unsafe { self.local.as_ref().map(|local| local.collector()) }

impl Drop for Guard {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if let Some(local) = unsafe { self.local.as_ref() } {

impl Clone for Guard {
    fn clone(&self) -> Guard {
        match unsafe { self.local.as_ref() } {
            None => Guard { local: ptr::null() },
            Some(local) =>,

impl fmt::Debug for Guard {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

/// Returns a reference to a dummy guard that allows unprotected access to [`Atomic`]s.
/// This guard should be used in special occasions only. Note that it doesn't actually keep any
/// thread pinned - it's just a fake guard that allows loading from [`Atomic`]s unsafely.
/// Note that calling [`defer`] with a dummy guard will not defer the function - it will just
/// execute the function immediately.
/// If necessary, it's possible to create more dummy guards by cloning: `unprotected().clone()`.
/// # Safety
/// Loading and dereferencing data from an [`Atomic`] using this guard is safe only if the
/// [`Atomic`] is not being concurrently modified by other threads.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use crossbeam_epoch::{self as epoch, Atomic};
/// use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
/// let a = Atomic::new(7);
/// unsafe {
///     // Load `a` without pinning the current thread.
///     a.load(Relaxed, epoch::unprotected());
///     // It's possible to create more dummy guards by calling `clone()`.
///     let dummy = &epoch::unprotected().clone();
///     dummy.defer(move || {
///         println!("This gets executed immediately.");
///     });
///     // Dropping `dummy` doesn't affect the current thread - it's just a noop.
/// }
/// ```
/// The most common use of this function is when constructing or destructing a data structure.
/// For example, we can use a dummy guard in the destructor of a Treiber stack because at that
/// point no other thread could concurrently modify the [`Atomic`]s we are accessing.
/// If we were to actually pin the current thread during destruction, that would just unnecessarily
/// delay garbage collection and incur some performance cost, so in cases like these `unprotected`
/// is very helpful.
/// ```
/// use crossbeam_epoch::{self as epoch, Atomic};
/// use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
/// use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
/// struct Stack<T> {
///     head: Atomic<Node<T>>,
/// }
/// struct Node<T> {
///     data: ManuallyDrop<T>,
///     next: Atomic<Node<T>>,
/// }
/// impl<T> Drop for Stack<T> {
///     fn drop(&mut self) {
///         unsafe {
///             // Unprotected load.
///             let mut node = self.head.load(Relaxed, epoch::unprotected());
///             while let Some(n) = node.as_ref() {
///                 // Unprotected load.
///                 let next =, epoch::unprotected());
///                 // Take ownership of the node, then drop its data and deallocate it.
///                 let mut o = node.into_owned();
///                 ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut;
///                 drop(o);
///                 node = next;
///             }
///         }
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// [`Atomic`]: struct.Atomic.html
/// [`defer`]: struct.Guard.html#method.defer
pub unsafe fn unprotected() -> &'static Guard {
    // HACK(stjepang): An unprotected guard is just a `Guard` with its field `local` set to null.
    // Since this function returns a `'static` reference to a `Guard`, we must return a reference
    // to a global guard. However, it's not possible to create a `static` `Guard` because it does
    // not implement `Sync`. To get around the problem, we create a static `usize` initialized to
    // zero and then transmute it into a `Guard`. This is safe because `usize` and `Guard`
    // (consisting of a single pointer) have the same representation in memory.
    static UNPROTECTED: usize = 0;
    &*(&UNPROTECTED as *const _ as *const Guard)