crossbeam-channel 0.1.2

Multi-producer multi-consumer channels for message passing
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::mem;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize};
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{Acquire, Release};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Instant;

use parking_lot::Mutex;

use select::CaseId;
use select::handle::{self, Handle};
use utils::Backoff;

/// Waiting strategy in an exchange operation.
enum Wait {
    /// Yield once and then time out.

    /// Wait until an optional deadline.

/// Enumeration of possible exchange errors.
pub enum ExchangeError<T> {
    /// The exchange operation timed out.

    /// The exchanger was disconnected.

/// Inner representation of an exchanger.
/// This data structure is wrapped in a mutex.
struct Inner<T> {
    /// There are two wait queues, one per side.
    wait_queues: [WaitQueue<T>; 2],

    /// `true` if the exchanger is closed.
    closed: bool,

/// A two-sided exchanger.
/// This is a concurrent data structure with two sides: left and right. A thread can offer a
/// message on one side, and if there is another thread waiting on the opposite side at the same
/// time, they exchange messages.
/// Instead of *offering* a concrete message for excahnge, a thread can also *promise* a message.
/// If another thread pairs up with the promise on the opposite end, then it will wait until the
/// promise is fulfilled. The thread that promised the message must in the end fulfill it. A
/// promise can also be revoked if nobody is waiting for it.
pub struct Exchanger<T> {
    inner: Mutex<Inner<T>>,

impl<T> Exchanger<T> {
    /// Returns a new exchanger.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Exchanger {
            inner: Mutex::new(Inner {
                wait_queues: [WaitQueue::new(), WaitQueue::new()],
                closed: false,

    /// Returns the left side of the exchanger.
    pub fn left(&self) -> Side<T> {
        Side {
            index: 0,
            exchanger: self,

    /// Returns the right side of the exchanger.
    pub fn right(&self) -> Side<T> {
        Side {
            index: 1,
            exchanger: self,

    /// Closes the exchanger and wakes up all currently blocked operations on it.
    pub fn close(&self) -> bool {
        let mut inner = self.inner.lock();

        if inner.closed {
        } else {
            inner.closed = true;

    /// Returns `true` if the exchanger is closed.
    pub fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {

/// One side of an exchanger.
pub struct Side<'a, T: 'a> {
    /// The index is 0 or 1.
    index: usize,

    /// A reference to the parent exchanger.
    exchanger: &'a Exchanger<T>,

impl<'a, T> Side<'a, T> {
    /// Promises a message for exchange.
    pub fn promise(&self, case_id: CaseId) {

    /// Revokes the previously made promise.
    /// This method should be called right after the case is aborted.
    pub fn revoke(&self, case_id: CaseId) {

    /// Fulfills the previously made promise.
    pub fn fulfill(&self, msg: T) -> T {
        // Wait until the requesting thread gives us a pointer to its `Request`.
        let req = LOCAL.with(|local| {
            let mut backoff = Backoff::new();
            loop {
                let ptr = local.request_ptr.swap(0, Acquire) as *const Request<T>;
                if !ptr.is_null() {
                    break ptr;

        unsafe {
            // First, make a clone of the requesting thread's `Handle`.
            let handle = (*req).handle.clone();

            // Exchange the messages and then notify the requesting thread that it can pick up our
            // message.
            let m = (*req);

            // Wake up the requesting thread.

            // Return the exchanged message.

    /// Exchanges `msg` if there is an offer or promise on the opposite side.
    pub fn try_exchange(&self, msg: T, case_id: CaseId) -> Result<T, ExchangeError<T>> {, Wait::YieldOnce, case_id)

    /// Exchanges `msg`, waiting until the specified `deadline`.
    pub fn exchange_until(
        msg: T,
        deadline: Option<Instant>,
        case_id: CaseId,
    ) -> Result<T, ExchangeError<T>> {, Wait::Until(deadline), case_id)

    /// Returns `true` if there is an offer or promise on the opposite side.
    pub fn can_notify(&self) -> bool {

    /// Exchanges `msg` with the specified `wait` strategy.
    fn exchange(&self, mut msg: T, wait: Wait, case_id: CaseId) -> Result<T, ExchangeError<T>> {
        loop {
            // Allocate a packet on the stack.
            let packet;
                let mut inner = self.exchanger.inner.lock();
                if inner.closed {
                    return Err(ExchangeError::Disconnected(msg));

                // If there's someone on the other side, exchange messages with it.
                if let Some(case) = inner.wait_queues[self.index ^ 1].pop() {
                    return Ok(;

                // Promise a packet with the message.
                packet = Packet::new(msg);
                inner.wait_queues[self.index].offer(&packet, case_id);

            // Wait until the timeout and then try aborting the case.
            let timed_out = match wait {
                Wait::YieldOnce => {
                Wait::Until(deadline) => !handle::current_wait_until(deadline),

            // If someone requested the promised message...
            if handle::current_selected() != CaseId::abort() {
                // Wait until the message is taken and return.
                return Ok(packet.into_inner());

            // Revoke the promise.
            let mut inner = self.exchanger.inner.lock();
            msg = packet.into_inner();

            // If we timed out, return.
            if timed_out {
                return Err(ExchangeError::Timeout(msg));

            // Otherwise, another thread must have woken us up. Let's try again.

/// An entry in a wait queue.
enum Entry<T> {
    /// Offers a concrete message.
    Offer {
        handle: Handle,
        packet: *const Packet<T>,
        case_id: CaseId,
    /// Promises a message.
    Promise {
        local: Arc<Local>,
        case_id: CaseId,

impl<T> Entry<T> {
    /// Exchange `msg` with this entry and wake it up.
    fn exchange(&self, msg: T) -> T {
        match *self {
            // This is an offer.
            // We can exchange messages immediately.
            Entry::Offer {
                ref handle, packet, ..
            } => {
                let m = unsafe { (*packet).exchange(msg) };

            // This is a promise.
            // We must request the message and then wait until the promise is fulfilled.
            Entry::Promise { ref local, .. } => {
                // Reset the current thread's selection case.

                // Create a request on the stack and register it in the owner of this entry.
                let req = Request::new(msg);
       as *const _ as usize, Release);

                // Wake up the owner of this entry.

                // Wait until our selection case is woken.

                // Extract the received message from the request.

    /// Returns the handle associated with the owner of this entry.
    fn handle(&self) -> &Handle {
        match *self {
            Entry::Offer { ref handle, .. } => handle,
            Entry::Promise { ref local, .. } => &local.handle,

    /// Returns the case ID associated with this entry.
    fn case_id(&self) -> CaseId {
        match *self {
            Entry::Offer { case_id, .. } | Entry::Promise { case_id, .. } => case_id,

/// A wait queue in which blocked selection cases are registered.
struct WaitQueue<T> {
    cases: VecDeque<Entry<T>>,

impl<T> WaitQueue<T> {
    /// Creates a new `WaitQueue`.
    fn new() -> Self {
        WaitQueue {
            cases: VecDeque::new(),

    /// Attempts to fire one case owned by another thread and returns it on success.
    fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<Entry<T>> {
        let thread_id = current_thread_id();

        for i in 0..self.cases.len() {
            if self.cases[i].handle().thread_id() != thread_id {
                if self.cases[i].handle().try_select(self.cases[i].case_id()) {
                    let case = self.cases.remove(i).unwrap();
                    return Some(case);


    /// Inserts an *offer* case owned by the current thread with `case_id`.
    fn offer(&mut self, packet: *const Packet<T>, case_id: CaseId) {
        self.cases.push_back(Entry::Offer {
            handle: handle::current(),

    /// Inserts a *promise* case owned by the current thread with `case_id`.
    fn promise(&mut self, case_id: CaseId) {
        self.cases.push_back(Entry::Promise {
            local: LOCAL.with(|l| l.clone()),

    /// Removes a case owned by the current thread with `case_id`.
    fn remove(&mut self, case_id: CaseId) {
        let thread_id = current_thread_id();

        if let Some((i, _)) = self.cases.iter().enumerate().find(|&(_, case)| {
            case.case_id() == case_id && case.handle().thread_id() == thread_id
        }) {

    /// Returns `true` if there exists a case which isn't owned by the current thread.
    fn can_notify(&self) -> bool {
        let thread_id = current_thread_id();

        for i in 0..self.cases.len() {
            if self.cases[i].handle().thread_id() != thread_id {
                return true;

    /// Aborts all cases and unparks threads which own them.
    fn abort_all(&mut self) {
        for case in self.cases.drain(..) {

    /// Shrinks the internal buffer if its capacity is underused.
    fn maybe_shrink(&mut self) {
        if self.cases.capacity() > 32 && self.cases.capacity() / 2 > self.cases.len() {

impl<T> Drop for WaitQueue<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

thread_local! {
    static THREAD_ID: thread::ThreadId = thread::current().id();

/// Returns the current thread ID.
/// This is much faster than calling `std::thread::current().id()`.
fn current_thread_id() -> thread::ThreadId {
    THREAD_ID.with(|id| *id)

thread_local! {
    static LOCAL: Arc<Local> = Arc::new(Local {
        handle: handle::current(),
        request_ptr: AtomicUsize::new(0),

/// Thread-local structure that contains a slot for the `Request` pointer.
struct Local {
    /// The handle associated with this thread.
    handle: Handle,

    /// A slot into which another thread may store a pointer to its `Request`.
    request_ptr: AtomicUsize,

/// A request for promised message.
struct Request<T> {
    /// The handle associated with the requestor.
    handle: Handle,

    /// The message for exchange.
    packet: Packet<T>,

impl<T> Request<T> {
    /// Creates a new request owned by the current thread for exchanging `msg`.
    fn new(msg: T) -> Self {
        Request {
            handle: handle::current(),
            packet: Packet::new(msg),

/// A one-time only packet for exchanging messages.
/// A message can be exchanged for the one inside the packet only once.
struct Packet<T> {
    /// The mutex-protected message.
    msg: Mutex<Option<T>>,

    /// This will become `true` when the message is exchanged.
    ready: AtomicBool,

impl<T> Packet<T> {
    /// Creates a new packet containing `msg`.
    fn new(msg: T) -> Self {
        Packet {
            msg: Mutex::new(Some(msg)),
            ready: AtomicBool::new(false),

    /// Exchanges `msg` for the one inside the packet.
    fn exchange(&self, msg: T) -> T {
        let r = mem::replace(&mut *self.msg.try_lock().unwrap(), Some(msg));, Release);

    /// Extracts the message inside the packet.
    fn into_inner(self) -> T {

    /// Spin-waits until the message inside the packet is exchanged.
    fn wait(&self) {
        let mut backoff = Backoff::new();
        while !self.ready.load(Acquire) {