croaring-sys 0.4.6

Raw bindings to CRoaring
/* auto-generated on Mon 17 Feb 2020 14:42:17 EST. Do not edit! */
#include "roaring.h"
/* begin file cpp/roaring.hh */
A C++ header for Roaring Bitmaps.

#include <stdarg.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <new>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

class RoaringSetBitForwardIterator;

class Roaring {
     * Create an empty bitmap
    Roaring() {

     * Construct a bitmap from a list of integer values.
    Roaring(size_t n, const uint32_t *data) : Roaring() {
        roaring_bitmap_add_many(&roaring, n, data);

     * Copy constructor
    Roaring(const Roaring &r) {
        bool is_ok =
            ra_copy(&r.roaring.high_low_container, &roaring.high_low_container,
        if (!is_ok) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed memory alloc in constructor");

     * Move constructor. The moved object remains valid, i.e.
     * all methods can still be called on it.
    Roaring(Roaring &&r) noexcept {
        roaring = std::move(r.roaring);

     * Construct a roaring object from the C struct.
     * Passing a NULL point is unsafe.
     * the pointer to the C struct will be invalid after the call.
    Roaring(roaring_bitmap_t *s) noexcept {
        // steal the interior struct
        roaring.high_low_container = s->high_low_container;
        // deallocate the old container

     * Construct a bitmap from a list of integer values.
    static Roaring bitmapOf(size_t n, ...) {
        Roaring ans;
        va_list vl;
        va_start(vl, n);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            ans.add(va_arg(vl, uint32_t));
        return ans;

     * Add value x
    void add(uint32_t x) { roaring_bitmap_add(&roaring, x); }

     * Add value x
     * Returns true if a new value was added, false if the value was already existing.
    bool addChecked(uint32_t x) { 
        return roaring_bitmap_add_checked(&roaring, x);

    * add if all values from x (included) to y (excluded)
    void addRange(const uint64_t x, const uint64_t y)  {
        return roaring_bitmap_add_range(&roaring, x, y);

     * Add value n_args from pointer vals
    void addMany(size_t n_args, const uint32_t *vals) {
        roaring_bitmap_add_many(&roaring, n_args, vals);

     * Remove value x
    void remove(uint32_t x) { roaring_bitmap_remove(&roaring, x); }

     * Remove value x
     * Returns true if a new value was removed, false if the value was not existing.
    bool removeChecked(uint32_t x) {
        return roaring_bitmap_remove_checked(&roaring, x);

     * Return the largest value (if not empty)
    uint32_t maximum() const { return roaring_bitmap_maximum(&roaring); }

    * Return the smallest value (if not empty)
    uint32_t minimum() const { return roaring_bitmap_minimum(&roaring); }

     * Check if value x is present
    bool contains(uint32_t x) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_contains(&roaring, x);

    * Check if all values from x (included) to y (excluded) are present
    bool containsRange(const uint64_t x, const uint64_t y) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_contains_range(&roaring, x, y);

     * Destructor
    ~Roaring() { ra_clear(&roaring.high_low_container); }

     * Copies the content of the provided bitmap, and
     * discard the current content.
    Roaring &operator=(const Roaring &r) {
        bool is_ok =
            ra_copy(&r.roaring.high_low_container, &roaring.high_low_container,
        if (!is_ok) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed memory alloc in assignment");
        return *this;

     * Moves the content of the provided bitmap, and
     * discard the current content.
    Roaring &operator=(Roaring &&r) noexcept {
        roaring = std::move(r.roaring);
        return *this;

     * Compute the intersection between the current bitmap and the provided
     * bitmap,
     * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
     * modified.
    Roaring &operator&=(const Roaring &r) {
        roaring_bitmap_and_inplace(&roaring, &r.roaring);
        return *this;

     * Compute the difference between the current bitmap and the provided
     * bitmap,
     * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
     * modified.
    Roaring &operator-=(const Roaring &r) {
        roaring_bitmap_andnot_inplace(&roaring, &r.roaring);
        return *this;

     * Compute the union between the current bitmap and the provided bitmap,
     * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
     * modified.
     * See also the fastunion function to aggregate many bitmaps more quickly.
    Roaring &operator|=(const Roaring &r) {
        roaring_bitmap_or_inplace(&roaring, &r.roaring);
        return *this;

     * Compute the symmetric union between the current bitmap and the provided
     * bitmap,
     * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
     * modified.
    Roaring &operator^=(const Roaring &r) {
        roaring_bitmap_xor_inplace(&roaring, &r.roaring);
        return *this;

     * Exchange the content of this bitmap with another.
    void swap(Roaring &r) { std::swap(r.roaring, roaring); }

     * Get the cardinality of the bitmap (number of elements).
    uint64_t cardinality() const {
        return roaring_bitmap_get_cardinality(&roaring);

    * Returns true if the bitmap is empty (cardinality is zero).
    bool isEmpty() const { return roaring_bitmap_is_empty(&roaring); }

    * Returns true if the bitmap is subset of the other.
    bool isSubset(const Roaring &r) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_is_subset(&roaring, &r.roaring);

    * Returns true if the bitmap is strict subset of the other.
    bool isStrictSubset(const Roaring &r) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_is_strict_subset(&roaring, &r.roaring);

     * Convert the bitmap to an array. Write the output to "ans",
     * caller is responsible to ensure that there is enough memory
     * allocated
     * (e.g., ans = new uint32[mybitmap.cardinality()];)
    void toUint32Array(uint32_t *ans) const {
        roaring_bitmap_to_uint32_array(&roaring, ans);
     * to int array with pagination
    void rangeUint32Array(uint32_t *ans, size_t offset, size_t limit) const {
        roaring_bitmap_range_uint32_array(&roaring, offset, limit, ans);

     * Return true if the two bitmaps contain the same elements.
    bool operator==(const Roaring &r) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_equals(&roaring, &r.roaring);

     * compute the negation of the roaring bitmap within a specified interval.
     * areas outside the range are passed through unchanged.
    void flip(uint64_t range_start, uint64_t range_end) {
        roaring_bitmap_flip_inplace(&roaring, range_start, range_end);

     *  Remove run-length encoding even when it is more space efficient
     *  return whether a change was applied
    bool removeRunCompression() {
        return roaring_bitmap_remove_run_compression(&roaring);

    /** convert array and bitmap containers to run containers when it is more
     * efficient;
     * also convert from run containers when more space efficient.  Returns
     * true if the result has at least one run container.
     * Additional savings might be possible by calling shrinkToFit().
    bool runOptimize() { return roaring_bitmap_run_optimize(&roaring); }

     * If needed, reallocate memory to shrink the memory usage. Returns
     * the number of bytes saved.
    size_t shrinkToFit() { return roaring_bitmap_shrink_to_fit(&roaring); }

     * Iterate over the bitmap elements. The function iterator is called once for
     * all the values with ptr (can be NULL) as the second parameter of each call.
     * roaring_iterator is simply a pointer to a function that returns bool
     * (true means that the iteration should continue while false means that it
     * should stop), and takes (uint32_t,void*) as inputs.
    void iterate(roaring_iterator iterator, void *ptr) const {
        roaring_iterate(&roaring, iterator, ptr);

     * If the size of the roaring bitmap is strictly greater than rank, then
     * this function returns true and set element to the element of given rank.
     *   Otherwise, it returns false.
    bool select(uint32_t rnk, uint32_t *element) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_select(&roaring, rnk, element);

     * Computes the size of the intersection between two bitmaps.
    uint64_t and_cardinality(const Roaring &r) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_and_cardinality(&roaring, &r.roaring);

     * Check whether the two bitmaps intersect.
    bool intersect(const Roaring &r) const {
    	 return roaring_bitmap_intersect(&roaring, &r.roaring);

     * Computes the Jaccard index between two bitmaps. (Also known as the
     * Tanimoto distance,
     * or the Jaccard similarity coefficient)
     * The Jaccard index is undefined if both bitmaps are empty.
    double jaccard_index(const Roaring &r) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_jaccard_index(&roaring, &r.roaring);

     * Computes the size of the union between two bitmaps.
    uint64_t or_cardinality(const Roaring &r) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_or_cardinality(&roaring, &r.roaring);

     * Computes the size of the difference (andnot) between two bitmaps.
    uint64_t andnot_cardinality(const Roaring &r) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_andnot_cardinality(&roaring, &r.roaring);

     * Computes the size of the symmetric difference (andnot) between two
     * bitmaps.
    uint64_t xor_cardinality(const Roaring &r) const {
        return roaring_bitmap_xor_cardinality(&roaring, &r.roaring);

    * Returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x.
    uint64_t rank(uint32_t x) const { return roaring_bitmap_rank(&roaring, x); }

    * write a bitmap to a char buffer. This is meant to be compatible with
    * the
    * Java and Go versions. Returns how many bytes were written which should be
    * getSizeInBytes().
    * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
    * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
    * sparse bitmaps).
    * Boost users can serialize bitmaps in this manner:
    *       namespace boost {
    *       namespace serialization {
    *       template <class Archive>
    *       void save(Archive& ar, const Roaring& bitmask, 
    *          const unsigned int version) {
    *         std::size_t expected_size_in_bytes = bitmask.getSizeInBytes();
    *         std::vector<char> buffer(expected_size_in_bytes);
    *         std::size_t       size_in_bytes = bitmask.write(;
    *         ar& size_in_bytes;
    *         ar& boost::serialization::make_binary_object(, 
    *             size_in_bytes);
    *      }
    *      template <class Archive>
    *      void load(Archive& ar, Roaring& bitmask, 
    *          const unsigned int version) {
    *         std::size_t size_in_bytes = 0;
    *         ar& size_in_bytes;
    *         std::vector<char> buffer(size_in_bytes);
    *         ar&  boost::serialization::make_binary_object(,
    *            size_in_bytes);
    *         bitmask = Roaring::readSafe(, size_in_bytes);
    *}  // namespace serialization
    *}  // namespace boost
    size_t write(char *buf, bool portable = true) const {
        if (portable)
            return roaring_bitmap_portable_serialize(&roaring, buf);
            return roaring_bitmap_serialize(&roaring, buf);

     * read a bitmap from a serialized version. This is meant to be compatible
     * with the Java and Go versions.
     * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
     * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
     * sparse bitmaps).
     * This function is unsafe in the sense that if you provide bad data,
     * many, many bytes could be read. See also readSafe.
    static Roaring read(const char *buf, bool portable = true) {
        roaring_bitmap_t * r = portable ? roaring_bitmap_portable_deserialize(buf) : roaring_bitmap_deserialize(buf);
        if (r == NULL) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed alloc while reading");
        return Roaring(r);
     * read a bitmap from a serialized version, reading no more than maxbytes bytes.
     * This is meant to be compatible with the Java and Go versions.
    static Roaring readSafe(const char *buf, size_t maxbytes) {
        roaring_bitmap_t * r = roaring_bitmap_portable_deserialize_safe(buf,maxbytes);
        if (r == NULL) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed alloc while reading");
        return Roaring(r);
     * How many bytes are required to serialize this bitmap (meant to be
     * compatible
     * with Java and Go versions)
     * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
     * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
     * sparse bitmaps).
    size_t getSizeInBytes(bool portable = true) const {
        if (portable)
            return roaring_bitmap_portable_size_in_bytes(&roaring);
            return roaring_bitmap_size_in_bytes(&roaring);

     * Computes the intersection between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
     * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
    Roaring operator&(const Roaring &o) const {
        roaring_bitmap_t *r = roaring_bitmap_and(&roaring, &o.roaring);
        if (r == NULL) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed materalization in and");
        return Roaring(r);

     * Computes the difference between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
     * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
    Roaring operator-(const Roaring &o) const {
        roaring_bitmap_t *r = roaring_bitmap_andnot(&roaring, &o.roaring);
        if (r == NULL) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed materalization in andnot");
        return Roaring(r);

     * Computes the union between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
     * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
    Roaring operator|(const Roaring &o) const {
        roaring_bitmap_t *r = roaring_bitmap_or(&roaring, &o.roaring);
        if (r == NULL) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed materalization in or");
        return Roaring(r);

     * Computes the symmetric union between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
     * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
    Roaring operator^(const Roaring &o) const {
        roaring_bitmap_t *r = roaring_bitmap_xor(&roaring, &o.roaring);
        if (r == NULL) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed materalization in xor");
        return Roaring(r);

     * Whether or not we apply copy and write.
    void setCopyOnWrite(bool val) {
        roaring_bitmap_set_copy_on_write(&roaring, val);

     * Print the content of the bitmap
    void printf() const { roaring_bitmap_printf(&roaring); }

     * Print the content of the bitmap into a string
    std::string toString() const {
        struct iter_data {
            std::string str;
            char first_char = '{';
        } outer_iter_data;
        if (!isEmpty()) {
                [](uint32_t value, void *inner_iter_data) -> bool {
                    ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str +=
                        ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char;
                    ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str +=
                    ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char = ',';
                    return true;
                (void *)&outer_iter_data);
        } else
            outer_iter_data.str = '{';
        outer_iter_data.str += '}';
        return outer_iter_data.str;

     * Whether or not copy and write is active.
    bool getCopyOnWrite() const {
        return roaring_bitmap_get_copy_on_write(&roaring);

     * computes the logical or (union) between "n" bitmaps (referenced by a
     * pointer).
    static Roaring fastunion(size_t n, const Roaring **inputs) {
        const roaring_bitmap_t **x =
            (const roaring_bitmap_t **)malloc(n * sizeof(roaring_bitmap_t *));
        if (x == NULL) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed memory alloc in fastunion");
        for (size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k) x[k] = &inputs[k]->roaring;

        roaring_bitmap_t *c_ans = roaring_bitmap_or_many(n, x);
        if (c_ans == NULL) {
            throw std::runtime_error("failed memory alloc in fastunion");
        Roaring ans(c_ans);
        return ans;

    typedef RoaringSetBitForwardIterator const_iterator;

    * Returns an iterator that can be used to access the position of the
    * set bits. The running time complexity of a full scan is proportional to
    * the
    * number
    * of set bits: be aware that if you have long strings of 1s, this can be
    * very inefficient.
    * It can be much faster to use the toArray method if you want to
    * retrieve the set bits.
    const_iterator begin() const;

    * A bogus iterator that can be used together with begin()
    * for constructions such as for(auto i = b.begin();
    * i!=b.end(); ++i) {}
    const_iterator &end() const;

    roaring_bitmap_t roaring;

 * Used to go through the set bits. Not optimally fast, but convenient.
class RoaringSetBitForwardIterator final {
    typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
    typedef uint32_t *pointer;
    typedef uint32_t &reference_type;
    typedef uint32_t value_type;
    typedef int32_t difference_type;
    typedef RoaringSetBitForwardIterator type_of_iterator;

     * Provides the location of the set bit.
    value_type operator*() const { return i.current_value; }

    bool operator<(const type_of_iterator &o) {
        if (!i.has_value) return false;
        if (!o.i.has_value) return true;
        return i.current_value < *o;

    bool operator<=(const type_of_iterator &o) {
        if (!o.i.has_value) return true;
        if (!i.has_value) return false;
        return i.current_value <= *o;

    bool operator>(const type_of_iterator &o) {
        if (!o.i.has_value) return false;
        if (!i.has_value) return true;
        return i.current_value > *o;

    bool operator>=(const type_of_iterator &o) {
        if (!i.has_value) return true;
        if (!o.i.has_value) return false;
        return i.current_value >= *o;

    * Move the iterator to the first value >= val.
    void equalorlarger(uint32_t val) {

    type_of_iterator &operator++() {  // ++i, must returned inc. value
        return *this;

    type_of_iterator operator++(int) {  // i++, must return orig. value
        RoaringSetBitForwardIterator orig(*this);
        return orig;

    type_of_iterator& operator--() { // prefix --
        return *this;

    type_of_iterator operator--(int) { // postfix --
        RoaringSetBitForwardIterator orig(*this);
        return orig;

    bool operator==(const RoaringSetBitForwardIterator &o) const {
        return i.current_value == *o && i.has_value == o.i.has_value;

    bool operator!=(const RoaringSetBitForwardIterator &o) const {
        return i.current_value != *o || i.has_value != o.i.has_value;

    RoaringSetBitForwardIterator(const Roaring &parent,
                                 bool exhausted = false) {
        if (exhausted) {
            i.parent = &parent.roaring;
            i.container_index = INT32_MAX;
            i.has_value = false;
            i.current_value = UINT32_MAX;
        } else {
            roaring_init_iterator(&parent.roaring, &i);

    roaring_uint32_iterator_t i;

inline RoaringSetBitForwardIterator Roaring::begin() const {
    return RoaringSetBitForwardIterator(*this);

inline RoaringSetBitForwardIterator &Roaring::end() const {
    static RoaringSetBitForwardIterator e(*this, true);
    return e;

#endif /* INCLUDE_ROARING_HH_ */
/* end file cpp/roaring.hh */
/* begin file cpp/roaring64map.hh */
A C++ header for 64-bit Roaring Bitmaps, implemented by way of a map of many
32-bit Roaring Bitmaps.

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <new>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

class Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator;
class Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator;

class Roaring64Map {
     * Create an empty bitmap
    Roaring64Map() = default;

     * Construct a bitmap from a list of 32-bit integer values.
    Roaring64Map(size_t n, const uint32_t *data) { addMany(n, data); }

     * Construct a bitmap from a list of 64-bit integer values.
    Roaring64Map(size_t n, const uint64_t *data) { addMany(n, data); }

     * Construct a 64-bit map from a 32-bit one
    Roaring64Map(const Roaring &r) { emplaceOrInsert(0, r); }

     * Construct a roaring object from the C struct.
     * Passing a NULL point is unsafe.
    Roaring64Map(roaring_bitmap_t *s) { emplaceOrInsert(0, s); }

	 * Assignment operator.
	Roaring64Map &operator=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
		roarings = r.roarings;
		return *this;
     * Construct a bitmap from a list of integer values.
    static Roaring64Map bitmapOf(size_t n...) {
        Roaring64Map ans;
        va_list vl;
        va_start(vl, n);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            ans.add(va_arg(vl, uint64_t));
        return ans;

     * Add value x
    void add(uint32_t x) {
    void add(uint64_t x) {

     * Add value x
     * Returns true if a new value was added, false if the value was already existing.
    bool addChecked(uint32_t x) {
        bool result = roarings[0].addChecked(x);
        return result;
    bool addChecked(uint64_t x) {
        bool result = roarings[highBytes(x)].addChecked(lowBytes(x));
        return result;

     * Add value n_args from pointer vals
    void addMany(size_t n_args, const uint32_t *vals) {
        for (size_t lcv = 0; lcv < n_args; lcv++) {
    void addMany(size_t n_args, const uint64_t *vals) {
        for (size_t lcv = 0; lcv < n_args; lcv++) {

     * Remove value x
    void remove(uint32_t x) { roarings[0].remove(x); }
    void remove(uint64_t x) {
        auto roaring_iter = roarings.find(highBytes(x));
        if (roaring_iter != roarings.cend())

     * Remove value x
     * Returns true if a new value was removed, false if the value was not existing.
    bool removeChecked(uint32_t x) {
        return roarings[0].removeChecked(x);
    bool removeChecked(uint64_t x) {
        auto roaring_iter = roarings.find(highBytes(x));
        if (roaring_iter != roarings.cend())
            return roaring_iter->second.removeChecked(lowBytes(x));
        return false;

     * Clear the bitmap
	void clear() {
     * Return the largest value (if not empty)
    uint64_t maximum() const {
        for (auto roaring_iter = roarings.crbegin();
             roaring_iter != roarings.crend(); ++roaring_iter) {
            if (!roaring_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
                return uniteBytes(roaring_iter->first,
        // we put std::numeric_limits<>::max/min in parenthesis
        // to avoid a clash with the Windows.h header under Windows
        return (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min)();

     * Return the smallest value (if not empty)
    uint64_t minimum() const {
        for (auto roaring_iter = roarings.cbegin();
             roaring_iter != roarings.cend(); ++roaring_iter) {
            if (!roaring_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
                return uniteBytes(roaring_iter->first,
        // we put std::numeric_limits<>::max/min in parenthesis
        // to avoid a clash with the Windows.h header under Windows
        return (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max)();

     * Check if value x is present
    bool contains(uint32_t x) const {
        return roarings.count(0) == 0 ? false :;
    bool contains(uint64_t x) const {
        return roarings.count(highBytes(x)) == 0
                   ? false

     * Compute the intersection between the current bitmap and the provided
     * bitmap,
     * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
     * modified.
    Roaring64Map &operator&=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
        for (auto &map_entry : roarings) {
            if (r.roarings.count(map_entry.first) == 1)
                map_entry.second &=;
                map_entry.second = Roaring();
        return *this;

     * Compute the difference between the current bitmap and the provided
     * bitmap,
     * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
     * modified.
    Roaring64Map &operator-=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
        for (auto &map_entry : roarings) {
            if (r.roarings.count(map_entry.first) == 1)
                map_entry.second -=;
        return *this;

     * Compute the union between the current bitmap and the provided bitmap,
     * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
     * modified.
     * See also the fastunion function to aggregate many bitmaps more quickly.
    Roaring64Map &operator|=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
        for (const auto &map_entry : r.roarings) {
            if (roarings.count(map_entry.first) == 0) {
                roarings[map_entry.first] = map_entry.second;
            } else
                roarings[map_entry.first] |= map_entry.second;
        return *this;

     * Compute the symmetric union between the current bitmap and the provided
     * bitmap,
     * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
     * modified.
    Roaring64Map &operator^=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
        for (const auto &map_entry : r.roarings) {
            if (roarings.count(map_entry.first) == 0) {
                roarings[map_entry.first] = map_entry.second;
            } else
                roarings[map_entry.first] ^= map_entry.second;
        return *this;

     * Exchange the content of this bitmap with another.
    void swap(Roaring64Map &r) { roarings.swap(r.roarings); }

     * Get the cardinality of the bitmap (number of elements).
     * Throws std::length_error in the special case where the bitmap is full
     * (cardinality() == 2^64). Check isFull() before calling to avoid
     * exception.
    uint64_t cardinality() const {
        if (isFull()) {
            throw std::length_error(
                "bitmap is full, cardinality is 2^64, "
                "unable to represent in a 64-bit integer");
        return std::accumulate(
            roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(), (uint64_t)0,
            [](uint64_t previous,
               const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                return previous + map_entry.second.cardinality();

    * Returns true if the bitmap is empty (cardinality is zero).
    bool isEmpty() const {
        return std::all_of(roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(),
                           [](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                               return map_entry.second.isEmpty();

    * Returns true if the bitmap is full (cardinality is max uint64_t + 1).
    bool isFull() const {
        // only bother to check if map is fully saturated
        // we put std::numeric_limits<>::max/min in parenthesis
        // to avoid a clash with the Windows.h header under Windows
        return roarings.size() ==
                       ((size_t)(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max)()) + 1
                   ? std::all_of(
                         roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(),
                         [](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &roaring_map_entry) {
                             // roarings within map are saturated if cardinality
                             // is uint32_t max + 1
                             return roaring_map_entry.second.cardinality() ==
                                         (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max)()) +
                   : false;

    * Returns true if the bitmap is subset of the other.
    bool isSubset(const Roaring64Map &r) const {
        for (const auto &map_entry : roarings) {
            auto roaring_iter = r.roarings.find(map_entry.first);
            if (roaring_iter == roarings.cend())
                return false;
            else if (!map_entry.second.isSubset(roaring_iter->second))
                return false;
        return true;

    * Returns true if the bitmap is strict subset of the other.
    * Throws std::length_error in the special case where the bitmap is full
    * (cardinality() == 2^64). Check isFull() before calling to avoid exception.
    bool isStrictSubset(const Roaring64Map &r) const {
        return isSubset(r) && cardinality() != r.cardinality();

     * Convert the bitmap to an array. Write the output to "ans",
     * caller is responsible to ensure that there is enough memory
     * allocated
     * (e.g., ans = new uint32[mybitmap.cardinality()];)
    void toUint64Array(uint64_t *ans) const {
        // Annoyingly, VS 2017 marks std::accumulate() as [[nodiscard]]
        (void)std::accumulate(roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(), ans,
                              [](uint64_t *previous,
                                 const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                                  for (uint32_t low_bits : map_entry.second)
                                      *previous++ =
                                          uniteBytes(map_entry.first, low_bits);
                                  return previous;

     * Return true if the two bitmaps contain the same elements.
    bool operator==(const Roaring64Map &r) const {
        // we cannot use operator == on the map because either side may contain
        // empty Roaring Bitmaps
        auto lhs_iter = roarings.cbegin();
        auto rhs_iter = r.roarings.cbegin();
        do {
            // if the left map has reached its end, ensure that the right map
            // contains only empty Bitmaps
            if (lhs_iter == roarings.cend()) {
                while (rhs_iter != r.roarings.cend()) {
                    if (rhs_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
                    return false;
                return true;
            // if the left map has an empty bitmap, skip it
            if (lhs_iter->second.isEmpty()) {

            do {
                // if the right map has reached its end, ensure that the right
                // map contains only empty Bitmaps
                if (rhs_iter == r.roarings.cend()) {
                    while (lhs_iter != roarings.cend()) {
                        if (lhs_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
                // if the right map has an empty bitmap, skip it
                if (rhs_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
            } while (false);
            // if neither map has reached its end ensure elements are equal and
            // move to the next element in both
        } while (lhs_iter++->second == rhs_iter++->second);
        return false;

     * compute the negation of the roaring bitmap within a specified interval.
     * areas outside the range are passed through unchanged.
    void flip(uint64_t range_start, uint64_t range_end) {
        uint32_t start_high = highBytes(range_start);
        uint32_t start_low = lowBytes(range_start);
        uint32_t end_high = highBytes(range_end);
        uint32_t end_low = lowBytes(range_end);

        if (start_high == end_high) {
            roarings[start_high].flip(start_low, end_low);
        // we put std::numeric_limits<>::max/min in parenthesis
        // to avoid a clash with the Windows.h header under Windows

        for (; start_high <= highBytes(range_end) - 1; ++start_high) {


     *  Remove run-length encoding even when it is more space efficient
     *  return whether a change was applied
    bool removeRunCompression() {
        return std::accumulate(
            roarings.begin(), roarings.end(), true,
            [](bool previous, std::pair<const uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                return map_entry.second.removeRunCompression() && previous;

    /** convert array and bitmap containers to run containers when it is more
     * efficient;
     * also convert from run containers when more space efficient.  Returns
     * true if the result has at least one run container.
     * Additional savings might be possible by calling shrinkToFit().
    bool runOptimize() {
        return std::accumulate(
            roarings.begin(), roarings.end(), true,
            [](bool previous, std::pair<const uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                return map_entry.second.runOptimize() && previous;

     * If needed, reallocate memory to shrink the memory usage. Returns
     * the number of bytes saved.
    size_t shrinkToFit() {
        size_t savedBytes = 0;
        auto iter = roarings.begin();
        while (iter != roarings.cend()) {
            if (iter->second.isEmpty()) {
                // empty Roarings are 84 bytes
                savedBytes += 88;
            } else {
                savedBytes += iter->second.shrinkToFit();
        return savedBytes;

     * Iterate over the bitmap elements. The function iterator is called once
     * for all the values with ptr (can be NULL) as the second parameter of each
     * call.
     * roaring_iterator is simply a pointer to a function that returns bool
     * (true means that the iteration should continue while false means that it
     * should stop), and takes (uint32_t,void*) as inputs.
    void iterate(roaring_iterator64 iterator, void *ptr) const {
        std::for_each(roarings.begin(), roarings.cend(),
                      [=](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                          roaring_iterate64(&map_entry.second.roaring, iterator,
                                            uint64_t(map_entry.first) << 32,

     * If the size of the roaring bitmap is strictly greater than rank, then
       function returns true and set element to the element of given rank.
       Otherwise, it returns false.
    bool select(uint64_t rnk, uint64_t *element) const {
        for (const auto &map_entry : roarings) {
            uint64_t sub_cardinality = (uint64_t)map_entry.second.cardinality();
            if (rnk < sub_cardinality) {
                *element = ((uint64_t)map_entry.first) << 32;
                // assuming little endian
                                               ((uint32_t *)element));
            rnk -= sub_cardinality;
        return false;

    * Returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x.
    uint64_t rank(uint64_t x) const {
        uint64_t result = 0;
        auto roaring_destination = roarings.find(highBytes(x));
        if (roaring_destination != roarings.cend()) {
            for (auto roaring_iter = roarings.cbegin();
                 roaring_iter != roaring_destination; ++roaring_iter) {
                result += roaring_iter->second.cardinality();
            result += roaring_destination->second.rank(lowBytes(x));
            return result;
        roaring_destination = roarings.lower_bound(highBytes(x));
        for (auto roaring_iter = roarings.cbegin();
             roaring_iter != roaring_destination; ++roaring_iter) {
            result += roaring_iter->second.cardinality();
        return result;

     * write a bitmap to a char buffer. This is meant to be compatible with
     * the
     * Java and Go versions. Returns how many bytes were written which should be
     * getSizeInBytes().
     * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
     * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
     * sparse bitmaps).
    size_t write(char *buf, bool portable = true) const {
        const char *orig = buf;
        // push map size
        *((uint64_t *)buf) = roarings.size();
        buf += sizeof(uint64_t);
            roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(),
            [&buf, portable](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                // push map key
                memcpy(buf, &map_entry.first,
                       sizeof(uint32_t));  // this is undefined:
                                           // *((uint32_t*)buf) =
                                           // map_entry.first;
                buf += sizeof(uint32_t);
                // push map value Roaring
                buf += map_entry.second.write(buf, portable);
        return buf - orig;

     * read a bitmap from a serialized version. This is meant to be compatible
     * with
     * the
     * Java and Go versions.
     * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
     * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
     * sparse bitmaps).
     * This function is unsafe in the sense that if you provide bad data,
     * many bytes could be read, possibly causing a buffer overflow. See also readSafe.
    static Roaring64Map read(const char *buf, bool portable = true) {
        Roaring64Map result;
        // get map size
        uint64_t map_size = *((uint64_t *)buf);
        buf += sizeof(uint64_t);
        for (uint64_t lcv = 0; lcv < map_size; lcv++) {
            // get map key
            uint32_t key;
            memcpy(&key, buf, sizeof(uint32_t));  // this is undefined: uint32_t
                                                  // key = *((uint32_t*)buf);
            buf += sizeof(uint32_t);
            // read map value Roaring
            Roaring read = Roaring::read(buf, portable);
            result.emplaceOrInsert(key, read);
            // forward buffer past the last Roaring Bitmap
            buf += read.getSizeInBytes(portable);
        return result;

     * read a bitmap from a serialized version, reading no more than maxbytes bytes.
     * This is meant to be compatible with the Java and Go versions.
     * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
     * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
     * sparse bitmaps).
    static Roaring64Map readSafe(const char *buf, size_t maxbytes) {
        Roaring64Map result;
        // get map size
        uint64_t map_size = *((uint64_t *)buf);
        buf += sizeof(uint64_t);
        for (uint64_t lcv = 0; lcv < map_size; lcv++) {
            // get map key
            if(maxbytes < sizeof(uint32_t)) {
                throw std::runtime_error("ran out of bytes");
            uint32_t key;
            memcpy(&key, buf, sizeof(uint32_t));  // this is undefined: uint32_t
                                                  // key = *((uint32_t*)buf);
            buf += sizeof(uint32_t);
            maxbytes -= sizeof(uint32_t);
            // read map value Roaring
            Roaring read = Roaring::readSafe(buf, maxbytes);
            result.emplaceOrInsert(key, read);
            // forward buffer past the last Roaring Bitmap
            size_t tz = read.getSizeInBytes(true);
            buf += tz;
            maxbytes -= tz;
        return result;

     * How many bytes are required to serialize this bitmap (meant to be
     * compatible
     * with Java and Go versions)
     * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
     * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
     * sparse bitmaps).
    size_t getSizeInBytes(bool portable = true) const {
        // start with, respectively, map size and size of keys for each map
        // entry
        return std::accumulate(
            roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(),
            sizeof(uint64_t) + roarings.size() * sizeof(uint32_t),
            [=](size_t previous,
                const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                // add in bytes used by each Roaring
                return previous + map_entry.second.getSizeInBytes(portable);

     * Computes the intersection between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
     * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
    Roaring64Map operator&(const Roaring64Map &o) const {
        return Roaring64Map(*this) &= o;

     * Computes the difference between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
     * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
    Roaring64Map operator-(const Roaring64Map &o) const {
        return Roaring64Map(*this) -= o;

     * Computes the union between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
     * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
    Roaring64Map operator|(const Roaring64Map &o) const {
        return Roaring64Map(*this) |= o;

     * Computes the symmetric union between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
     * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
    Roaring64Map operator^(const Roaring64Map &o) const {
        return Roaring64Map(*this) ^= o;

     * Whether or not we apply copy and write.
    void setCopyOnWrite(bool val) {
        if (copyOnWrite == val) return;
        copyOnWrite = val;
        std::for_each(roarings.begin(), roarings.end(),
                      [=](std::pair<const uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {

     * Print the content of the bitmap
    void printf() const {
        if (!isEmpty()) {
            auto map_iter = roarings.cbegin();
            while (map_iter->second.isEmpty()) ++map_iter;
            struct iter_data {
                uint32_t high_bits;
                char first_char = '{';
            } outer_iter_data;
            outer_iter_data.high_bits = roarings.begin()->first;
                [](uint32_t low_bits, void *inner_iter_data) -> bool {
                                ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char,
                                (long long unsigned)uniteBytes(
                                    ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->high_bits,
                    ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char = ',';
                    return true;
                (void *)&outer_iter_data);
                ++map_iter, roarings.cend(),
                [](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                        [](uint32_t low_bits, void *high_bits) -> bool {
                                        (long long unsigned)uniteBytes(
                                            *(uint32_t *)high_bits, low_bits));
                            return true;
                        (void *)&map_entry.first);
        } else

     * Print the content of the bitmap into a string
    std::string toString() const {
        struct iter_data {
            std::string str;
            uint32_t high_bits;
            char first_char = '{';
        } outer_iter_data;
        if (!isEmpty()) {
            auto map_iter = roarings.cbegin();
            while (map_iter->second.isEmpty()) ++map_iter;
            outer_iter_data.high_bits = roarings.begin()->first;
                [](uint32_t low_bits, void *inner_iter_data) -> bool {
                    ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str +=
                        ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char;
                    ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str += std::to_string(
                        uniteBytes(((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->high_bits,
                    ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char = ',';
                    return true;
                (void *)&outer_iter_data);
                ++map_iter, roarings.cend(),
                    const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
                    outer_iter_data.high_bits = map_entry.first;
                        [](uint32_t low_bits, void *inner_iter_data) -> bool {
                            ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str +=
                                ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char;
                            ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str +=
                                    ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->high_bits,
                            return true;
                        (void *)&outer_iter_data);
        } else
            outer_iter_data.str = '{';
        outer_iter_data.str += '}';
        return outer_iter_data.str;

     * Whether or not copy and write is active.
    bool getCopyOnWrite() const { return copyOnWrite; }

     * computes the logical or (union) between "n" bitmaps (referenced by a
     * pointer).
    static Roaring64Map fastunion(size_t n, const Roaring64Map **inputs) {
        Roaring64Map ans;
        // not particularly fast
        for (size_t lcv = 0; lcv < n; ++lcv) {
            ans |= *(inputs[lcv]);
        return ans;

    friend class Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator;
	friend class Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator;
    typedef Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator const_iterator;
    typedef Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator const_bidirectional_iterator;	

    * Returns an iterator that can be used to access the position of the
    * set bits. The running time complexity of a full scan is proportional to
    * the
    * number
    * of set bits: be aware that if you have long strings of 1s, this can be
    * very inefficient.
    * It can be much faster to use the toArray method if you want to
    * retrieve the set bits.
    const_iterator begin() const;

    * A bogus iterator that can be used together with begin()
    * for constructions such as for(auto i = b.begin();
    * i!=b.end(); ++i) {}
    const_iterator end() const;
    std::map<uint32_t, Roaring> roarings;
    bool copyOnWrite = false;
    static uint32_t highBytes(const uint64_t in) { return uint32_t(in >> 32); }
    static uint32_t lowBytes(const uint64_t in) { return uint32_t(in); }
    static uint64_t uniteBytes(const uint32_t highBytes,
                               const uint32_t lowBytes) {
        return (uint64_t(highBytes) << 32) | uint64_t(lowBytes);
    // this is needed to tolerate gcc's C++11 libstdc++ lacking emplace
    // prior to version 4.8
    void emplaceOrInsert(const uint32_t key, const Roaring &value) {
#if defined(__GLIBCXX__) && __GLIBCXX__ < 20130322
        roarings.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));
        roarings.emplace(std::make_pair(key, value));

 * Used to go through the set bits. Not optimally fast, but convenient.
class Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator {
    typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
    typedef uint64_t *pointer;
    typedef uint64_t &reference_type;
    typedef uint64_t value_type;
    typedef int64_t difference_type;
    typedef Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator type_of_iterator;

     * Provides the location of the set bit.
    value_type operator*() const {
        return Roaring64Map::uniteBytes(map_iter->first, i.current_value);

    bool operator<(const type_of_iterator &o) {
        if (map_iter == map_end) return false;
        if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return true;
        return **this < *o;

    bool operator<=(const type_of_iterator &o) {
        if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return true;
        if (map_iter == map_end) return false;
        return **this <= *o;

    bool operator>(const type_of_iterator &o) {
        if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return false;
        if (map_iter == map_end) return true;
        return **this > *o;

    bool operator>=(const type_of_iterator &o) {
        if (map_iter == map_end) return true;
        if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return false;
        return **this >= *o;

    type_of_iterator &operator++() {  // ++i, must returned inc. value
        if (i.has_value == true) roaring_advance_uint32_iterator(&i);
        while (!i.has_value) {
            if (map_iter == map_end) return *this;
            roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
        return *this;

    type_of_iterator operator++(int) {  // i++, must return orig. value
        Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator orig(*this);
        while (!i.has_value) {
            if (map_iter == map_end) return orig;
            roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
        return orig;
	bool move(const value_type& x) {
		map_iter = p.lower_bound(Roaring64Map::highBytes(x));
		if (map_iter != p.cend()) {
			roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
			if (map_iter->first == Roaring64Map::highBytes(x)) {
				if (roaring_move_uint32_iterator_equalorlarger(&i, Roaring64Map::lowBytes(x)))
					return true;
				if (map_iter == map_end) return false;
				roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
			return true;
		return false;
	bool operator==(const Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator &o) {
        if (map_iter == map_end && o.map_iter == o.map_end) return true;
        if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return false;
        return **this == *o;

    bool operator!=(const Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator &o) {
        if (map_iter == map_end && o.map_iter == o.map_end) return false;
        if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return true;
        return **this != *o;

	Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator &operator=(const Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator& r) {
		map_iter = r.map_iter;
		map_end = r.map_end;
		i = r.i;
		return *this;
    Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator(const Roaring64Map &parent,
                                      bool exhausted = false)
        : p(parent.roarings), map_end(parent.roarings.cend()) {
        if (exhausted || parent.roarings.empty()) {
            map_iter = parent.roarings.cend();
        } else {
            map_iter = parent.roarings.cbegin();
            roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
            while (!i.has_value) {
                if (map_iter == map_end) return;
                roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);

	const std::map<uint32_t, Roaring>& p;
    std::map<uint32_t, Roaring>::const_iterator map_iter;
    std::map<uint32_t, Roaring>::const_iterator map_end;
    roaring_uint32_iterator_t i;

class Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator final :public Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator {
	Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator(const Roaring64Map &parent,
											bool exhausted = false)
        : Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator(parent, exhausted), map_begin(parent.roarings.cbegin()) {}

	Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator &operator=(const Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator& r) {
		*(Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator*)this = r;
		return *this;
	type_of_iterator& operator--() { //  --i, must return dec.value
		if (map_iter == map_end) {
			roaring_init_iterator_last(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
			if (i.has_value) return *this;
        while (!i.has_value) {
			if (map_iter == map_begin) return *this;
            roaring_init_iterator_last(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
        return *this;

	type_of_iterator operator--(int) {  // i--, must return orig. value
        Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator orig(*this);
		if (map_iter == map_end) {
			roaring_init_iterator_last(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
			return orig;
        while (!i.has_value) {
            if (map_iter == map_begin) return orig;
            roaring_init_iterator_last(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
        return orig;
	std::map<uint32_t, Roaring>::const_iterator map_begin;

inline Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator Roaring64Map::begin() const {
    return Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator(*this);

inline Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator Roaring64Map::end() const {
    return Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator(*this, true);

#endif /* INCLUDE_ROARING_64_MAP_HH_ */
/* end file cpp/roaring64map.hh */