crndm 0.1.0

Persistent Programming Library
# Corundum: A Persistent Memory Programming Library in Rust

`crndm` provides persistent memory support for Rust applications. This
is useful for developing safe persistent memory applications without concerning
much about crash consistency and data loss.

Carefully using Rust's strict type checking rules and borrowing mechanism,
`crndm` guarantees that the implementation is free of common persistent memory
related bugs. `crndm` leaves the software implementation with zero persistent
memory related problems of the following types:

* A persistent pointer pointing to the volatile heap,
* Cross pool pointers,
* Unrecoverable modification to data,
* Data inconsistency due to power-failure,
* plus All memory-related issues that Rust handles.

Developers will see these issues during the design time. Therefore, it lowers
the risk of making mistakes. `crndm`'s programming model consists of using safe
persistent pointers and software transactional memory.

Three pointer-wrappers lie at the heart of `crndm` interface. Developers may use
them to allocate persistent memory safely.

* [`Pbox<T>`]src/ the simplest form of dynamic allocation,
* [`Prc<T>`]src/ a single-thread reference counted pointer for shared
    persistent objects,
* [`Parc<T>`]src/sync/ a thread-safe reference-counted pointer for
    shared persistent objects.

## Dependencies

`crndm` depends on some unstable features of Rust. Therefore, it requires
nightly Rust compiler [1.50.0-nightly](
Please run the following commands to download the latest version of Rust (See
[] for more details).

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup default nightly

Corundum is also partially dependent on a few 3rd party crates which are listed
in [`Cargo.toml`](Cargo.toml#L35-L46).

## Usage

Use either of the following instructions to add `crndm` in your `Cargo.toml`
dependencies section:

crndm = { git = "" }

Or (will be available in ``, soon)

crndm = "0.1.0"

### Memory Pools

A memory pool is a type that implements all necessary interfaces for working
with persistent memory. You can use the default memory pool, or define a new
memory pool type. The latter requires your type implementing
[`MemPool`](src/alloc/ trait. Please see the
[pass-through](src/alloc/ allocator as an example. To automatically
implement a new pool type, `pool!()` macro is provided which creates a new module
with a `BuddyAlloc` type.


### Opening a memory pool file

The first thing to do is to open the memory pool file(s) before using it. You
can do this by using either `open()` or `open_no_root()` methods. The first one
returns a the `root` object given a root object type. The second one returns a
`guard` object; the pool remains open as long as the `root`/`guard` object is in
the scope. The open functions take a pool file path and a flag set to create
the pool file.

if let Ok(_) = my_mod::BuddyAlloc::open_no_root("image", O_F) {
    println!("Image file is formatted and ready to use");
} else {
    println!("No image file found");

if let Ok(root) = my_mod::BuddyAlloc::open::<Root>("image", O_F) {
    println!("Image file is formatted and the root object is created ({:?})", root);
} else {
    println!("No image file");

### PM Safe Data Structures

You may define any data structure with the given pointers, and without any raw
pointers or references. Corundum helps you to write the right code down the road.

use crndm::rc::Prc;
use crndm::cell::LogCell;

type A = BuddyAlloc;

struct MyData {
    id: i32,
    link: Option<Prc<LogRefCell<MyData, A>, A>>

You may find it disturbing to specify the pool in every type. Corundum uses type
aliasing and procedural macros to provide an easier way for defining new data
structures. The `pool!()` macro aliases all persistent types associated with the
internal pool type. For example

use my_pool::*;

struct MyData {
    id: i32,
    link: Option<Prc<PRefCell<MyData>>>

`PClone` and `Root` procedural macros can also be used to automatically derive
the implementation of the corresponding traits for the type.

use crndm::default::*;

#[derive(PClone, Root)]
struct MyData {
    id: i32,
    link: Option<Prc<PRefCell<MyData>>>

### Transactional Memory

`crndm` does not allow any modification to the protected data outside a
transaction. To let mutably borrowing the protected data, you may wrap it in
[`LogCell`](src/stm/, [`Mutex`](src/sync/, etc.,
and use their corresponding interface for interior mutability which requires a
reference to a journal object. To obtain a journal, you may use `transaction`.

transaction(|j| {
    let my_data = Prc::new(LogRefCell::new(
        MyData {
            id: 1,
            link: None
        }), j);
    let mut my_data = my_data.borrow_mut(j); = 2;

## Documentation

Please visit the [`Documentation`]( page for
more information.

## Issues and Contribution

Please feel free to report any bug using GitHub issues.

If you have other questions or suggestions, you can contact us

### License

'crndm' crate is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0,

Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and
conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions.