criterion 0.2.3

Statistics-driven micro-benchmarking library
//! A statistics-driven micro-benchmarking library written in Rust.
//! This crate is a microbenchmarking library which aims to provide strong
//! statistical confidence in detecting and estimating the size of performance
//! improvements and regressions, whle also being easy to use.
//! See
//! [the user guide](
//! for examples as well as details on the measurement and analysis process,
//! and the output.
//! ## Features:
//! * Benchmark Rust code as well as external programs
//! * Collects detailed statistics, providing strong confidence that changes
//!   to performance are real, not measurement noise
//! * Produces detailed charts, providing thorough understanding of your code's
//!   performance behavior.

#![cfg_attr(feature = "real_blackbox", feature(test))]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "html_reports"), allow(dead_code))]

extern crate atty;
extern crate clap;
extern crate criterion_stats as stats;
extern crate failure;
extern crate itertools;
extern crate itertools_num;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate simplelog;

#[cfg(feature = "html_reports")]
extern crate criterion_plot;

#[cfg(feature = "html_reports")]
extern crate handlebars;

#[cfg(feature = "real_blackbox")]
extern crate test;

extern crate log;

extern crate failure_derive;

extern crate serde_derive;

// Needs to be declared before other modules
// in order to be usable there.
mod macros_private;
mod analysis;
mod benchmark;
mod error;
mod estimate;
mod format;
mod fs;
mod macros;
mod program;
mod report;
mod routine;

#[cfg(feature = "html_reports")]
mod kde;

#[cfg(feature = "html_reports")]
mod plot;

#[cfg(feature = "html_reports")]
mod html;

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::default::Default;
use std::iter::IntoIterator;
use std::process::Command;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::{fmt, mem};

use benchmark::BenchmarkConfig;
use benchmark::NamedRoutine;
use estimate::{Distributions, Estimates, Statistic};
use plotting::Plotting;
use report::{CliReport, Report, ReportContext, Reports};
use routine::Function;

#[cfg(feature = "html_reports")]
use html::Html;

pub use benchmark::{Benchmark, BenchmarkDefinition, ParameterizedBenchmark};

fn debug_enabled() -> bool {
    std::env::vars().any(|(key, _)| key == "CRITERION_DEBUG")

/// Initialize the logging for a Criterion benchmark. This should be called
/// first before executing Criterion benchmarks, unless the user provides their
/// own logging infrastructure.
pub fn init_logging() {
    use simplelog::*;
    let filter = if debug_enabled() {
    } else {

    SimpleLogger::init(filter, Config::default()).unwrap();

/// A function that is opaque to the optimizer, used to prevent the compiler from
/// optimizing away computations in a benchmark.
/// This variant is backed by the (unstable) test::black_box function.
#[cfg(feature = "real_blackbox")]
pub fn black_box<T>(dummy: T) -> T {

/// A function that is opaque to the optimizer, used to prevent the compiler from
/// optimizing away computations in a benchmark.
/// This variant is stable-compatible, but it may cause some performance overhead
/// or fail to prevent code from being eliminated.
#[cfg(not(feature = "real_blackbox"))]
pub fn black_box<T>(dummy: T) -> T {
    unsafe {
        let ret = std::ptr::read_volatile(&dummy);

/// Representing a function to benchmark together with a name of that function.
/// Used together with `bench_functions` to represent one out of multiple functions
/// under benchmark.
pub struct Fun<I: fmt::Debug> {
    f: NamedRoutine<I>,

impl<I> Fun<I>
    I: fmt::Debug + 'static,
    /// Create a new `Fun` given a name and a closure
    pub fn new<F>(name: &str, f: F) -> Fun<I>
        F: FnMut(&mut Bencher, &I) + 'static,
        let routine = NamedRoutine {
            id: name.to_owned(),
            f: Box::new(RefCell::new(Function::new(f))),

        Fun { f: routine }

/// Helper struct to time routines
/// This struct provides different timing loops as methods. Each timing loop provides a different
/// way to time a routine and each has advantages and disadvantages.
/// * If your routine returns a value with an expensive `drop` method, use
///   `iter_with_large_drop`.
/// * If your routine requires some per-iteration setup that shouldn't be timed,
///   use `iter_with_setup` or (if the setup is expensive) use `iter_with_large_setup`
///   to construct a pool of input data ahead of time
/// * Otherwise, use `iter`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Bencher {
    iterated: bool,
    iters: u64,
    elapsed: Duration,

impl Bencher {
    /// Times a `routine` by executing it many times and timing the total elapsed time.
    /// Prefer this timing loop when `routine` returns a value that doesn't have a destructor.
    /// # Timing loop
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use std::time::Instant;
    /// # fn routine() {}
    /// # let iters = 4_000_000;
    /// let start = Instant::now();
    /// for _ in 0..iters {
    ///     routine();
    /// }
    /// let elapsed = start.elapsed();
    /// ```
    /// # Timing model
    /// Note that the `Bencher` also times the time required to destroy the output of `routine()`.
    /// Therefore prefer this timing loop when the runtime of `mem::drop(O)` is negligible compared
    /// to the runtime of the `routine`.
    /// ```text
    /// elapsed = Instant::now + iters * (routine + mem::drop(O) + Range::next)
    /// ```
    pub fn iter<O, R>(&mut self, mut routine: R)
        R: FnMut() -> O,
        self.iterated = true;
        let start = Instant::now();
        for _ in 0..self.iters {
        self.elapsed = start.elapsed();

    /// Times a `routine` that requires some `setup` on each iteration.
    /// For example, use this loop to benchmark sorting algorithms because they require unsorted
    /// data on each iteration.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// extern crate criterion;
    /// use criterion::Bencher;
    /// fn create_scrambled_data() -> Vec<u64> {
    ///     # vec![]
    ///     // ...
    /// }
    /// // The sorting algorithm to test
    /// fn sort(data: &mut [u64]) {
    ///     // ...
    /// }
    /// fn benchmark(b: &mut Bencher) {
    ///     let data = create_scrambled_data();
    ///     b.iter_with_setup(move || data.to_vec(), |mut data| sort(&mut data))
    /// }
    /// # fn main() {}
    /// ```
    /// # Timing loop
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
    /// # use std::mem;
    /// # fn setup() {}
    /// # fn routine(input: ()) {}
    /// # let iters = 4_000_000;
    /// let mut elapsed = Duration::new(0, 0);
    /// for _ in 0..iters {
    ///     let input = setup();
    ///     let start = Instant::now();
    ///     let output = routine(input);
    ///     let elapsed_in_iter = start.elapsed();
    ///     mem::drop(output);
    ///     elapsed = elapsed + elapsed_in_iter;
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// # Timing model
    /// ``` text
    /// elapsed = iters * (Instant::now + routine)
    /// ```
    pub fn iter_with_setup<I, O, S, R>(&mut self, mut setup: S, mut routine: R)
        S: FnMut() -> I,
        R: FnMut(I) -> O,
        self.iterated = true;
        self.elapsed = Duration::from_secs(0);
        for _ in 0..self.iters {
            let input = setup();

            let start = Instant::now();
            let output = black_box(routine(black_box(input)));
            let elapsed = start.elapsed();


            self.elapsed += elapsed;

    /// Times a `routine` by collecting its output on each iteration. This avoids timing the
    /// destructor of the value returned by `routine`.
    /// WARNING: This requires `iters * mem::size_of::<O>()` of memory, and `iters` is not under the
    /// control of the caller.
    /// # Timing loop
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use std::mem;
    /// # use std::time::Instant;
    /// # let iters = 4_000_000;
    /// # fn routine() {}
    /// let mut outputs = Vec::with_capacity(iters);
    /// let start = Instant::now();
    /// for _ in 0..iters {
    ///     outputs.push(routine());
    /// }
    /// let elapsed = start.elapsed();
    /// mem::drop(outputs);
    /// ```
    /// # Timing model
    /// ``` text
    /// elapsed = Instant::now + iters * (routine + Vec::push + Range::next)
    /// ```
    pub fn iter_with_large_drop<O, R>(&mut self, mut routine: R)
        R: FnMut() -> O,
        self.iterated = true;
        let mut outputs = Vec::with_capacity(self.iters as usize);

        let start = Instant::now();
        for _ in 0..self.iters {
        self.elapsed = start.elapsed();


    /// Times a `routine` that needs to consume its input by first creating a pool of inputs.
    /// This function is handy for benchmarking destructors.
    /// WARNING This requires `iters * mem::size_of::<I>()` of memory, and `iters` is not under the
    /// control of the caller.
    /// # Timing loop
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use std::time::Instant;
    /// # fn setup() {}
    /// # fn routine(input: ()) {}
    /// # let iters = 4_000_000;
    /// let inputs: Vec<()> = (0..iters).map(|_| setup()).collect();
    /// let start = Instant::now();
    /// for input in inputs {
    ///     routine(input);
    /// }
    /// let elapsed = start.elapsed();
    /// ```
    /// # Timing model
    /// ``` text
    /// elapsed = Instant::now + iters * (routine + vec::IntoIter::next)
    /// ```
    pub fn iter_with_large_setup<I, S, R>(&mut self, mut setup: S, mut routine: R)
        S: FnMut() -> I,
        R: FnMut(I),
        self.iterated = true;
        let inputs = (0..self.iters).map(|_| setup()).collect::<Vec<_>>();

        let start = Instant::now();
        for input in inputs {
        self.elapsed = start.elapsed();

    // Benchmarks must actually call one of the iter methods. This causes benchmarks to fail loudly
    // if they don't.
    fn assert_iterated(&mut self) {
        if !self.iterated {
            panic!("Benchmark function must call Bencher::iter or related method.");
        self.iterated = false;

/// The benchmark manager
/// `Criterion` lets you configure and execute benchmarks
/// Each benchmark consists of four phases:
/// - **Warm-up**: The routine is repeatedly executed, to let the CPU/OS/JIT/interpreter adapt to
/// the new load
/// - **Measurement**: The routine is repeatedly executed, and timing information is collected into
/// a sample
/// - **Analysis**: The sample is analyzed and distiled into meaningful statistics that get
/// reported to stdout, stored in files, and plotted
/// - **Comparison**: The current sample is compared with the sample obtained in the previous
/// benchmark.
pub struct Criterion {
    config: BenchmarkConfig,
    plotting: Plotting,
    filter: Option<String>,
    report: Box<Report>,
    output_directory: String,
    measure_only: bool,

impl Default for Criterion {
    /// Creates a benchmark manager with the following default settings:
    /// - Sample size: 100 measurements
    /// - Warm-up time: 3 s
    /// - Measurement time: 5 s
    /// - Bootstrap size: 100 000 resamples
    /// - Noise threshold: 0.01 (1%)
    /// - Confidence level: 0.95
    /// - Significance level: 0.05
    /// - Plotting: enabled (if gnuplot is available)
    /// - No filter
    fn default() -> Criterion {
        #[allow(unused_mut, unused_assignments)]
        let mut plotting = Plotting::NotAvailable;

        let mut reports: Vec<Box<Report>> = vec![];
        reports.push(Box::new(CliReport::new(false, false, false)));

        #[cfg(feature = "html_reports")]
            plotting = if criterion_plot::version().is_ok() {
            } else {
                println!("Gnuplot not found, disabling plotting");


        Criterion {
            config: BenchmarkConfig {
                confidence_level: 0.95,
                measurement_time: Duration::new(5, 0),
                noise_threshold: 0.01,
                nresamples: 100_000,
                sample_size: 100,
                significance_level: 0.05,
                warm_up_time: Duration::new(3, 0),
            filter: None,
            report: Box::new(Reports::new(reports)),
            output_directory: "target/criterion".to_owned(),
            measure_only: false,

impl Criterion {
    /// Changes the default size of the sample for benchmarks run with this runner.
    /// A bigger sample should yield more accurate results, if paired with a "sufficiently" large
    /// measurement time, on the other hand, it also increases the analysis time
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if set to zero
    pub fn sample_size(mut self, n: usize) -> Criterion {
        assert!(n > 0);

        self.config.sample_size = n;

    /// Changes the default warm up time for benchmarks run with this runner.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the input duration is zero
    pub fn warm_up_time(mut self, dur: Duration) -> Criterion {
        assert!(dur.to_nanos() > 0);

        self.config.warm_up_time = dur;

    /// Changes the default measurement time for benchmarks run with this runner.
    /// With a longer time, the measurement will become more resilient to transitory peak loads
    /// caused by external programs
    /// **Note**: If the measurement time is too "low", Criterion will automatically increase it
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the input duration in zero
    pub fn measurement_time(mut self, dur: Duration) -> Criterion {
        assert!(dur.to_nanos() > 0);

        self.config.measurement_time = dur;

    /// Changes the default number of resamples for benchmarks run with this runner.
    /// Number of resamples to use for the
    /// [bootstrap](
    /// A larger number of resamples reduces the random sampling errors, which are inherent to the
    /// bootstrap method, but also increases the analysis time
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the number of resamples is set to zero
    pub fn nresamples(mut self, n: usize) -> Criterion {
        assert!(n > 0);

        self.config.nresamples = n;

    /// Changes the default noise threshold for benchmarks run with this runner.
    /// This threshold is used to decide if an increase of `X%` in the execution time is considered
    /// significant or should be flagged as noise
    /// *Note:* A value of `0.02` is equivalent to `2%`
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics is the threshold is set to a negative value
    pub fn noise_threshold(mut self, threshold: f64) -> Criterion {
        assert!(threshold >= 0.0);

        self.config.noise_threshold = threshold;

    /// Changes the default confidence level for benchmarks run with this runner
    /// The confidence level is used to calculate the
    /// [confidence intervals]( of the estimated
    /// statistics
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the confidence level is set to a value outside the `(0, 1)` range
    pub fn confidence_level(mut self, cl: f64) -> Criterion {
        assert!(cl > 0.0 && cl < 1.0);

        self.config.confidence_level = cl;

    /// Changes the default [significance level](
    /// for benchmarks run with this runner
    /// The significance level is used for
    /// [hypothesis testing](
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the significance level is set to a value outside the `(0, 1)` range
    pub fn significance_level(mut self, sl: f64) -> Criterion {
        assert!(sl > 0.0 && sl < 1.0);

        self.config.significance_level = sl;

    /// Enables plotting
    pub fn with_plots(mut self) -> Criterion {
        match self.plotting {
            Plotting::NotAvailable => {}
            _ => self.plotting = Plotting::Enabled,


    /// Disabled plotting
    pub fn without_plots(mut self) -> Criterion {
        match self.plotting {
            Plotting::NotAvailable => {}
            _ => self.plotting = Plotting::Disabled,


    /// Checks if plotting is possible
    pub fn can_plot(&self) -> bool {
        match self.plotting {
            Plotting::NotAvailable => false,
            _ => true,

    /// Filters the benchmarks. Only benchmarks with names that contain the
    /// given string will be executed.
    pub fn with_filter<S: Into<String>>(mut self, filter: S) -> Criterion {
        self.filter = Some(filter.into());


    /// Set the output directory (currently for testing only)
    pub fn output_directory(mut self, path: &std::path::Path) -> Criterion {
        self.output_directory = path.to_string_lossy().into_owned();


    /// Generate the final summary at the end of a run.
    pub fn final_summary(&self) {
        let report_context = ReportContext {
            output_directory: self.output_directory.clone(),
            plotting: self.plotting,
            plot_config: PlotConfiguration::default(),

    /// Configure this criterion struct based on the command-line arguments to
    /// this process.
    pub fn configure_from_args(mut self) -> Criterion {
        use clap::{App, Arg};
        let matches = App::new("Criterion Benchmark")
                .help("Skip benchmarks whose names do not contain FILTER.")
                .possible_values(&["auto", "always", "never"])
                .help("Configure coloring of output. always = always colorize output, never = never colorize output, auto = colorize output if output is a tty and compiled for unix."))
                .help("Print additional statistical information."))
                .help("Disable plot and HTML generation."))
                .help("Only perform measurements; do no analysis or storage of results. This is useful eg. when profiling the benchmarks, to reduce clutter in the profiling data."))
            //Ignored but always passed to benchmark executables
This executable is a benchmark.
See for more details.

To enable debug output, define the environment variable CRITERION_DEBUG. will output more debug information and will save the gnuplot
scripts alongside the generated plots.

        if let Some(filter) = matches.value_of("FILTER") {
            self = self.with_filter(filter);

        let verbose = matches.is_present("verbose");
        let stdout_isatty = atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout);
        let mut enable_text_overwrite = stdout_isatty && !verbose && !debug_enabled();
        let enable_text_coloring;
        match matches.value_of("color") {
            Some("always") => {
                enable_text_coloring = true;
            Some("never") => {
                enable_text_coloring = false;
                enable_text_overwrite = false;
            _ => enable_text_coloring = cfg!(unix) && stdout_isatty,

        if matches.is_present("noplot") {
            match self.plotting {
                Plotting::NotAvailable => {}
                _ => self.plotting = Plotting::Disabled,

        let mut reports: Vec<Box<Report>> = vec![];

        self.measure_only = matches.is_present("measure-only");
        #[cfg(feature = "html_reports")]
            if !self.measure_only {
        } = Box::new(Reports::new(reports));


    fn filter_matches(&self, id: &str) -> bool {
        match self.filter {
            Some(ref string) => id.contains(string),
            None => true,

    /// Benchmarks a function
    /// The function under test must follow the setup - bench - teardown pattern:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// use self::criterion::{Bencher, Criterion};
    /// fn routine(b: &mut Bencher) {
    ///     // Setup (construct data, allocate memory, etc)
    ///     b.iter(|| {
    ///         // Code to benchmark goes here
    ///     })
    ///     // Teardown (free resources)
    /// }
    /// Criterion::default().bench_function("routine", routine);
    /// ```
    pub fn bench_function<F>(&mut self, id: &str, f: F) -> &mut Criterion
        F: FnMut(&mut Bencher) + 'static,
        self.bench(id, Benchmark::new(id, f))

    /// Benchmarks multiple functions
    /// All functions get the same input and are compared with the other implementations.
    /// Works similar to `bench`, but with multiple functions.
    /// ``` rust,no_run
    /// # use self::criterion::{Bencher, Criterion, Fun};
    /// # fn seq_fib(i: &u32) {}
    /// # fn par_fib(i: &u32) {}
    /// fn bench_seq_fib(b: &mut Bencher, i: &u32) {
    ///     b.iter(|| {
    ///         seq_fib(i);
    ///     });
    /// }
    /// fn bench_par_fib(b: &mut Bencher, i: &u32) {
    ///     b.iter(|| {
    ///         par_fib(i);
    ///     });
    /// }
    /// let sequential_fib = Fun::new("Sequential", bench_seq_fib);
    /// let parallel_fib = Fun::new("Parallel", bench_par_fib);
    /// let funs = vec![sequential_fib, parallel_fib];
    /// Criterion::default().bench_functions("Fibonacci", funs, 14);
    /// ```
    pub fn bench_functions<I>(&mut self, id: &str, funs: Vec<Fun<I>>, input: I) -> &mut Criterion
        I: fmt::Debug + 'static,
        let benchmark = ParameterizedBenchmark::with_functions(
            funs.into_iter().map(|fun| fun.f).collect(),

        self.bench(id, benchmark)

    /// Benchmarks a function under various inputs
    /// This is a convenience method to execute several related benchmarks. Each benchmark will
    /// receive the id: `${id}/${input}`.
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// use self::criterion::{Bencher, Criterion};
    /// Criterion::default()
    ///     .bench_function_over_inputs("from_elem", |b: &mut Bencher, size: &usize| {
    ///         b.iter(|| vec![0u8; *size]);
    ///     }, vec![1024, 2048, 4096]);
    /// ```
    pub fn bench_function_over_inputs<I, F>(&mut self, id: &str, f: F, inputs: I) -> &mut Criterion
        I: IntoIterator,
        I::Item: fmt::Debug + 'static,
        F: FnMut(&mut Bencher, &I::Item) + 'static,
        self.bench(id, ParameterizedBenchmark::new(id, f, inputs))

    /// Benchmarks an external program
    /// The external program must conform to the following specification:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use std::io::{self, BufRead};
    /// # use std::time::Instant;
    /// # use std::time::Duration;
    /// # trait DurationExt { fn to_nanos(&self) -> u64 { 0 } }
    /// # impl DurationExt for Duration {}
    /// fn main() {
    ///     let stdin = io::stdin();
    ///     let ref mut stdin = stdin.lock();
    ///     // For each line in stdin
    ///     for line in stdin.lines() {
    ///         // Parse line as the number of iterations
    ///         let iters: u64 = line.unwrap().trim().parse().unwrap();
    ///         // Setup
    ///         // Benchmark
    ///         let start = Instant::now();
    ///         // Execute the routine "iters" times
    ///         for _ in 0..iters {
    ///             // Code to benchmark goes here
    ///         }
    ///         let elapsed = start.elapsed();
    ///         // Teardown
    ///         // Report elapsed time in nanoseconds to stdout
    ///         println!("{}", elapsed.to_nanos());
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn bench_program(&mut self, id: &str, program: Command) -> &mut Criterion {
        self.bench(id, Benchmark::new_external(id, program))

    /// Benchmarks an external program under various inputs
    /// This is a convenience method to execute several related benchmarks. Each benchmark will
    /// receive the id: `${id}/${input}`.
    pub fn bench_program_over_inputs<I, F>(
        &mut self,
        id: &str,
        mut program: F,
        inputs: I,
    ) -> &mut Criterion
        F: FnMut() -> Command + 'static,
        I: IntoIterator,
        I::Item: fmt::Debug + 'static,
                move |i| {
                    let mut command = program();
                    command.arg(format!("{:?}", i));

    /// Executes the given benchmark. Use this variant to execute benchmarks
    /// with complex configuration.
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// use self::criterion::{Bencher, Criterion, Benchmark};
    /// fn routine(b: &mut Bencher) {
    ///     // Setup (construct data, allocate memory, etc)
    ///     b.iter(|| {
    ///         // Code to benchmark goes here
    ///     })
    ///     // Teardown (free resources)
    /// }
    /// Criterion::default()
    ///     .bench("routine", Benchmark::new("routine", routine)
    ///         .sample_size(50));
    /// ```
    pub fn bench<B: BenchmarkDefinition>(
        &mut self,
        group_id: &str,
        benchmark: B,
    ) -> &mut Criterion {, self);

mod plotting {
    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
    pub enum Plotting {

    impl Plotting {
        pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
            match *self {
                Plotting::Enabled => true,
                _ => false,

trait DurationExt {
    fn to_nanos(&self) -> u64;

const NANOS_PER_SEC: u64 = 1_000_000_000;

impl DurationExt for Duration {
    fn to_nanos(&self) -> u64 {
        self.as_secs() * NANOS_PER_SEC + u64::from(self.subsec_nanos())

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
struct ConfidenceInterval {
    confidence_level: f64,
    lower_bound: f64,
    upper_bound: f64,

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
struct Estimate {
    /// The confidence interval for this estimate
    confidence_interval: ConfidenceInterval,
    point_estimate: f64,
    /// The standard error of this estimate
    standard_error: f64,

impl Estimate {
    fn new(distributions: &Distributions, points: &BTreeMap<Statistic, f64>, cl: f64) -> Estimates {
            .map(|(&statistic, distribution)| {
                let point_estimate = points[&statistic];
                let (lb, ub) = distribution.confidence_interval(cl);

                    Estimate {
                        confidence_interval: ConfidenceInterval {
                            confidence_level: cl,
                            lower_bound: lb,
                            upper_bound: ub,
                        standard_error: distribution.std_dev(None),

/// Enum representing different ways of measuring the throughput of benchmarked code.
/// If the throughput setting is configured for a benchmark then the estimated throughput will
/// be reported as well as the time per iteration.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Throughput {
    /// Measure throughput in terms of bytes/second. The value should be the number of bytes
    /// processed by one iteration of the benchmarked code. Typically, this would be the length of
    /// an input string or `&[u8]`.

    /// Measure throughput in terms of elements/second. The value should be the number of elements
    /// processed by one iteration of the benchmarked code. Typically, this would be the size of a
    /// collection, but could also be the number of lines of input text or the number of values to
    /// parse.

/// Axis Scaling Type
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum AxisScale {
    /// Axes scale linearly

    /// Axes scale logarithmically

/// Contains the configuration options for the plots generated by a particular benchmark
/// or benchmark group.
/// ```rust
/// use self::criterion::{Bencher, Criterion, Benchmark, PlotConfiguration, AxisScale};
/// let plot_config = PlotConfiguration::default()
///     .summary_scale(AxisScale::Logarithmic);
/// Benchmark::new("test", |b| b.iter(|| 10))
///     .plot_config(plot_config);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PlotConfiguration {
    summary_scale: AxisScale,

impl Default for PlotConfiguration {
    fn default() -> PlotConfiguration {
        PlotConfiguration {
            summary_scale: AxisScale::Linear,

impl PlotConfiguration {
    /// Set the axis scale (linear or logarithmic) for the summary plots. Typically, you would
    /// set this to logarithmic if benchmarking over a range of inputs which scale exponentially.
    /// Defaults to linear.
    pub fn summary_scale(mut self, new_scale: AxisScale) -> PlotConfiguration {
        self.summary_scale = new_scale;