criterion-perf-events 0.2.0

Measure perf events for criterion


This is a measurement plugin for to measure events of the Linux perf interface.

Supported Events

Criterion-perf-events uses the perfcnt crate and supports events provided by this crate. If you are interested in more details, please take a look at the events listed here:


If you get a "Permission denied" error, update perf_event_paranoid:

sudo sh -c 'echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid'

For further details please take a look at the following link.


The following code shows how to count retired instructions.

use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, BenchmarkId, black_box, Criterion};
use criterion_perf_events::Perf;
use perfcnt::linux::HardwareEventType as Hardware;
use perfcnt::linux::PerfCounterBuilderLinux as Builder;

fn fibonacci_slow(n: usize) -> usize {
    match n {
        0 => 1,
        1 => 1,
        n => fibonacci_slow(n - 1) + fibonacci_slow(n - 2),

fn bench(c: &mut Criterion<Perf>) {
    let mut group = c.benchmark_group("fibonacci");

    let fibo_arg = 30;
    group.bench_function(BenchmarkId::new("slow", fibo_arg), |b| {
        b.iter(|| fibonacci_slow(black_box(fibo_arg)))


    name = instructions_bench;
    config = Criterion::default().with_measurement(Perf::new(Builder::from_hardware_event(Hardware::Instructions)));
    targets = bench

run with:

cargo criterion

Open target/criterion/reports/index.html to view detailed results with plots. For all event types (Hardware::Instructions, Hardware::CacheMisses...) criterion will always report cycles as the unit. Note that your event type is what is being shown, not CPU cycles.