credit_card 0.1.4

A fundamental credit card library
#![allow(clippy::needless_doctest_main, clippy::type_complexity)]

//! Credit Card is a library for adding credit cards
//! to any project.
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use credit_card::CreditCard;
//! let mut cc = CreditCard {
//!     number: "4111111111111111".to_string(),
//!     cardholder_name: "Graydon Hoare".to_string(),
//!     expiration_month: "01".to_string(),
//!     expiration_year: "2023".to_string(),
//!     brand: None,
//!     security_code: None
//! };
//! cc.apply_brand();
//! ```
//! # Current Features
//! - Create CreditCards
//! - Add brand to credit cards from card number
//! - Validate credit card number
//! # Future Features
//! - Validate CVV
//! - Validate Address
//! - ...
//! - Full card validation
//! ### Notice:
//! This is under development right now, so interfaces
//! and apis will be changing.  If you are interested
//! in using this please create an issue or reach out
//! with your feature request so I can help add it.
mod luhn;
mod validate;
mod credit_card;

// lazy static is used by `validate`
// `macro_use` is required to be at the module root
extern crate lazy_static;

// re-export CreditCard
pub use self::credit_card::CreditCard;

mod tests {
    use crate::CreditCard;

    fn create() {
        let cc = CreditCard {
            number: "4111111111111111".to_string(),
            cardholder_name: "Graydon Hoare".to_string(),
            expiration_month: "01".to_string(),
            expiration_year: "2023".to_string(),
            brand: None,
            security_code: None
        assert_eq!(cc.number, "4111111111111111".to_string())

    fn is_visa() {
        let mut cc = CreditCard {
            number: "4111111111111111".to_string(),
            cardholder_name: "Graydon Hoare".to_string(),
            expiration_month: "01".to_string(),
            expiration_year: "2023".to_string(),
            brand: None,
            security_code: None

        assert_eq!(cc.brand.unwrap_or_default(), "visa")
