Macro credibility::aver[][src]

macro_rules! aver {
    ($block:ident, $($arg:tt)+) => { ... };

Ensure that a boolean expression is true and cause a test block to fail if it is false.

This macro behaves the same way as assert! does, except it will not immediately halt execution of a code block. This is most useful in tests where you want to see the result of multiple inputs in a given configuration (e.g. in table-driven tests.)


test_block!(tb, "An example test block", {
    aver!(tb, true, "A working assertion");

And an example of failing test cases; note that all the cases will be checked and contribute to the panic at the end:

test_block!(tb, "An example test block", {
    let cases = vec![
        (2, 3, 5),  // will be checked
        (1, 1, 2),  // will also be checked!
        (1, 1, 3),  // and this, too (the single successful test case)
    for (in1, in2, output) in cases {
        aver!(tb, in1+in2 != output);