crc-any 2.4.3

To compute CRC values by providing the length of bits, expression, reflection, an initial value and a final xor value. It has many built-in CRC functions.
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter};
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;

#[cfg(feature = "heapless")]
use heapless::Vec as HeaplessVec;

use crate::constants::crc_u16::*;
use crate::lookup_table::LookUpTable;

/// This struct can help you compute a CRC-16 (or CRC-x where **x** is equal or less than `16`) value.
pub struct CRCu16 {
    by_table: bool,
    poly: u16,
    lookup_table: LookUpTable<u16>,
    sum: u16,
    pub(crate) bits: u8,
    high_bit: u16,
    mask: u16,
    initial: u16,
    final_xor: u16,
    reflect: bool,
    reorder: bool,

#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl Debug for CRCu16 {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        if self.by_table {
            debug_helper::impl_debug_for_struct!(CRCu64, f, self, let .lookup_table = self.lookup_table.as_ref(), (.sum, "0x{:04X}", self.sum), .bits, (.initial, "0x{:04X}", self.initial), (.final_xor, "0x{:04X}", self.final_xor), .reflect, .reorder);
        } else {
            debug_helper::impl_debug_for_struct!(CRCu64, f, self, (.poly, "0x{:04X}", self.poly), (.sum, "0x{:04X}", self.sum), .bits, (.initial, "0x{:04X}", self.initial), (.final_xor, "0x{:04X}", self.final_xor), .reflect, .reorder);

#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl Display for CRCu16 {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        f.write_fmt(format_args!("0x{:01$X}", self.get_crc(), (self.bits as usize + 3) >> 2))

impl CRCu16 {
    /// Create a `CRCu16` instance by providing the length of bits, expression, reflection, an initial value and a final xor value.
    pub fn create_crc(poly: u16, bits: u8, initial: u16, final_xor: u16, reflect: bool) -> CRCu16 {
        debug_assert!(bits <= 16 && bits > 0);

        if bits % 8 == 0 {
            let lookup_table = if reflect {
            } else {
                LookUpTable::Dynamic(Self::crc_table(poly, bits))

        } else {
                LookUpTable::Static(&[0u16; 256]),

    pub(crate) fn create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(
        lookup_table: LookUpTable<u16>,
        bits: u8,
        initial: u16,
        final_xor: u16,
        reflect: bool,
    ) -> CRCu16 {
        debug_assert!(bits % 8 == 0);

        Self::create(true, lookup_table, 0, bits, initial, final_xor, reflect)

    fn create(
        by_table: bool,
        lookup_table: LookUpTable<u16>,
        mut poly: u16,
        bits: u8,
        initial: u16,
        final_xor: u16,
        reflect: bool,
    ) -> CRCu16 {
        let high_bit = 1 << u16::from(bits - 1);
        let mask = ((high_bit - 1) << 1) | 1;

        let sum = if reflect {
            Self::reflect_function(high_bit, initial)
        } else {

        if !by_table && reflect {
            poly = Self::reflect_function(high_bit, poly);

        CRCu16 {
            reorder: false,

    fn reflect_function(high_bit: u16, n: u16) -> u16 {
        let mut i = high_bit;
        let mut j = 1;
        let mut out = 0;

        while i != 0 {
            if n & i != 0 {
                out |= j;

            j <<= 1;
            i >>= 1;


    fn reflect_method(&self, n: u16) -> u16 {
        Self::reflect_function(self.high_bit, n)

    /// Digest some data.
    pub fn digest<T: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>>(&mut self, data: &T) {
        if self.by_table {
            if self.bits == 8 {
                for n in data.as_ref().iter().copied() {
                    let index = (self.sum as u8 ^ n) as usize;
                    self.sum = self.lookup_table[index];
            } else if self.reflect {
                for n in data.as_ref().iter().copied() {
                    let index = ((self.sum as u8) ^ n) as usize;
                    self.sum = (self.sum >> 8) ^ self.lookup_table[index];
            } else {
                for n in data.as_ref().iter().copied() {
                    let index = ((self.sum >> u16::from(self.bits - 8)) as u8 ^ n) as usize;
                    self.sum = (self.sum << 8) ^ self.lookup_table[index];
        } else if self.reflect {
            for n in data.as_ref().iter().copied() {
                let n = super::crc_u8::CRCu8::reflect_function(0x80, n);

                let mut i = 0x80;

                while i != 0 {
                    let mut bit = self.sum & self.high_bit;

                    self.sum <<= 1;

                    if n & i != 0 {
                        bit ^= self.high_bit;

                    if bit != 0 {
                        self.sum ^= self.poly;

                    i >>= 1;
        } else {
            for n in data.as_ref().iter().copied() {
                let mut i = 0x80;

                while i != 0 {
                    let mut bit = self.sum & self.high_bit;

                    self.sum <<= 1;

                    if n & i != 0 {
                        bit ^= self.high_bit;

                    if bit != 0 {
                        self.sum ^= self.poly;

                    i >>= 1;

    /// Reset the sum.
    pub fn reset(&mut self) {
        self.sum = self.initial;

    /// Get the current CRC value (it always returns a `u16` value). You can continue calling `digest` method even after getting a CRC value.
    pub fn get_crc(&self) -> u16 {
        let sum = if self.by_table || !self.reflect {
            (self.sum ^ self.final_xor) & self.mask
        } else {
            (self.reflect_method(self.sum) ^ self.final_xor) & self.mask

        if self.reorder {
            let mut new_sum = 0;

            let e = (self.bits as u16 + 7) >> 3;

            let e_dec = e - 1;

            for i in 0..e {
                new_sum |= ((sum >> ((e_dec - i) << 3)) & 0xFF) << (i << 3);

        } else {

    fn crc_reflect_table(poly_rev: u16) -> [u16; 256] {
        let mut lookup_table = [0u16; 256];

        for (i, e) in lookup_table.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            let mut v = i as u16;

            for _ in 0..8u8 {
                if v & 1 != 0 {
                    v >>= 1;
                    v ^= poly_rev;
                } else {
                    v >>= 1;

            *e = v;


    fn crc_table(poly: u16, bits: u8) -> [u16; 256] {
        let mut lookup_table = [0u16; 256];

        let mask1 = 1u16 << u16::from(bits - 1);

        let mask2 = ((mask1 - 1) << 1) | 1;

        for (i, e) in lookup_table.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            let mut v = i as u16;

            for _ in 0..bits {
                if v & mask1 == 0 {
                    v <<= 1;
                } else {
                    v <<= 1;
                    v ^= poly;

            *e = v & mask2;


#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl CRCu16 {
    /// Get the current CRC value (it always returns a vec instance with a length corresponding to the CRC bits). You can continue calling `digest` method even after getting a CRC value.
    pub fn get_crc_vec_le(&mut self) -> Vec<u8> {
        let crc = self.get_crc();

        let e = (self.bits as usize + 7) >> 3;


    /// Get the current CRC value (it always returns a vec instance with a length corresponding to the CRC bits). You can continue calling `digest` method even after getting a CRC value.
    pub fn get_crc_vec_be(&mut self) -> Vec<u8> {
        let crc = self.get_crc();

        let e = (self.bits as usize + 7) >> 3;

        crc.to_be_bytes()[(2 - e)..].to_vec()

#[cfg(feature = "heapless")]
impl CRCu16 {
    /// Get the current CRC value (it always returns a heapless vec instance with a length corresponding to the CRC bits). You can continue calling `digest` method even after getting a CRC value.
    pub fn get_crc_heapless_vec_le(&mut self) -> HeaplessVec<u8, 2> {
        let crc = self.get_crc();

        let e = (self.bits as usize + 7) >> 3;

        let mut vec = HeaplessVec::new();



    /// Get the current CRC value (it always returns a heapless vec instance with a length corresponding to the CRC bits). You can continue calling `digest` method even after getting a CRC value.
    pub fn get_crc_heapless_vec_be(&mut self) -> HeaplessVec<u8, 2> {
        let crc = self.get_crc();

        let e = (self.bits as usize + 7) >> 3;

        let mut vec = HeaplessVec::new();

        vec.extend_from_slice(&crc.to_be_bytes()[(2 - e)..]).unwrap();


impl CRCu16 {
    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x199|0x233|0x000|false|0x000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc10();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x199\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc10() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x0233, 10, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x233|0x3D9|0x3FF|false|0x000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc10cdma2000();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x233\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc10cdma2000() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x03D9, 10, 0x03FF, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x12A|0x175|0x000|false|0x3FF|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc10gsm();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x12A\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc10gsm() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x0175, 10, 0x0000, 0x03FF, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x5A3|0x385|0x01a|false|0x000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc11();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x5A3\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc11() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x0385, 11, 0x001a, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xF5B|0x80F|0x000|false|0x000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc12();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xF5B\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc12() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x080F, 12, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xD4D|0xF13|0xFFF|false|0x000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc12cdma2000();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xD4D\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc12cdma2000() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x0F13, 12, 0x0FFF, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xB34|0xD31|0x000|false|0xFFF|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc12gsm();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xB34\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc12gsm() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x0D31, 12, 0x0000, 0x0FFF, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x04FA|0x1CF5|0x0000|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc13bbc();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x04FA\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc13bbc() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x1CF5, 13, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x082D|0x0805 (rev: 0x2804)|0x0000|true|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc14darc();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x082D\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc14darc() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x2804, 14, 0x0000, 0x0000, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x30AE|0x202D|0x0000|false|0x3FFF|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc14gsm();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x30AE\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc14gsm() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x202D, 14, 0x0000, 0x3FFF, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x059E|0x4599|0x0000|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc15can();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x059E\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc15can() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x4599, 15, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x2566|0x6815|0x0000|false|0x0001|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc15mpt1327();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x2566\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc15mpt1327() -> CRCu16 {
        Self::create_crc(0x6815, 15, 0x0000, 0x0001, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xBB3D|0x8005 (rev: 0xA001)|0x0000|true|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xBB3D\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0xA001, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_A001);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x29B1|0x1021|0xFFFF|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16ccitt_false();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x29B1\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16ccitt_false() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x1021, 16, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_1021);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xE5CC|0x1021|0x1D0F|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16aug_ccitt();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xE5CC\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16aug_ccitt() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x1021, 16, 0x1D0F, 0x0000, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_1021);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x1D0F, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xFEE8|0x8005|0x0000|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16buypass();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xFEE8\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16buypass() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x8005, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_8005);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x4C06|0xC867|0xFFFF|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16cdma2000();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x4C06\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16cdma2000() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0xC867, 16, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_C867);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x9ECF|0x8005|0x800D|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16dds_110();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x9ECF\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16dds_110() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x8005, 16, 0x800D, 0x0000, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_8005);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x800D, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x007E|0x0589|0x0000|false|0x0001|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16dect_r();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x007E\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16dect_r() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x0589, 16, 0x0000, 0x0001, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_0589);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0x0001, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x007F|0x0589|0x0000|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16dect_r();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x007E\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16dect_x() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x0589, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_0589);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xEA82|0x3D65 (rev: 0xA6BC)|0x0000|true|0xFFFF|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16dnp();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xEA82\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16dnp() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0xA6BC, 16, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_A6BC);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xC2B7|0x3D65|0x0000|false|0xFFFF|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16en_13757();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xC2B7\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16en_13757() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x3D65, 16, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_3D65);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xD64E|0x1021|0xFFFF|false|0xFFFF|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16genibus();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xD64E\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16genibus() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x1021, 16, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_1021);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x44C2|0x8005 (rev: 0xA001)|0xFFFF|true|0xFFFF|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16maxim();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x44C2\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16maxim() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0xA001, 16, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_A001);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x6F91|0x1021 (rev: 0x8408)|0xFFFF|true|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16mcrf4cc();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x6F91\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16mcrf4cc() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x8408, 16, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_8408);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x63D0|0x1021 (rev: 0x8408)|0xB2AA|true|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16riello();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x63D0\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16riello() -> CRCu16 {
        //        Self::create_crc(0x8408, 16, 0xB2AA, 0x0000, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_8408);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0xB2AA, 0x0000, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xD0DB|0x8BB7|0x0000|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16t10_dif();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xD0DB\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16t10_dif() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x8BB7, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_8BB7);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x0FB3|0xA097|0x0000|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16teledisk();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x0FB3\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16teledisk() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0xA097, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_A097);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x26B1|0x1021 (rev: 0x8408)|0x89EC|true|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16tms13157();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x26B1\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16tms13157() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x8408, 16, 0x89EC, 0x0000, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_8408);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x89EC, 0x0000, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xB4C8|0x8005 (rev: 0xA001)|0xFFFF|true|0xFFFF|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16usb();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xB4C8\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16usb() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0xA001, 16, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_A001);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0xBF05|0x1021 (rev: 0x8408)|0xC6C6|true|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc_a();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0xBF05\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc_a() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x8408, 16, 0xC6C6, 0x0000, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_8408);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0xC6C6, 0x0000, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x2189|0x1021 (rev: 0x8408)|0x0000|true|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16kermit();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x2189\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16kermit() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x8408, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_8408);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x4B37|0x8005 (rev: 0xA001)|0xFFFF|true|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16modbus();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x4B37\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16modbus() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0xA001, 16, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_A001);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x906E|0x8005 (rev: 0xA001)|0xFFFF|true|0xFFFF|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16_x25();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x906E\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16_x25() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x8408, 16, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, true)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&REF_16_8408);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, true)

    /// |Check|Poly|Init|Ref|XorOut|
    /// |---|---|---|---|---|
    /// |0x31C3|0x1021|0x0000|false|0x0000|
    /// ```
    /// # use crc_any::CRCu16;
    /// let mut crc = CRCu16::crc16xmodem();
    /// crc.digest(b"123456789");
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "assert_eq!(\"0x31C3\", &crc.to_string());")]
    /// ```
    pub fn crc16xmodem() -> CRCu16 {
        //         Self::create_crc(0x1021, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

        let lookup_table = LookUpTable::Static(&NO_REF_16_1021);
        Self::create_crc_with_exists_lookup_table(lookup_table, 16, 0x0000, 0x0000, false)

#[cfg(all(feature = "development", test))]
mod tests {
    use super::CRCu16;

    use alloc::fmt::Write;
    use alloc::string::String;

    fn print_lookup_table() {
        let crc = CRCu16::crc16kermit();

        let mut s = String::new();

        for n in crc.lookup_table.iter().take(255) {
            s.write_fmt(format_args!("{}u16, ", n)).unwrap();

        s.write_fmt(format_args!("{}u16", crc.lookup_table[255])).unwrap();

        println!("let lookup_table = [{}];", s);