crates_io_api 0.4.1

API client for
# Changelog

## 0.4.1 - 2019/03/09

* Fixed errors for version information due to the `id` field being removed from the API.  [PR #11]

## 0.4.0 - 2019/03/01

* Added `with_user_agent` method to client
* Switch to 2018 edition, requiring rustc 1.31+

## 0.3.0 - 2018/10/09

* Upgrade reqwest to 0.9
* Upgrade to tokio instead of tokio_core

## 0.2.0 - 2018/04/29

* Add AsyncClient
* Switch from error_chain to failure
* Remove unused time dependency and loosen dependency constraints

## 0.1.0 - 2018/02/10

* Add some newly introduced fields in the API
* Fix URL for the /summary endpoint
* Upgrade dependencies
* Add a simple test