crash-handler 0.5.1

Allows running of user code during crash events
//! Windows doesn't have an exception for process aborts, so we hook `SIGABRT`

/// Installs our `SIGABRT` handler, returning any previously registered handler,
/// which should be restored later
/// # Safety
/// Performs syscalls
pub(crate) unsafe fn install_abort_handler() -> Result<libc::sighandler_t, std::io::Error> {
    // It would be nice to use sigaction here since it's better, but it isn't
    // supported on Windows :p
    let old_handler = libc::signal(libc::SIGABRT, signal_handler as usize);
    if old_handler != usize::MAX {
    } else {

/// Restores the action for `SIGABRT` to the specified handler
/// # Safety
/// Performs syscalls
pub(crate) unsafe fn restore_abort_handler(handler: libc::sighandler_t) {
    libc::signal(libc::SIGABRT, handler);

unsafe extern "C" fn signal_handler(signal: i32, _subcode: i32) {
    // Sanity check
    assert_eq!(signal, libc::SIGABRT);

    super::state::simulate_exception(Some(super::ExceptionCode::Abort as u32));