cranko 0.0.23

A cross-platform, cross-language release automation tool
cranko-0.0.23 is not a library.

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Cranko is a release automation tool implementing the just-in-time versioning workflow. It is cross-platform, installable as a single executable, supports multiple languages and packaging systems, and is designed from the ground up to work with monorepos.

To learn more, check out the book!


Cranko is delivered as a single standalone executable for easy installation on continuous integration systems. On Unix-like systems (including macOS), the following command will drop an executable named cranko in the current directory:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

On Windows systems, the following command will do the same in a PowerShell window:

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

For more details and additional methods, see the Installation section of the book.

Getting Started

Because Cranko is a workflow tool, to really start using it you’ll need to learn a bit about how it works and then think about how to integrate it into your development processes. To learn more, check out the Getting Started and Just-in-Time Versioning sections of the book.

cargo Features

The cranko Cargo package provides the following optional features:

  • vendored-openssl — builds the git2 dependency with its vendored-openssl feature, which uses a builtin OpenSSL library rather than attempting to link with the system version. This is useful when cross-compiling because often the target environment lacks OpenSSL.


Are welcome! Please open pull requests or issues against the pkgw/cranko repository.


Cranko copyrights are held by Peter Williams and the Cranko project contributors. Source code is licensed under the MIT License.