cranelift-wasm 0.85.1

Translator from WebAssembly to Cranelift IR
name = "cranelift-wasm"
version = "0.85.1"
authors = ["The Cranelift Project Developers"]
description = "Translator from WebAssembly to Cranelift IR"
documentation = ""
repository = ""
license = "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"
categories = ["no-std", "wasm"]
readme = ""
keywords = ["webassembly", "wasm"]
edition = "2021"

wasmparser = { version = "0.85.0", default-features = false }
cranelift-codegen = { path = "../codegen", version = "0.85.1", default-features = false }
cranelift-entity = { path = "../entity", version = "0.85.1" }
cranelift-frontend = { path = "../frontend", version = "0.85.1", default-features = false }
wasmtime-types = { path = "../../crates/types", version = "0.38.1" }
hashbrown = { version = "0.11", optional = true }
itertools = "0.10.0"
log = { version = "0.4.6", default-features = false }
serde = { version = "1.0.94", features = ["derive"], optional = true }
smallvec = "1.6.1"

wat = "1.0.37"
target-lexicon = "0.12"
cranelift-codegen = { path = "../codegen", version = "0.85.1", default-features = false }

default = ["std"]
std = ["cranelift-codegen/std", "cranelift-frontend/std"]
core = ["hashbrown", "cranelift-codegen/core", "cranelift-frontend/core"]
enable-serde = ["serde"]

maintenance = { status = "experimental" }