Macro cradle::run_output[][src]

macro_rules! run_output {
    ($($args : tt) *) => { ... };
Expand description

Execute child processes, and capture some output. For example you can capture what the child process writes to stdout:

use cradle::prelude::*;

let StdoutUntrimmed(output) = run_output!(%"echo foo");
assert_eq!(output, "foo\n");

run_output! uses return-type polymorphism. So by using a different return type, you can control what outputs of child processes you want to capture. Here’s an example to capture an exit code:

use cradle::prelude::*;

let Status(status) = run_output!("false");
assert_eq!(status.code(), Some(1));

You can use any type that implements crate::output::Output as the return type. See the module documentation for more comprehensive documentation.