[][src]Macro cpython::py_class

macro_rules! py_class {
    (class $class:ident |$py: ident| { $( $body:tt )* }) => { ... };
    (pub class $class:ident |$py: ident| { $( $body:tt )* }) => { ... };

Defines new python extension class. A py_class! macro invocation generates code that declares a new Python class. Additionally, it generates a Rust struct of the same name, which allows accessing instances of that Python class from Rust.


py_class!(pub class MyType |py| { ... })

  • pub makes the generated Rust struct visible outside the current module. It has no effect on the visibility from Python.
  • MyType is the name of the Python class.
  • py is an identifier that will be made available as a variable of type Python in all function bodies.
  • { ... } is the class body, described in more detail below.


#[macro_use] extern crate cpython;
use cpython::{Python, PyResult, PyDict};

py_class!(class MyType |py| {
    data number: i32;
    def __new__(_cls, arg: i32) -> PyResult<MyType> {
        MyType::create_instance(py, arg)
    def half(&self) -> PyResult<i32> {
        println!("half() was called with self={:?}", self.number(py));
        Ok(self.number(py) / 2)

fn main() {
    let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
    let py = gil.python();
    let dict = PyDict::new(py);
    dict.set_item(py, "MyType", py.get_type::<MyType>()).unwrap();
    py.run("assert MyType(42).half() == 21", None, Some(&dict)).unwrap();

Generated Rust type

The above example generates the following Rust type:

This example is not tested
struct MyType { ... }

impl ToPythonObject for MyType { ... }
impl PythonObject for MyType { ... }
impl PythonObjectWithCheckedDowncast for MyType { ... }
impl PythonObjectWithTypeObject for MyType { ... }
impl PythonObjectFromPyClassMacro for MyType { ... }

impl MyType {
    fn create_instance(py: Python, number: i32) -> PyResult<MyType> { ... }

    // data accessors
    fn number<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> &'a i32 { ... }

    // functions callable from python
    pub fn __new__(_cls: &PyType, py: Python, arg: i32) -> PyResult<MyType> {
        MyType::create_instance(py, arg)

    pub fn half(&self, py: Python) -> PyResult<i32> {
        println!("half() was called with self={:?}", self.number(py));
        Ok(self.number(py) / 2)
  • The generated type implements a number of traits from the cpython crate.
  • The inherent create_instance method can create new Python objects given the values for the data fields.
  • Private accessors functions are created for the data fields.
  • All functions callable from Python are also exposed as public Rust functions.
  • To convert from MyType to PyObject, use as_object() or into_object() (from the PythonObject trait).
  • To convert PyObject to MyType, use obj.cast_as::<MyType>(py) or obj.cast_into::<MyType>(py).

py_class body

The body of a py_class! supports the following definitions:

Data declarations

data data_name: data_type;

Declares a data field within the Python class. Used to store Rust data directly in the Python object instance.

Because Python code can pass all Python objects to other threads, data_type must be Send + 'static.

Because Python object instances can be freely shared (Python has no concept of "ownership"), data fields cannot be declared as mut. If mutability is required, you have to use interior mutability (Cell or RefCell).

If data members are used to store references to other Python objects, make sure to read the section "Garbage Collector Integration".

Data declarations are not accessible from Python. On the Rust side, data is accessed through the automatically generated accessor functions:

This example is not tested
impl MyType {
    fn data_name<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> &'a data_type { ... }

Shared data declarations

@shared data data_name: data_type;

Declares a "shareable" data field within the Python class. A data field of this type can be borrowed immutably by another Python object such as a Python iterator. See PySharedRefCell documentation for details.

On the Rust side, data is accessed through the automatically generated accessor functions:

This example is not tested
impl MyType {
    fn data_name<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> PySharedRef<'a, $data_type> { ... }

Instance methods

def method_name(&self, parameter-list) -> PyResult<...> { ... }

Declares an instance method callable from Python.

  • Because Python objects are potentially shared, the self parameter must always be a shared reference (&self).
  • For details on parameter-list, see the documentation of py_argparse!().
  • The return type must be PyResult<T> for some T that implements ToPyObject.

Class methods

@classmethod def method_name(cls, parameter-list) -> PyResult<...> { ... }

Declares a class method callable from Python.

  • The first parameter is the type object of the class on which the method is called. This may be the type object of a derived class.
  • The first parameter implicitly has type &PyType. This type must not be explicitly specified.
  • For details on parameter-list, see the documentation of py_argparse!().
  • The return type must be PyResult<T> for some T that implements ToPyObject.

Static methods

@staticmethod def method_name(parameter-list) -> PyResult<...> { ... }

Declares a static method callable from Python.

  • For details on parameter-list, see the documentation of py_argparse!().
  • The return type must be PyResult<T> for some T that implements ToPyObject.


def __new__(cls, parameter-list) -> PyResult<...> { ... }

Declares a constructor method callable from Python.

  • If no __new__ method is declared, object instances can only be created from Rust (via MyType::create_instance), but not from Python.
  • The first parameter is the type object of the class to create. This may be the type object of a derived class declared in Python.
  • The first parameter implicitly has type &PyType. This type must not be explicitly specified.
  • For details on parameter-list, see the documentation of py_argparse!().
  • The return type must be PyResult<T> for some T that implements ToPyObject. Usually, T will be MyType.

Garbage Collector Integration

If your type owns references to other python objects, you will need to integrate with Python's garbage collector so that the GC is aware of those references. To do this, implement the special member functions __traverse__ and __clear__. These correspond to the slots tp_traverse and tp_clear in the Python C API.

__traverse__ must call visit.call() for each reference to another python object.

__clear__ must clear out any mutable references to other python objects (thus breaking reference cycles). Immutable references do not have to be cleared, as every cycle must contain at least one mutable reference.


#[macro_use] extern crate cpython;
use std::{mem, cell};
use cpython::{PyObject, PyDrop};

py_class!(class ClassWithGCSupport |py| {
    data obj: cell::RefCell<Option<PyObject>>;

    def __traverse__(&self, visit) {
        if let Some(ref obj) = *self.obj(py).borrow() {

    def __clear__(&self) {
        let old_obj = mem::replace(&mut *self.obj(py).borrow_mut(), None);
        // Release reference only after the mutable borrow has expired,
        // see Caution note below.

Caution: __traverse__ may be called by the garbage collector:

  • during any python operation that takes a Python token as argument
  • indirectly from the PyObject (or derived type) Drop implementation
  • if your code releases the GIL, at any time by other threads.

If you are using RefCell<PyObject>, you must not perform any of the above operations while your code holds a mutable borrow, or you may cause the borrow in __traverse__ to panic.

This is why the example above uses the mem::replace/release_ref dance: release_ref (or the implicit Drop) can only be called safely in a separate statement, after the mutable borrow on the RefCell has expired.

Note that this restriction applies not only to __clear__, but to all methods that use RefCell::borrow_mut.

Iterator Types

Iterators can be defined using the Python special methods __iter__ and __next__:

  • def __iter__(&self) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __next__(&self) -> PyResult<Option<impl ToPyObject>>

    Returning Ok(None) from __next__ indicates that that there are no further items.


#[macro_use] extern crate cpython;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use cpython::{PyObject, PyClone, PyResult};

py_class!(class MyIterator |py| {
    data iter: RefCell<Box<Iterator<Item=PyObject> + Send>>;

    def __iter__(&self) -> PyResult<Self> {

    def __next__(&self) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {

String Conversions

  • def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject<ObjectType=PyString>>

  • def __str__(&self) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject<ObjectType=PyString>>

    Possible return types for __str__ and __repr__ are PyResult<String> or PyResult<PyString>.

    In Python 2.7, Unicode strings returned by __str__ and __repr__ will be converted to byte strings by the Python runtime, which results in an exception if the string contains non-ASCII characters.

  • def __bytes__(&self) -> PyResult<PyBytes>

    On Python 3.x, provides the conversion to bytes. On Python 2.7, __bytes__ is allowed but has no effect.

  • def __unicode__(&self) -> PyResult<PyUnicode>

    On Python 2.7, provides the conversion to unicode. On Python 3.x, __unicode__ is allowed but has no effect.

  • def __format__(&self, format_spec: &str) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject<ObjectType=PyString>>

    Special method that is used by the format() builtin and the str.format() method. Possible return types are PyResult<String> or PyResult<PyString>.

Comparison operators

  • def __richcmp__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject, op: CompareOp) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

    Overloads Python comparison operations (==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=). The op argument indicates the comparison operation being performed. The return type will normally be PyResult<bool>, but any Python object can be returned.

    If other is not of the type specified in the signature, the generated code will automatically return NotImplemented.

  • def __hash__(&self) -> PyResult<impl PrimInt>

    Objects that compare equal must have the same hash value. The return type must be PyResult<T> where T is one of Rust's primitive integer types.

Emulating Container Types

  • def __len__(&self) -> PyResult<usize>

    Called by the built-in Python function len().

  • def __length_hint__(&self) -> PyResult<usize>

    Should return an estimated length for the object. This method is purely an optimization and is never required for correctness.

    __length_hint__ is new in Python 3.4; older versions will ignore the method.

  • def __getitem__(&self, key: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

    Called by the Python subscript operator self[key].

  • def __setitem__(&self, key: impl FromPyObject, value: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<()>

    Called by Python self[key] = value.

  • def __delitem__(&self, key: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<()>

    Called by Python del self[key].

  • def __reversed__(&self) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

    Called by the reversed() built-in. It should return a new iterator object that iterates over all the objects in the container in reverse order.

  • def __contains__(&self, item: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<bool>

    Called by Python item in self. For mapping types, this should consider the keys of the mapping rather than the values or the key-item pairs.

    If extraction of the item parameter fails with TypeError, __contains__ will return Ok(false).

Arithmetic methods

  • def __add__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __sub__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __mul__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __lshift__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __rshift__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __and__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __xor__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __or__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

    The parameters lhs and rhs must not be given an explicit type. Within the method bodies, both parameters will implicitly have type &PyObject.

    There are no separate "reversed" versions of these methods (__radd__(), etc.) Instead, if the first operand cannot perform the operation, the same method of the second operand is called, with the operands in the same order.

    This means that you can't rely on the first parameter of these methods being self or being the correct type, and you should test the types of both operands before deciding what to do. If you can't handle the combination of types you've been given, you should return Ok(py.NotImplemented()).

  • def __iadd__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __isub__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __imul__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __imatmul__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __itruediv__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __ifloordiv__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __imod__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __ilshift__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __irshift__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __iand__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __ixor__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

  • def __ior__(&self, other: impl FromPyObject) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

    Handles inplace operations if possible, falling back to the non-inplace versions. These methods must return a new reference! In the common case of returning the same (mutated) object, you will want to return Ok(self.clone_ref(py)).

    If you can't handle the combination of types you've been given, you should return Ok(py.NotImplemented()).

Context Manager

  • def __enter__(&self) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>
  • def __exit__(&self, ty: Option<PyType>, value: PyObject, traceback: PyObject) -> PyResult<bool>

Other Special Methods

  • def __bool__(&self) -> PyResult<bool>

    Determines the "truthyness" of the object.

    Note that py_class! always expects this member to be called __bool__, even on Python 2.7 where the Python spelling was __nonzero__.

  • def __call__(&self, parameter-list) -> PyResult<impl ToPyObject>

    For details on parameter-list, see the documentation of py_argparse!(). The return type must be PyResult<T> for some T that implements ToPyObject.


  • If argument parsing fails, the Rust method body will not be called and an appropriate Python exception is raised instead (usually TypeError when the Python value does not match the expected type; the implementation of FromPyObject for your type may document additional errors).
  • If a method panics in Rust, a Python SystemError will be raised.