cpp_demangle 0.2.7

A crate for demangling C++ symbols
# Unreleased

Released YYYY/MM/DD

## Added

* TODO (or remove section if none)

## Changed

* TODO (or remove section if none)

## Deprecated

* TODO (or remove section if none)

## Removed

* TODO (or remove section if none)

## Fixed

* TODO (or remove section if none)

## Security

* TODO (or remove section if none)


# 0.2.7

Released 2017/11/27

Making lots of progress on symbols found in the wild! Here are our stats for
symbols from Firefox's `libxul`:

Total number of libxul symbols:                       274346
Number of libxul symbols parsed:                      274319 (99.99%)
Number of libxul symbols demangled:                   274319 (99.99%)
Number of libxul symbols demangled same as libiberty: 199928 (72.88%)

Additionally, the `libiberty` test threshold bumped up from 70 to 83 during this

## Added

* Added support for GCC's "global constructors" and "global destructors"
* Added support for GCC's extensions to the `<special-name>` production:
  construction vtables, typeinfo functions, TLS initialization functions, TLS
  wrapper functions.
* Added support for the now-defunct `<local-source-name>` production. My
  understanding is that this is from an older version of the ABI standard. It
  isn't in the current version, but all the other demanglers support it, so we
  will too.

## Changed

* `cpp_demangle` is now part of the `gimli-rs` GitHub organization. The
  canonical repository is now https://github.com/gimli-rs/cpp_demangle
* Literals are now formatted how `libiberty` formats them. For example,
  `foo<true>()` rather than `foo<1>()`.
* Unary operators are now formatted with parentheses, matching `libiberty`.

## Fixed

* Nested array types and multi-dimensional arrays are now mangled correctly.
* Nested function types and their qualifiers are now mangled correctly.
* Arrays of function types and function types with array return and parameter
  types are now mangled correctly.
* The `new` operator is now correctly formatted as `operator new` rather than
  `operatornew`. Same for the `delete` operator.


# 0.2.6

Released 2017/11/08

## Added

* Added support for vector types
* Added support for ABI tags
* Added support for `<unqualified-name> ::= <closure-type-name>` productions

## Fixed

* Fixed erroneous insertions into the substitutions table with prefixes and
  nested names
* Well known components were previously incorrectly not permitted to prefix
  template arguments