cpp 0.0.2

Write C++ code inline in your rust code!
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Rust-cpp is an experimental compiler plugin for the rust programming language which enables you to write C++ code inline in your rust code.


Import C++ header files


Write C++ classes & structs

    class Foo {
        Foo() {}

Run C++ code inline in your rust code

let foo = 1i32;
unsafe {
    let bar = cpp!((mut foo) -> i32 {
        std::vector<i32> a;
        a.push_back(foo + 5);
        return a[0] + a[1];

    assert_eq!(foo, 2);
    assert_eq!(bar, 9);

rust-cpp automagically generates struct declarations in C++ for your structs in rust!

struct Foo {
    i: i32,
    j: u64,

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        let a = Foo { i: 10, j: 20 };
        let b = cpp!((a) -> i32 {
            return a.i;
        assert_eq!(b, 10);

You can also declare your own!

enum Vector {}

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        let vecref = cpp!(() -> *mut Vector {
            return new std::vector;


  1. This only runs on nightly, as it is a compiler plugin.
  2. This is very likely to break, as it depends on the current control flow mechanisms in the compiler, which are somewhat likely to change (especially when incremental compilation lands).