cozy-chess 0.3.4

Rust Chess and Chess960 move generation library
# `cozy-chess`

## Rust Chess and Chess960 move generation library
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`cozy-chess` is a Chess and Chess960 (Fischer Random Chess) move generation library written in Rust that aims to provide competitive move generation performance. It is largely inspired by Jordan Bray's neat [`chess`]( library. `cozy-chess` aims to be a safer alternative to `chess` that maintains correctness while providing similar performance.

## Overview
- `no_std` compatible
- Supports Chess, Chess960/FRC, and Double Chess960/DFRC
- Strongly-typed API that makes heavy use of newtypes to avoid errors
- Performant legal move generation suitable for use in a chess engine
    - Implements fixed shift fancy black magic bitboards
    - Optionally implements PEXT bitboards based on the BMI2 intrinsic
    - Flexible API produces moves in bulk for optional bulk filtering
- Efficient bitboard-based board representation
- Incrementally updated zobrist hash for quickly obtaining a hash of a board

## Crate features
- `std`: Enable features that require `std`. Currently only used for the `Error` trait.
- `pext`: Enable PEXT bitboards.

## A note on CPU features and performance
By default, Rust binaries target a baseline CPU to ensure maximum compatibility at the cost of performance. `cozy-chess` benefits significantly from features present in modern CPUs. For maximum performance, the target CPU can instead be set to `native` to use features supported by the machine running the build. Alternatively, the target CPU can be set to `x86-64-v3`, which will produce binaries that run on most modern CPUs. The target CPU may be changed by adding `-C target-cpu=<CPU>` to `RUSTFLAGS`.

PEXT bitboards are a faster variant of the magic bitboard algorithm used by `cozy-chess`. PEXT bitboards rely on an intrinsic introduced in the [BMI2 CPU extension]( However, it is not enabled by default, as PEXT bitboards are *slower* on AMD CPUs prior to Zen 3, which implement PEXT with microcode. PEXT bitboards can be enabled through the `pext` feature. 

## A note on UCI parsing
In order to support Chess960, `cozy-chess` uses a king-captures-rook castling notation incompatible with the standard castling representation used by the UCI protocol. This is a common use case, so the `cozy_chess::util` module provides helpers that automatically parse and convert between the formats.

## Examples
### Basic example
# use cozy_chess::*;
// Start position
let board = Board::default();
let mut move_list = Vec::new();
board.generate_moves(|moves| {
    // Unpack dense move set into move list
assert_eq!(move_list.len(), 20);

### Get capture moves in bulk
# use cozy_chess::*;
// Parse position from FEN
let board = "r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1"

let mut total_moves = 0;
let mut total_captures = 0;

let enemy_pieces = board.colors(!board.side_to_move());
board.generate_moves(|moves| {
    let mut captures = moves.clone();
    // Bitmask to efficiently get all captures set-wise.
    // Excluding en passant square for convenience. &= enemy_pieces;

    total_moves += moves.len();
    total_captures += captures.len();

assert_eq!(total_moves, 48);
assert_eq!(total_captures, 8);

### Perft example
A [perft]( implementation exists in `examples/`:
$ cargo run --release --example perft -- 7
   Compiling cozy-chess v0.3.0
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 6.37s
     Running `target\release\examples\perft.exe 7`
3195901860 nodes in 10.05s (318045465 nps)

## Changelog

### v0.3.4
#### Added
- Added helper methods for handling UCI moves.
- Added `Square::relative_to` to get a square relative to some color.

### v0.3.3
#### Added
- Added setters for the halfmove clock and fullmove number fields.

#### Fixed
- Fixed checkmate not taking precedence over 50 move rule draw.
- Fixed possible overflows on halfmove clock and fullmove number.

### v0.3.2
#### Fixed
- Fixed bug where en passant was not correctly validated when parsing and building `Board`s.

### v0.3.1
#### Fixed
- Fixed bug where `Board::is_legal` said castles while in check were legal.

### v0.3.0
#### Added
- Added methods for obtaining Chess960 start positions from their Scharnagl number.
- Added PEXT bitboards using the BMI2 PEXT intrinsic. Potentially faster than the default algorithm. Enable using the `pext` feature. 
- Added `Board::hash_without_ep` method for fast equivalence checks excluding the en passant square.
- Added `Board::same_position` to check if two boards are equivalent under FIDE rules.
- Added `Board::colored_pieces`, a shorthand for `board.colors(color) & board.pieces(piece)`.
- Added `BitBoard::is_subset`, `BitBoard::is_superset`, and `BitBoard::is_disjoint`.

#### Changed (**breaking**)
- `BitBoard`s now operate in a more set-wise manner instead of acting like a `u64`. Bit operators changed to match set operators.
- `BitBoard::popcnt` renamed to `BitBoard::len` for consistency with other data structures.
- `BoardBuilder`'s `fullmove_number` field changed to a `u16` for usability reasons.
- `Board`'s `FromStr` implementation now parses both FEN and Shredder FEN.

#### Removed (**breaking**)
- `BitBoard` no longer implements `Iterator` directly.
- Sliding move functions are no longer `const` by default; Use the `const` variants if required.
- Unnecessary "try" variants on `Board` removed; The risk of panicking is accepted when `*_unchecked` methods are called.

#### Fixed
- Overflow bug in `Square::try_offset` fixed.
- `FenParseError` is no longer unnameable.
- Fixed incorrect errors being returned in FEN parsing.
- Fixed some errors not being produced in FEN parsing.