count-tys 0.1.2

Function-like procedural macro that accepts a comma-delimited :ty TokenTree sequence and returns their count as a constant usize
name = "count-tys"
version = "0.1.2"
authors = ["Dmitrii - Demenev <>"]
edition = "2018"
description = "Function-like procedural macro that accepts a comma-delimited :ty TokenTree sequence and returns their count as a constant usize"
documentation = ""
readme = "doc/"
repository = ""
license = "MIT"
keywords = ["macro", "macros", "static"]
categories = ["development-tools::procedural-macro-helpers"]

# See more keys and their definitions at

syn = "1.0.18"
quote = "1.0.3"
proc-macro-hack = "0.5.15"

proc-macro = true