count-to-non-zero 0.3.0

Extends Rust's Iterator trait to include a `count_to_non_zero` method, returning an Option<NonZeroUsize> for a more expressive and type-safe way of counting elements. This crate provides a convenient and idiomatic approach to obtaining non-zero element counts from iterators, enhancing code readability and safety by leveraging Rust's type system. Perfect for applications where distinguishing between empty and non-empty iterators is crucial, without the overhead of manual count checks.
name = "count-to-non-zero"
version = "0.3.0"
edition = "2021"
authors = ["cyphersnake"]
description = "Extends Rust's Iterator trait to include a `count_to_non_zero` method, returning an Option<NonZeroUsize> for a more expressive and type-safe way of counting elements. This crate provides a convenient and idiomatic approach to obtaining non-zero element counts from iterators, enhancing code readability and safety by leveraging Rust's type system. Perfect for applications where distinguishing between empty and non-empty iterators is crucial, without the overhead of manual count checks."
repository = ""
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
