cosmwasm-vm 0.12.2

VM bindings to run cosmwams contracts

CosmWasm VM

cosmwasm-vm on

This is an abstraction layer around the wasmer VM to expose just what we need to run cosmwasm contracts in a high-level manner. This is intended both for efficient writing of unit tests, as well as a public API to run contracts in eg. go-cosmwasm. As such it includes all glue code needed for typical actions, like fs caching.


A VM can support one or more contract-VM interface versions. The interface version is communicated by the contract via a Wasm import. This is the current compatibility list:

cosmwasm-vm Supported interface versions cosmwasm-std
0.12 cosmwasm_vm_version_4 0.11-0.12
0.11 cosmwasm_vm_version_4 0.11-0.12
0.10 cosmwasm_vm_version_3 0.10
0.9 cosmwasm_vm_version_2 0.9
0.8 cosmwasm_vm_version_1 0.8


There are demo files in testdata/*.wasm. Those are compiled and optimized versions of contracts/hackatom and contracts/staking run through rust-optimizer.

To rebuild the test contracts, go to the repo root and do

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="devcontract_cache_hackatom",target=/code/contracts/hackatom/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \
  cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.10.5 ./contracts/hackatom \
  && cp artifacts/hackatom.wasm packages/vm/testdata/contract_0.12.wasm


By default, this repository is built and tested with the singlepass backend. This requires running Rust nighty:

cd packages/vm
cargo +nightly test

To test with Rust stable, you need to switch to cranelift:

cd packages/vm
cargo test --no-default-features --features default-cranelift


This package is part of the cosmwasm repository, licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (see NOTICE and LICENSE).