cosmwasm-std 2.0.0-beta.0

Standard library for Wasm based smart contracts on Cosmos blockchains
extern crate alloc;

#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
    r#"Please enable `cosmwasm-std`'s `std` feature, as we might move existing functionality to that feature in the future.
Builds without the std feature are currently not expected to work. If you need no_std support see #1484.

// Exposed on all platforms

mod addresses;
mod assertions;
mod binary;
mod checksum;
mod coin;
mod coins;
mod conversion;
mod deps;
mod errors;
mod forward_ref;
mod hex_binary;
mod ibc;
mod import_helpers;
#[cfg(feature = "iterator")]
mod iterator;
mod math;
mod metadata;
mod never;
mod pagination;
mod panic;
mod query;
mod results;
mod sections;
mod serde;
mod stdack;
mod storage;
mod timestamp;
mod traits;
mod types;

/// This module is to simplify no_std imports
pub(crate) mod prelude;

/// This modules is very advanced and will not be used directly by the vast majority of users.
/// We want to offer it to ensure a stable storage key composition system but don't encourage
/// contract devs to use it directly.
pub mod storage_keys;

pub use crate::addresses::{instantiate2_address, Addr, CanonicalAddr, Instantiate2AddressError};
pub use crate::binary::Binary;
pub use crate::checksum::{Checksum, ChecksumError};
pub use crate::coin::{coin, coins, has_coins, Coin};
pub use crate::coins::Coins;
pub use crate::deps::{Deps, DepsMut, OwnedDeps};
pub use crate::errors::{
    CheckedFromRatioError, CheckedMultiplyFractionError, CheckedMultiplyRatioError,
    CoinFromStrError, CoinsError, ConversionOverflowError, DivideByZeroError, DivisionError,
    OverflowError, OverflowOperation, RecoverPubkeyError, StdError, StdResult, SystemError,
pub use crate::hex_binary::HexBinary;
pub use crate::ibc::IbcChannelOpenResponse;
pub use crate::ibc::{
    Ibc3ChannelOpenResponse, IbcAcknowledgement, IbcBasicResponse, IbcChannel, IbcChannelCloseMsg,
    IbcChannelConnectMsg, IbcChannelOpenMsg, IbcEndpoint, IbcMsg, IbcOrder, IbcPacket,
    IbcPacketAckMsg, IbcPacketReceiveMsg, IbcPacketTimeoutMsg, IbcReceiveResponse, IbcTimeout,
#[cfg(feature = "iterator")]
pub use crate::iterator::{Order, Record};
pub use crate::math::{
    Decimal, Decimal256, Decimal256RangeExceeded, DecimalRangeExceeded, Fraction, Int128, Int256,
    Int512, Int64, Isqrt, SignedDecimal, SignedDecimal256, SignedDecimal256RangeExceeded,
    SignedDecimalRangeExceeded, Uint128, Uint256, Uint512, Uint64,
pub use crate::metadata::{DenomMetadata, DenomUnit};
pub use crate::never::Never;
pub use crate::pagination::PageRequest;
pub use crate::query::{
    AllBalanceResponse, AllDelegationsResponse, AllDenomMetadataResponse, AllValidatorsResponse,
    BalanceResponse, BankQuery, BondedDenomResponse, ChannelResponse, CodeInfoResponse,
    ContractInfoResponse, CustomQuery, DecCoin, Delegation, DelegationResponse,
    DelegationRewardsResponse, DelegationTotalRewardsResponse, DelegatorReward,
    DelegatorValidatorsResponse, DelegatorWithdrawAddressResponse, DenomMetadataResponse,
    DistributionQuery, FullDelegation, IbcQuery, ListChannelsResponse, PortIdResponse,
    QueryRequest, StakingQuery, SupplyResponse, Validator, ValidatorResponse, WasmQuery,
#[cfg(all(feature = "stargate", feature = "cosmwasm_1_2"))]
pub use crate::results::WeightedVoteOption;
pub use crate::results::{
    attr, wasm_execute, wasm_instantiate, AnyMsg, Attribute, BankMsg, ContractResult, CosmosMsg,
    CustomMsg, Empty, Event, QueryResponse, Reply, ReplyOn, Response, SubMsg, SubMsgResponse,
    SubMsgResult, SystemResult, WasmMsg,
#[cfg(feature = "staking")]
pub use crate::results::{DistributionMsg, StakingMsg};
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub use crate::results::{GovMsg, VoteOption};
pub use crate::serde::{
    from_binary, from_json, from_slice, to_binary, to_json_binary, to_json_string, to_json_vec,
pub use crate::stdack::StdAck;
pub use crate::storage::MemoryStorage;
pub use crate::timestamp::Timestamp;
pub use crate::traits::{Api, Querier, QuerierResult, QuerierWrapper, Storage};
pub use crate::types::{BlockInfo, ContractInfo, Env, MessageInfo, TransactionInfo};

// Exposed in wasm build only

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
mod exports;
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
mod imports;
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
mod memory; // Used by exports and imports only. This assumes pointers are 32 bit long, which makes it untestable on dev machines.

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub use crate::exports::{do_execute, do_instantiate, do_migrate, do_query, do_reply, do_sudo};
#[cfg(all(feature = "stargate", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub use crate::exports::{
    do_ibc_channel_close, do_ibc_channel_connect, do_ibc_channel_open, do_ibc_packet_ack,
    do_ibc_packet_receive, do_ibc_packet_timeout,
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub use crate::imports::{ExternalApi, ExternalQuerier, ExternalStorage};

/// Exposed for testing only
/// Both unit tests and integration tests are compiled to native code, so everything in here does not need to compile to Wasm.
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub mod testing;

// Re-exports

pub use cosmwasm_derive::entry_point;