cosmwasm-std 0.16.0-rc2

Standard library for Wasm based smart contracts on Cosmos blockchains
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
use serde::Serialize;
use std::collections::HashMap;

use crate::addresses::{Addr, CanonicalAddr};
use crate::binary::Binary;
use crate::coins::Coin;
use crate::deps::OwnedDeps;
use crate::errors::{RecoverPubkeyError, StdError, StdResult, SystemError, VerificationError};
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
use crate::ibc::{
    IbcAcknowledgement, IbcAcknowledgementWithPacket, IbcChannel, IbcChannelCloseMsg,
    IbcChannelConnectMsg, IbcChannelOpenMsg, IbcEndpoint, IbcOrder, IbcPacket, IbcPacketAckMsg,
    IbcPacketReceiveMsg, IbcPacketTimeoutMsg, IbcTimeoutBlock,
use crate::query::{
    AllBalanceResponse, BalanceResponse, BankQuery, CustomQuery, QueryRequest, WasmQuery,
#[cfg(feature = "staking")]
use crate::query::{
    AllDelegationsResponse, AllValidatorsResponse, BondedDenomResponse, DelegationResponse,
    FullDelegation, StakingQuery, Validator, ValidatorResponse,
use crate::results::{ContractResult, Empty, SystemResult};
use crate::serde::{from_slice, to_binary};
use crate::storage::MemoryStorage;
use crate::timestamp::Timestamp;
use crate::traits::{Api, Querier, QuerierResult};
use crate::types::{BlockInfo, ContractInfo, Env, MessageInfo};

pub const MOCK_CONTRACT_ADDR: &str = "cosmos2contract";

/// All external requirements that can be injected for unit tests.
/// It sets the given balance for the contract itself, nothing else
pub fn mock_dependencies(
    contract_balance: &[Coin],
) -> OwnedDeps<MockStorage, MockApi, MockQuerier> {
    OwnedDeps {
        storage: MockStorage::default(),
        api: MockApi::default(),
        querier: MockQuerier::new(&[(MOCK_CONTRACT_ADDR, contract_balance)]),

/// Initializes the querier along with the mock_dependencies.
/// Sets all balances provided (yoy must explicitly set contract balance if desired)
pub fn mock_dependencies_with_balances(
    balances: &[(&str, &[Coin])],
) -> OwnedDeps<MockStorage, MockApi, MockQuerier> {
    OwnedDeps {
        storage: MockStorage::default(),
        api: MockApi::default(),
        querier: MockQuerier::new(balances),

// Use MemoryStorage implementation (which is valid in non-testcode)
// We can later make simplifications here if needed
pub type MockStorage = MemoryStorage;

/// Length of canonical addresses created with this API. Contracts should not make any assumtions
/// what this value is.
/// The value here must be restorable with `SHUFFLES_ENCODE` + `SHUFFLES_DECODE` in-shuffles.
const CANONICAL_LENGTH: usize = 54;

const SHUFFLES_ENCODE: usize = 18;
const SHUFFLES_DECODE: usize = 2;

// MockPrecompiles zero pads all human addresses to make them fit the canonical_length
// it trims off zeros for the reverse operation.
// not really smart, but allows us to see a difference (and consistent length for canonical adddresses)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MockApi {
    /// Length of canonical addresses created with this API. Contracts should not make any assumtions
    /// what this value is.
    canonical_length: usize,

impl Default for MockApi {
    fn default() -> Self {
        MockApi {
            canonical_length: CANONICAL_LENGTH,

impl Api for MockApi {
    fn addr_validate(&self, human: &str) -> StdResult<Addr> {
        self.addr_canonicalize(human).map(|_canonical| ())?;

    fn addr_canonicalize(&self, human: &str) -> StdResult<CanonicalAddr> {
        // Dummy input validation. This is more sophisticated for formats like bech32, where format and checksum are validated.
        if human.len() < 3 {
            return Err(StdError::generic_err(
                "Invalid input: human address too short",
        if human.len() > self.canonical_length {
            return Err(StdError::generic_err(
                "Invalid input: human address too long",

        let mut out = Vec::from(human);

        // pad to canonical length with NULL bytes
        out.resize(self.canonical_length, 0x00);
        // content-dependent rotate followed by shuffle to destroy
        // the most obvious structure (
        let rotate_by = digit_sum(&out) % self.canonical_length;
        for _ in 0..SHUFFLES_ENCODE {
            out = riffle_shuffle(&out);

    fn addr_humanize(&self, canonical: &CanonicalAddr) -> StdResult<Addr> {
        if canonical.len() != self.canonical_length {
            return Err(StdError::generic_err(
                "Invalid input: canonical address length not correct",

        let mut tmp: Vec<u8> = canonical.clone().into();
        // Shuffle two more times which restored the original value (24 elements are back to original after 20 rounds)
        for _ in 0..SHUFFLES_DECODE {
            tmp = riffle_shuffle(&tmp);
        // Rotate back
        let rotate_by = digit_sum(&tmp) % self.canonical_length;
        // Remove NULL bytes (i.e. the padding)
        let trimmed = tmp.into_iter().filter(|&x| x != 0x00).collect();
        // decode UTF-8 bytes into string
        let human = String::from_utf8(trimmed)?;

    fn secp256k1_verify(
        message_hash: &[u8],
        signature: &[u8],
        public_key: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<bool, VerificationError> {

    fn secp256k1_recover_pubkey(
        message_hash: &[u8],
        signature: &[u8],
        recovery_param: u8,
    ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, RecoverPubkeyError> {
        let pubkey =
            cosmwasm_crypto::secp256k1_recover_pubkey(message_hash, signature, recovery_param)?;

    fn ed25519_verify(
        message: &[u8],
        signature: &[u8],
        public_key: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<bool, VerificationError> {
            message, signature, public_key,

    fn ed25519_batch_verify(
        messages: &[&[u8]],
        signatures: &[&[u8]],
        public_keys: &[&[u8]],
    ) -> Result<bool, VerificationError> {

    fn debug(&self, message: &str) {
        println!("{}", message);

/// Returns a default enviroment with height, time, chain_id, and contract address
/// You can submit as is to most contracts, or modify height/time if you want to
/// test for expiration.
/// This is intended for use in test code only.
pub fn mock_env() -> Env {
    Env {
        block: BlockInfo {
            height: 12_345,
            time: Timestamp::from_nanos(1_571_797_419_879_305_533),
            chain_id: "cosmos-testnet-14002".to_string(),
        contract: ContractInfo {
            address: Addr::unchecked(MOCK_CONTRACT_ADDR),

/// Just set sender and funds for the message.
/// This is intended for use in test code only.
pub fn mock_info(sender: &str, funds: &[Coin]) -> MessageInfo {
    MessageInfo {
        sender: Addr::unchecked(sender),
        funds: funds.to_vec(),

/// Creates an IbcChannel for testing. You set a few key parameters for handshaking,
/// If you want to set more, use this as a default and mutate other fields
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
fn mock_ibc_channel(my_channel_id: &str, order: IbcOrder, version: &str) -> IbcChannel {
    IbcChannel {
        endpoint: IbcEndpoint {
            port_id: "my_port".to_string(),
            channel_id: my_channel_id.to_string(),
        counterparty_endpoint: IbcEndpoint {
            port_id: "their_port".to_string(),
            channel_id: "channel-7".to_string(),
        version: version.to_string(),
        connection_id: "connection-2".to_string(),

/// Creates a IbcChannelOpenMsg::OpenInit for testing ibc_channel_open.
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub fn mock_ibc_channel_open_init(
    my_channel_id: &str,
    order: IbcOrder,
    version: &str,
) -> IbcChannelOpenMsg {
    IbcChannelOpenMsg::new_init(mock_ibc_channel(my_channel_id, order, version))

/// Creates a IbcChannelOpenMsg::OpenTry for testing ibc_channel_open.
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub fn mock_ibc_channel_open_try(
    my_channel_id: &str,
    order: IbcOrder,
    version: &str,
) -> IbcChannelOpenMsg {
    IbcChannelOpenMsg::new_try(mock_ibc_channel(my_channel_id, order, version), version)

/// Creates a IbcChannelConnectMsg::ConnectAck for testing ibc_channel_connect.
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub fn mock_ibc_channel_connect_ack(
    my_channel_id: &str,
    order: IbcOrder,
    version: &str,
) -> IbcChannelConnectMsg {
    IbcChannelConnectMsg::new_ack(mock_ibc_channel(my_channel_id, order, version), version)

/// Creates a IbcChannelConnectMsg::ConnectConfirm for testing ibc_channel_connect.
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub fn mock_ibc_channel_connect_confirm(
    my_channel_id: &str,
    order: IbcOrder,
    version: &str,
) -> IbcChannelConnectMsg {
    IbcChannelConnectMsg::new_confirm(mock_ibc_channel(my_channel_id, order, version))

/// Creates a IbcChannelCloseMsg::CloseInit for testing ibc_channel_close.
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub fn mock_ibc_channel_close_init(
    my_channel_id: &str,
    order: IbcOrder,
    version: &str,
) -> IbcChannelCloseMsg {
    IbcChannelCloseMsg::new_init(mock_ibc_channel(my_channel_id, order, version))

/// Creates a IbcChannelCloseMsg::CloseConfirm for testing ibc_channel_close.
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub fn mock_ibc_channel_close_confirm(
    my_channel_id: &str,
    order: IbcOrder,
    version: &str,
) -> IbcChannelCloseMsg {
    IbcChannelCloseMsg::new_confirm(mock_ibc_channel(my_channel_id, order, version))

/// Creates a IbcPacketReceiveMsg for testing ibc_packet_receive. You set a few key parameters that are
/// often parsed. If you want to set more, use this as a default and mutate other fields
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub fn mock_ibc_packet_recv<T: Serialize>(
    my_channel_id: &str,
    data: &T,
) -> StdResult<IbcPacketReceiveMsg> {
    Ok(IbcPacketReceiveMsg::new(IbcPacket {
        data: to_binary(data)?,
        src: IbcEndpoint {
            port_id: "their-port".to_string(),
            channel_id: "channel-1234".to_string(),
        dest: IbcEndpoint {
            port_id: "our-port".to_string(),
            channel_id: my_channel_id.into(),
        sequence: 27,
        timeout: IbcTimeoutBlock {
            revision: 1,
            height: 12345678,

/// Creates a IbcPacket for testing ibc_packet_{ack,timeout}. You set a few key parameters that are
/// often parsed. If you want to set more, use this as a default and mutate other fields.
/// The difference from mock_ibc_packet_recv is if `my_channel_id` is src or dest.
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
fn mock_ibc_packet<T: Serialize>(my_channel_id: &str, data: &T) -> StdResult<IbcPacket> {
    Ok(IbcPacket {
        data: to_binary(data)?,
        src: IbcEndpoint {
            port_id: "their-port".to_string(),
            channel_id: my_channel_id.into(),
        dest: IbcEndpoint {
            port_id: "our-port".to_string(),
            channel_id: "channel-1234".to_string(),
        sequence: 29,
        timeout: IbcTimeoutBlock {
            revision: 1,
            height: 432332552,

/// Creates a IbcPacketAckMsg for testing ibc_packet_ack. You set a few key parameters that are
/// often parsed. If you want to set more, use this as a default and mutate other fields.
/// The difference from mock_ibc_packet_recv is if `my_channel_id` is src or dest.
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub fn mock_ibc_packet_ack<T: Serialize>(
    my_channel_id: &str,
    data: &T,
    ack: IbcAcknowledgement,
) -> StdResult<IbcPacketAckMsg> {
    let packet = mock_ibc_packet(my_channel_id, data)?;

    Ok(IbcPacketAckMsg::new(IbcAcknowledgementWithPacket {
        acknowledgement: ack,
        original_packet: packet,

/// Creates a IbcPacketTimeoutMsg for testing ibc_packet_timeout. You set a few key parameters that are
/// often parsed. If you want to set more, use this as a default and mutate other fields.
/// The difference from mock_ibc_packet_recv is if `my_channel_id` is src or dest./
#[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
pub fn mock_ibc_packet_timeout<T: Serialize>(
    my_channel_id: &str,
    data: &T,
) -> StdResult<IbcPacketTimeoutMsg> {
    mock_ibc_packet(my_channel_id, data).map(IbcPacketTimeoutMsg::new)

/// The same type as cosmwasm-std's QuerierResult, but easier to reuse in
/// cosmwasm-vm. It might diverge from QuerierResult at some point.
pub type MockQuerierCustomHandlerResult = SystemResult<ContractResult<Binary>>;

/// MockQuerier holds an immutable table of bank balances
/// TODO: also allow querying contracts
pub struct MockQuerier<C: DeserializeOwned = Empty> {
    bank: BankQuerier,
    #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
    staking: StakingQuerier,
    // placeholder to add support later
    wasm: NoWasmQuerier,
    /// A handler to handle custom queries. This is set to a dummy handler that
    /// always errors by default. Update it via `with_custom_handler`.
    /// Use box to avoid the need of another generic type
    custom_handler: Box<dyn for<'a> Fn(&'a C) -> MockQuerierCustomHandlerResult>,

impl<C: DeserializeOwned> MockQuerier<C> {
    pub fn new(balances: &[(&str, &[Coin])]) -> Self {
        MockQuerier {
            bank: BankQuerier::new(balances),
            #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
            staking: StakingQuerier::default(),
            wasm: NoWasmQuerier {},
            // strange argument notation suggested as a workaround here:
            custom_handler: Box::from(|_: &_| -> MockQuerierCustomHandlerResult {
                SystemResult::Err(SystemError::UnsupportedRequest {
                    kind: "custom".to_string(),

    // set a new balance for the given address and return the old balance
    pub fn update_balance<U: Into<String>>(
        &mut self,
        addr: U,
        balance: Vec<Coin>,
    ) -> Option<Vec<Coin>> {, balance)

    #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
    pub fn update_staking(
        &mut self,
        denom: &str,
        validators: &[crate::query::Validator],
        delegations: &[crate::query::FullDelegation],
    ) {
        self.staking = StakingQuerier::new(denom, validators, delegations);

    pub fn with_custom_handler<CH: 'static>(mut self, handler: CH) -> Self
        CH: Fn(&C) -> MockQuerierCustomHandlerResult,
        self.custom_handler = Box::from(handler);

impl<C: CustomQuery + DeserializeOwned> Querier for MockQuerier<C> {
    fn raw_query(&self, bin_request: &[u8]) -> QuerierResult {
        let request: QueryRequest<C> = match from_slice(bin_request) {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(e) => {
                return SystemResult::Err(SystemError::InvalidRequest {
                    error: format!("Parsing query request: {}", e),
                    request: bin_request.into(),

impl<C: CustomQuery + DeserializeOwned> MockQuerier<C> {
    pub fn handle_query(&self, request: &QueryRequest<C>) -> QuerierResult {
        match &request {
            QueryRequest::Bank(bank_query) =>,
            QueryRequest::Custom(custom_query) => (*self.custom_handler)(custom_query),
            #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
            QueryRequest::Staking(staking_query) => self.staking.query(staking_query),
            QueryRequest::Wasm(msg) => self.wasm.query(msg),
            #[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
            QueryRequest::Stargate { .. } => SystemResult::Err(SystemError::UnsupportedRequest {
                kind: "Stargate".to_string(),
            #[cfg(feature = "stargate")]
            QueryRequest::Ibc(_) => SystemResult::Err(SystemError::UnsupportedRequest {
                kind: "Ibc".to_string(),

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct NoWasmQuerier {
    // FIXME: actually provide a way to call out

impl NoWasmQuerier {
    fn query(&self, request: &WasmQuery) -> QuerierResult {
        let addr = match request {
            WasmQuery::Smart { contract_addr, .. } => contract_addr,
            WasmQuery::Raw { contract_addr, .. } => contract_addr,
        SystemResult::Err(SystemError::NoSuchContract { addr })

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct BankQuerier {
    balances: HashMap<String, Vec<Coin>>,

impl BankQuerier {
    pub fn new(balances: &[(&str, &[Coin])]) -> Self {
        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        for (addr, coins) in balances.iter() {
            map.insert(addr.to_string(), coins.to_vec());
        BankQuerier { balances: map }

    pub fn query(&self, request: &BankQuery) -> QuerierResult {
        let contract_result: ContractResult<Binary> = match request {
            BankQuery::Balance { address, denom } => {
                // proper error on not found, serialize result on found
                let amount = self
                    .and_then(|v| v.iter().find(|c| &c.denom == denom).map(|c| c.amount))
                let bank_res = BalanceResponse {
                    amount: Coin {
                        denom: denom.to_string(),
            BankQuery::AllBalances { address } => {
                // proper error on not found, serialize result on found
                let bank_res = AllBalanceResponse {
                    amount: self.balances.get(address).cloned().unwrap_or_default(),
        // system result is always ok in the mock implementation

#[cfg(feature = "staking")]
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct StakingQuerier {
    denom: String,
    validators: Vec<Validator>,
    delegations: Vec<FullDelegation>,

#[cfg(feature = "staking")]
impl StakingQuerier {
    pub fn new(denom: &str, validators: &[Validator], delegations: &[FullDelegation]) -> Self {
        StakingQuerier {
            denom: denom.to_string(),
            validators: validators.to_vec(),
            delegations: delegations.to_vec(),

    pub fn query(&self, request: &StakingQuery) -> QuerierResult {
        let contract_result: ContractResult<Binary> = match request {
            StakingQuery::BondedDenom {} => {
                let res = BondedDenomResponse {
                    denom: self.denom.clone(),
            StakingQuery::AllValidators {} => {
                let res = AllValidatorsResponse {
                    validators: self.validators.clone(),
            StakingQuery::Validator { address } => {
                let validator: Option<Validator> = self
                    .find(|validator| validator.address == *address)
                let res = ValidatorResponse { validator };
            StakingQuery::AllDelegations { delegator } => {
                let delegations: Vec<_> = self
                    .filter(|d| d.delegator.as_str() == delegator)
                    .map(|d| d.into())
                let res = AllDelegationsResponse { delegations };
            StakingQuery::Delegation {
            } => {
                let delegation = self
                    .find(|d| d.delegator.as_str() == delegator && d.validator == *validator);
                let res = DelegationResponse {
                    delegation: delegation.cloned(),
        // system result is always ok in the mock implementation

/// Performs a perfect shuffle (in shuffle)
/// The number of shuffles required to restore the original order are listed in
///, e.g.:
/// ```ignore
/// 2: 2
/// 4: 4
/// 6: 3
/// 8: 6
/// 10: 10
/// 12: 12
/// 14: 4
/// 16: 8
/// 18: 18
/// 20: 6
/// 22: 11
/// 24: 20
/// 26: 18
/// 28: 28
/// 30: 5
/// 32: 10
/// 34: 12
/// 36: 36
/// 38: 12
/// 40: 20
/// 42: 14
/// 44: 12
/// 46: 23
/// 48: 21
/// 50: 8
/// 52: 52
/// 54: 20
/// 56: 18
/// 58: 58
/// 60: 60
/// 62: 6
/// 64: 12
/// 66: 66
/// 68: 22
/// 70: 35
/// 72: 9
/// 74: 20
/// ```
pub fn riffle_shuffle<T: Clone>(input: &[T]) -> Vec<T> {
        input.len() % 2 == 0,
        "Method only defined for even number of elements"
    let mid = input.len() / 2;
    let (left, right) = input.split_at(mid);
    let mut out = Vec::<T>::with_capacity(input.len());
    for i in 0..mid {

pub fn digit_sum(input: &[u8]) -> usize {
    input.iter().fold(0, |sum, val| sum + (*val as usize))

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{coin, coins, from_binary};
    #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
    use crate::{Decimal, Delegation};
    use hex_literal::hex;

    const SECP256K1_MSG_HASH_HEX: &str =
    const SECP256K1_SIG_HEX: &str = "207082eb2c3dfa0b454e0906051270ba4074ac93760ba9e7110cd9471475111151eb0dbbc9920e72146fb564f99d039802bf6ef2561446eb126ef364d21ee9c4";
    const SECP256K1_PUBKEY_HEX: &str = "04051c1ee2190ecfb174bfe4f90763f2b4ff7517b70a2aec1876ebcfd644c4633fb03f3cfbd94b1f376e34592d9d41ccaf640bb751b00a1fadeb0c01157769eb73";

    const ED25519_MSG_HEX: &str = "72";
    const ED25519_SIG_HEX: &str = "92a009a9f0d4cab8720e820b5f642540a2b27b5416503f8fb3762223ebdb69da085ac1e43e15996e458f3613d0f11d8c387b2eaeb4302aeeb00d291612bb0c00";
    const ED25519_PUBKEY_HEX: &str =

    fn mock_info_works() {
        let info = mock_info("my name", &coins(100, "atom"));
            MessageInfo {
                sender: Addr::unchecked("my name"),
                funds: vec![Coin {
                    amount: 100u128.into(),
                    denom: "atom".into(),

    fn canonicalize_and_humanize_restores_original() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let original = String::from("shorty");
        let canonical = api.addr_canonicalize(&original).unwrap();
        let recovered = api.addr_humanize(&canonical).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(recovered, original);

    #[should_panic(expected = "address too short")]
    fn addr_canonicalize_min_input_length() {
        let api = MockApi::default();
        let human = String::from("1");
        let _ = api.addr_canonicalize(&human).unwrap();

    #[should_panic(expected = "address too long")]
    fn addr_canonicalize_max_input_length() {
        let api = MockApi::default();
        let human =
        let _ = api.addr_canonicalize(&human).unwrap();

    fn addr_canonicalize_works_with_string_inputs() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let input = String::from("foobar123");

        let input = "foobar456";

    #[should_panic(expected = "length not correct")]
    fn addr_humanize_input_length() {
        let api = MockApi::default();
        let input = CanonicalAddr(Binary(vec![61; 11]));

    // Basic "works" test. Exhaustive tests on VM's side (packages/vm/src/
    fn secp256k1_verify_works() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let hash = hex::decode(SECP256K1_MSG_HASH_HEX).unwrap();
        let signature = hex::decode(SECP256K1_SIG_HEX).unwrap();
        let public_key = hex::decode(SECP256K1_PUBKEY_HEX).unwrap();

            .secp256k1_verify(&hash, &signature, &public_key)

    // Basic "fails" test. Exhaustive tests on VM's side (packages/vm/src/
    fn secp256k1_verify_fails() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let mut hash = hex::decode(SECP256K1_MSG_HASH_HEX).unwrap();
        // alter hash
        hash[0] ^= 0x01;
        let signature = hex::decode(SECP256K1_SIG_HEX).unwrap();
        let public_key = hex::decode(SECP256K1_PUBKEY_HEX).unwrap();

            .secp256k1_verify(&hash, &signature, &public_key)

    // Basic "errors" test. Exhaustive tests on VM's side (packages/vm/src/
    fn secp256k1_verify_errs() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let hash = hex::decode(SECP256K1_MSG_HASH_HEX).unwrap();
        let signature = hex::decode(SECP256K1_SIG_HEX).unwrap();
        let public_key = vec![];

        let res = api.secp256k1_verify(&hash, &signature, &public_key);
        assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err(), VerificationError::InvalidPubkeyFormat);

    fn secp256k1_recover_pubkey_works() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let hash = hex!("5ae8317d34d1e595e3fa7247db80c0af4320cce1116de187f8f7e2e099c0d8d0");
        let signature = hex!("45c0b7f8c09a9e1f1cea0c25785594427b6bf8f9f878a8af0b1abbb48e16d0920d8becd0c220f67c51217eecfd7184ef0732481c843857e6bc7fc095c4f6b788");
        let recovery_param = 1;
        let expected = hex!("044a071e8a6e10aada2b8cf39fa3b5fb3400b04e99ea8ae64ceea1a977dbeaf5d5f8c8fbd10b71ab14cd561f7df8eb6da50f8a8d81ba564342244d26d1d4211595");

        let pubkey = api
            .secp256k1_recover_pubkey(&hash, &signature, recovery_param)
        assert_eq!(pubkey, expected);

    fn secp256k1_recover_pubkey_fails_for_wrong_recovery_param() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let hash = hex!("5ae8317d34d1e595e3fa7247db80c0af4320cce1116de187f8f7e2e099c0d8d0");
        let signature = hex!("45c0b7f8c09a9e1f1cea0c25785594427b6bf8f9f878a8af0b1abbb48e16d0920d8becd0c220f67c51217eecfd7184ef0732481c843857e6bc7fc095c4f6b788");
        let _recovery_param = 1;
        let expected = hex!("044a071e8a6e10aada2b8cf39fa3b5fb3400b04e99ea8ae64ceea1a977dbeaf5d5f8c8fbd10b71ab14cd561f7df8eb6da50f8a8d81ba564342244d26d1d4211595");

        // Wrong recovery param leads to different pubkey
        let pubkey = api.secp256k1_recover_pubkey(&hash, &signature, 0).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(pubkey.len(), 65);
        assert_ne!(pubkey, expected);

        // Invalid recovery param leads to error
        let result = api.secp256k1_recover_pubkey(&hash, &signature, 42);
        match result.unwrap_err() {
            RecoverPubkeyError::InvalidRecoveryParam => {}
            err => panic!("Unexpected error: {:?}", err),

    fn secp256k1_recover_pubkey_fails_for_wrong_hash() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let hash = hex!("5ae8317d34d1e595e3fa7247db80c0af4320cce1116de187f8f7e2e099c0d8d0");
        let signature = hex!("45c0b7f8c09a9e1f1cea0c25785594427b6bf8f9f878a8af0b1abbb48e16d0920d8becd0c220f67c51217eecfd7184ef0732481c843857e6bc7fc095c4f6b788");
        let recovery_param = 1;
        let expected = hex!("044a071e8a6e10aada2b8cf39fa3b5fb3400b04e99ea8ae64ceea1a977dbeaf5d5f8c8fbd10b71ab14cd561f7df8eb6da50f8a8d81ba564342244d26d1d4211595");

        // Wrong hash
        let mut corrupted_hash = hash;
        corrupted_hash[0] ^= 0x01;
        let pubkey = api
            .secp256k1_recover_pubkey(&corrupted_hash, &signature, recovery_param)
        assert_eq!(pubkey.len(), 65);
        assert_ne!(pubkey, expected);

        // Malformed hash
        let mut malformed_hash = hash.to_vec();
        let result = api.secp256k1_recover_pubkey(&malformed_hash, &signature, recovery_param);
        match result.unwrap_err() {
            RecoverPubkeyError::InvalidHashFormat => {}
            err => panic!("Unexpected error: {:?}", err),

    // Basic "works" test. Exhaustive tests on VM's side (packages/vm/src/
    fn ed25519_verify_works() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let msg = hex::decode(ED25519_MSG_HEX).unwrap();
        let signature = hex::decode(ED25519_SIG_HEX).unwrap();
        let public_key = hex::decode(ED25519_PUBKEY_HEX).unwrap();

        assert!(api.ed25519_verify(&msg, &signature, &public_key).unwrap());

    // Basic "fails" test. Exhaustive tests on VM's side (packages/vm/src/
    fn ed25519_verify_fails() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let mut msg = hex::decode(ED25519_MSG_HEX).unwrap();
        // alter msg
        msg[0] ^= 0x01;
        let signature = hex::decode(ED25519_SIG_HEX).unwrap();
        let public_key = hex::decode(ED25519_PUBKEY_HEX).unwrap();

        assert!(!api.ed25519_verify(&msg, &signature, &public_key).unwrap());

    // Basic "errors" test. Exhaustive tests on VM's side (packages/vm/src/
    fn ed25519_verify_errs() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let msg = hex::decode(ED25519_MSG_HEX).unwrap();
        let signature = hex::decode(ED25519_SIG_HEX).unwrap();
        let public_key = vec![];

        let res = api.ed25519_verify(&msg, &signature, &public_key);
        assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err(), VerificationError::InvalidPubkeyFormat);

    // Basic "works" test.
    fn ed25519_batch_verify_works() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let msg = hex::decode(ED25519_MSG_HEX).unwrap();
        let signature = hex::decode(ED25519_SIG_HEX).unwrap();
        let public_key = hex::decode(ED25519_PUBKEY_HEX).unwrap();

        let msgs: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&msg];
        let signatures: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&signature];
        let public_keys: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&public_key];

            .ed25519_batch_verify(&msgs, &signatures, &public_keys)

    // Basic "fails" test.
    fn ed25519_batch_verify_fails() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let mut msg = hex::decode(ED25519_MSG_HEX).unwrap();
        // alter msg
        msg[0] ^= 0x01;
        let signature = hex::decode(ED25519_SIG_HEX).unwrap();
        let public_key = hex::decode(ED25519_PUBKEY_HEX).unwrap();

        let msgs: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&msg];
        let signatures: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&signature];
        let public_keys: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&public_key];

            .ed25519_batch_verify(&msgs, &signatures, &public_keys)

    // Basic "errors" test.
    fn ed25519_batch_verify_errs() {
        let api = MockApi::default();

        let msg = hex::decode(ED25519_MSG_HEX).unwrap();
        let signature = hex::decode(ED25519_SIG_HEX).unwrap();
        let public_key: Vec<u8> = vec![0u8; 0];

        let msgs: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&msg.as_slice()];
        let signatures: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&signature.as_slice()];
        let public_keys: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&public_key];

        let res = api.ed25519_batch_verify(&msgs, &signatures, &public_keys);
        assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err(), VerificationError::InvalidPubkeyFormat);

    fn bank_querier_all_balances() {
        let addr = String::from("foobar");
        let balance = vec![coin(123, "ELF"), coin(777, "FLY")];
        let bank = BankQuerier::new(&[(&addr, &balance)]);

        let all = bank
            .query(&BankQuery::AllBalances { address: addr })
        let res: AllBalanceResponse = from_binary(&all).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(&res.amount, &balance);

    fn bank_querier_one_balance() {
        let addr = String::from("foobar");
        let balance = vec![coin(123, "ELF"), coin(777, "FLY")];
        let bank = BankQuerier::new(&[(&addr, &balance)]);

        // one match
        let fly = bank
            .query(&BankQuery::Balance {
                address: addr.clone(),
                denom: "FLY".to_string(),
        let res: BalanceResponse = from_binary(&fly).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.amount, coin(777, "FLY"));

        // missing denom
        let miss = bank
            .query(&BankQuery::Balance {
                address: addr,
                denom: "MISS".to_string(),
        let res: BalanceResponse = from_binary(&miss).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.amount, coin(0, "MISS"));

    fn bank_querier_missing_account() {
        let addr = String::from("foobar");
        let balance = vec![coin(123, "ELF"), coin(777, "FLY")];
        let bank = BankQuerier::new(&[(&addr, &balance)]);

        // all balances on empty account is empty vec
        let all = bank
            .query(&BankQuery::AllBalances {
                address: String::from("elsewhere"),
        let res: AllBalanceResponse = from_binary(&all).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.amount, vec![]);

        // any denom on balances on empty account is empty coin
        let miss = bank
            .query(&BankQuery::Balance {
                address: String::from("elsewhere"),
                denom: "ELF".to_string(),
        let res: BalanceResponse = from_binary(&miss).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.amount, coin(0, "ELF"));

    #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
    fn staking_querier_all_validators() {
        let val1 = Validator {
            address: String::from("validator-one"),
            commission: Decimal::percent(1),
            max_commission: Decimal::percent(3),
            max_change_rate: Decimal::percent(1),
        let val2 = Validator {
            address: String::from("validator-two"),
            commission: Decimal::permille(15),
            max_commission: Decimal::permille(40),
            max_change_rate: Decimal::permille(5),

        let staking = StakingQuerier::new("ustake", &[val1.clone(), val2.clone()], &[]);

        // one match
        let raw = staking
            .query(&StakingQuery::AllValidators {})
        let vals: AllValidatorsResponse = from_binary(&raw).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(vals.validators, vec![val1, val2]);

    #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
    fn staking_querier_validator() {
        let address1 = String::from("validator-one");
        let address2 = String::from("validator-two");
        let address_non_existent = String::from("wannabe-validator");

        let val1 = Validator {
            address: address1.clone(),
            commission: Decimal::percent(1),
            max_commission: Decimal::percent(3),
            max_change_rate: Decimal::percent(1),
        let val2 = Validator {
            address: address2.clone(),
            commission: Decimal::permille(15),
            max_commission: Decimal::permille(40),
            max_change_rate: Decimal::permille(5),

        let staking = StakingQuerier::new("ustake", &[val1.clone(), val2.clone()], &[]);

        // query 1
        let raw = staking
            .query(&StakingQuery::Validator { address: address1 })
        let res: ValidatorResponse = from_binary(&raw).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.validator, Some(val1));

        // query 2
        let raw = staking
            .query(&StakingQuery::Validator { address: address2 })
        let res: ValidatorResponse = from_binary(&raw).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.validator, Some(val2));

        // query non-existent
        let raw = staking
            .query(&StakingQuery::Validator {
                address: address_non_existent,
        let res: ValidatorResponse = from_binary(&raw).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.validator, None);

    #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
    // gets delegators from query or panic
    fn get_all_delegators<U: Into<String>>(
        staking: &StakingQuerier,
        delegator: U,
    ) -> Vec<Delegation> {
        let raw = staking
            .query(&StakingQuery::AllDelegations {
                delegator: delegator.into(),
        let dels: AllDelegationsResponse = from_binary(&raw).unwrap();

    #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
    // gets full delegators from query or panic
    fn get_delegator<U: Into<String>, V: Into<String>>(
        staking: &StakingQuerier,
        delegator: U,
        validator: V,
    ) -> Option<FullDelegation> {
        let raw = staking
            .query(&StakingQuery::Delegation {
                delegator: delegator.into(),
                validator: validator.into(),
        let dels: DelegationResponse = from_binary(&raw).unwrap();

    #[cfg(feature = "staking")]
    fn staking_querier_delegations() {
        let val1 = String::from("validator-one");
        let val2 = String::from("validator-two");

        let user_a = Addr::unchecked("investor");
        let user_b = Addr::unchecked("speculator");
        let user_c = Addr::unchecked("hodler");

        // we need multiple validators per delegator, so the queries provide different results
        let del1a = FullDelegation {
            delegator: user_a.clone(),
            validator: val1.clone(),
            amount: coin(100, "ustake"),
            can_redelegate: coin(100, "ustake"),
            accumulated_rewards: coins(5, "ustake"),
        let del2a = FullDelegation {
            delegator: user_a.clone(),
            validator: val2.clone(),
            amount: coin(500, "ustake"),
            can_redelegate: coin(500, "ustake"),
            accumulated_rewards: coins(20, "ustake"),

        // note we cannot have multiple delegations on one validator, they are collapsed into one
        let del1b = FullDelegation {
            delegator: user_b.clone(),
            validator: val1.clone(),
            amount: coin(500, "ustake"),
            can_redelegate: coin(0, "ustake"),
            accumulated_rewards: coins(0, "ustake"),

        // and another one on val2
        let del2c = FullDelegation {
            delegator: user_c.clone(),
            validator: val2.clone(),
            amount: coin(8888, "ustake"),
            can_redelegate: coin(4567, "ustake"),
            accumulated_rewards: coins(900, "ustake"),

        let staking = StakingQuerier::new(
            &[del1a.clone(), del1b.clone(), del2a.clone(), del2c.clone()],

        // get all for user a
        let dels = get_all_delegators(&staking, user_a.clone());
        assert_eq!(dels, vec![del1a.clone().into(), del2a.clone().into()]);

        // get all for user b
        let dels = get_all_delegators(&staking, user_b.clone());
        assert_eq!(dels, vec![del1b.clone().into()]);

        // get all for user c
        let dels = get_all_delegators(&staking, user_c.clone());
        assert_eq!(dels, vec![del2c.clone().into()]);

        // for user with no delegations...
        let dels = get_all_delegators(&staking, String::from("no one"));
        assert_eq!(dels, vec![]);

        // filter a by validator (1 and 1)
        let dels = get_delegator(&staking, user_a.clone(), val1.clone());
        assert_eq!(dels, Some(del1a));
        let dels = get_delegator(&staking, user_a, val2.clone());
        assert_eq!(dels, Some(del2a));

        // filter b by validator (2 and 0)
        let dels = get_delegator(&staking, user_b.clone(), val1.clone());
        assert_eq!(dels, Some(del1b));
        let dels = get_delegator(&staking, user_b, val2.clone());
        assert_eq!(dels, None);

        // filter c by validator (0 and 1)
        let dels = get_delegator(&staking, user_c.clone(), val1);
        assert_eq!(dels, None);
        let dels = get_delegator(&staking, user_c, val2);
        assert_eq!(dels, Some(del2c));

    fn riffle_shuffle_works() {
        // Example from
        let start = [0xA, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6];
        let round1 = riffle_shuffle(&start);
        assert_eq!(round1, [0x4, 0xA, 0x5, 0x2, 0x6, 0x3]);
        let round2 = riffle_shuffle(&round1);
        assert_eq!(round2, [0x2, 0x4, 0x6, 0xA, 0x3, 0x5]);
        let round3 = riffle_shuffle(&round2);
        assert_eq!(round3, start);

        // For 14 elements, the original order is restored after 4 executions
        // See and
        let original = [12, 33, 76, 576, 0, 44, 1, 14, 78, 99, 871212, -7, 2, -1];
        let mut result = Vec::from(original);
        for _ in 0..4 {
            result = riffle_shuffle(&result);
        assert_eq!(result, original);

        // For 24 elements, the original order is restored after 20 executions
        let original = [
            7, 4, 2, 4656, 23, 45, 23, 1, 12, 76, 576, 0, 12, 1, 14, 78, 99, 12, 1212, 444, 31,
            111, 424, 34,
        let mut result = Vec::from(original);
        for _ in 0..20 {
            result = riffle_shuffle(&result);
        assert_eq!(result, original);

    fn digit_sum_works() {
        assert_eq!(digit_sum(&[]), 0);
        assert_eq!(digit_sum(&[0]), 0);
        assert_eq!(digit_sum(&[0, 0]), 0);
        assert_eq!(digit_sum(&[0, 0, 0]), 0);

        assert_eq!(digit_sum(&[1, 0, 0]), 1);
        assert_eq!(digit_sum(&[0, 1, 0]), 1);
        assert_eq!(digit_sum(&[0, 0, 1]), 1);

        assert_eq!(digit_sum(&[1, 2, 3]), 6);

        assert_eq!(digit_sum(&[255, 1]), 256);