cosmwasm-schema 1.5.4

A dev-dependency for CosmWasm contracts to generate JSON Schema files.
/// Generates a [`RootSchema`](crate::schemars::schema::RootSchema) for the given type using default settings.
/// The type must implement [`JsonSchema`](crate::schemars::JsonSchema).
/// The schema version is strictly `draft-07`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cosmwasm_schema::schema_for;
/// use schemars::JsonSchema;
/// #[derive(JsonSchema)]
/// struct MyStruct {
///     foo: i32,
/// }
/// let my_schema = schema_for!(MyStruct);
/// ```
macro_rules! schema_for {
    ($type:ty) => {
    ($_:expr) => {
        compile_error!("The argument to `schema_for!` is not a type.")