
  • ChannelStateData returns the SignBytes data for channel state verification.
  • ClientState defines a solo machine client that tracks the current consensus state and if the client is frozen.
  • ClientStateData returns the SignBytes data for client state verification.
  • ConnectionStateData returns the SignBytes data for connection state verification.
  • ConsensusState defines a solo machine consensus state. The sequence of a consensus state is contained in the “height” key used in storing the consensus state.
  • ConsensusStateData returns the SignBytes data for consensus state verification.
  • Header defines a solo machine consensus header
  • HeaderData returns the SignBytes data for update verification.
  • Misbehaviour defines misbehaviour for a solo machine which consists of a sequence and two signatures over different messages at that sequence.
  • NextSequenceRecvData returns the SignBytes data for verification of the next sequence to be received.
  • PacketAcknowledgementData returns the SignBytes data for acknowledgement verification.
  • PacketCommitmentData returns the SignBytes data for packet commitment verification.
  • PacketReceiptAbsenceData returns the SignBytes data for packet receipt absence verification.
  • SignBytes defines the signed bytes used for signature verification.
  • SignatureAndData contains a signature and the data signed over to create that signature.
  • TimestampedSignatureData contains the signature data and the timestamp of the signature.


  • DataType defines the type of solo machine proof being created. This is done to preserve uniqueness of different data sign byte encodings.