

  • Balance defines an account address and balance pair used in the bank module’s genesis state.
  • DenomOwner defines structure representing an account that owns or holds a particular denominated token. It contains the account address and account balance of the denominated token.
  • DenomUnit represents a struct that describes a given denomination unit of the basic token.
  • GenesisState defines the bank module’s genesis state.
  • Input models transaction input.
  • Metadata represents a struct that describes a basic token.
  • MsgMultiSend represents an arbitrary multi-in, multi-out send message.
  • MsgMultiSendResponse defines the Msg/MultiSend response type.
  • MsgSend represents a message to send coins from one account to another.
  • MsgSendResponse defines the Msg/Send response type.
  • Output models transaction outputs.
  • Params defines the parameters for the bank module.
  • QueryBalanceRequest is the request type for the Query/AllBalances RPC method.
  • QueryAllBalancesResponse is the response type for the Query/AllBalances RPC method.
  • QueryBalanceRequest is the request type for the Query/Balance RPC method.
  • QueryBalanceResponse is the response type for the Query/Balance RPC method.
  • QueryDenomMetadataRequest is the request type for the Query/DenomMetadata RPC method.
  • QueryDenomMetadataResponse is the response type for the Query/DenomMetadata RPC method.
  • QueryDenomOwnersRequest defines the request type for the DenomOwners RPC query, which queries for a paginated set of all account holders of a particular denomination.
  • QueryDenomOwnersResponse defines the RPC response of a DenomOwners RPC query.
  • QueryDenomsMetadataRequest is the request type for the Query/DenomsMetadata RPC method.
  • QueryDenomsMetadataResponse is the response type for the Query/DenomsMetadata RPC method.
  • QueryParamsRequest defines the request type for querying x/bank parameters.
  • QueryParamsResponse defines the response type for querying x/bank parameters.
  • QuerySpendableBalancesRequest defines the gRPC request structure for querying an account’s spendable balances.
  • QuerySpendableBalancesResponse defines the gRPC response structure for querying an account’s spendable balances.
  • QuerySupplyOfRequest is the request type for the Query/SupplyOf RPC method.
  • QuerySupplyOfResponse is the response type for the Query/SupplyOf RPC method.
  • QueryTotalSupplyRequest is the request type for the Query/TotalSupply RPC method.
  • QueryTotalSupplyResponse is the response type for the Query/TotalSupply RPC method
  • SendAuthorization allows the grantee to spend up to spend_limit coins from the granter’s account.
  • SendEnabled maps coin denom to a send_enabled status (whether a denom is sendable).
  • Supply represents a struct that passively keeps track of the total supply amounts in the network. This message is deprecated now that supply is indexed by denom.