

  • ClientConsensusStates defines all the stored consensus states for a given client.
  • ClientUpdateProposal is a governance proposal. If it passes, the substitute client’s latest consensus state is copied over to the subject client. The proposal handler may fail if the subject and the substitute do not match in client and chain parameters (with exception to latest height, frozen height, and chain-id).
  • ConsensusStateWithHeight defines a consensus state with an additional height field.
  • GenesisMetadata defines the genesis type for metadata that clients may return with ExportMetadata
  • GenesisState defines the ibc client submodule’s genesis state.
  • Height is a monotonically increasing data type that can be compared against another Height for the purposes of updating and freezing clients
  • IdentifiedClientState defines a client state with an additional client identifier field.
  • IdentifiedGenesisMetadata has the client metadata with the corresponding client id.
  • MsgCreateClient defines a message to create an IBC client
  • MsgCreateClientResponse defines the Msg/CreateClient response type.
  • MsgSubmitMisbehaviour defines an sdk.Msg type that submits Evidence for light client misbehaviour.
  • MsgSubmitMisbehaviourResponse defines the Msg/SubmitMisbehaviour response type.
  • MsgUpdateClient defines an sdk.Msg to update a IBC client state using the given header.
  • MsgUpdateClientResponse defines the Msg/UpdateClient response type.
  • MsgUpgradeClient defines an sdk.Msg to upgrade an IBC client to a new client state
  • MsgUpgradeClientResponse defines the Msg/UpgradeClient response type.
  • Params defines the set of IBC light client parameters.
  • QueryClientParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/ClientParams RPC method.
  • QueryClientParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/ClientParams RPC method.
  • QueryClientStateRequest is the request type for the Query/ClientState RPC method
  • QueryClientStateResponse is the response type for the Query/ClientState RPC method. Besides the client state, it includes a proof and the height from which the proof was retrieved.
  • QueryClientStatesRequest is the request type for the Query/ClientStates RPC method
  • QueryClientStatesResponse is the response type for the Query/ClientStates RPC method.
  • QueryClientStatusRequest is the request type for the Query/ClientStatus RPC method
  • QueryClientStatusResponse is the response type for the Query/ClientStatus RPC method. It returns the current status of the IBC client.
  • QueryConsensusStateRequest is the request type for the Query/ConsensusState RPC method. Besides the consensus state, it includes a proof and the height from which the proof was retrieved.
  • QueryConsensusStateResponse is the response type for the Query/ConsensusState RPC method
  • QueryConsensusStatesRequest is the request type for the Query/ConsensusStates RPC method.
  • QueryConsensusStatesResponse is the response type for the Query/ConsensusStates RPC method
  • QueryUpgradedClientStateRequest is the request type for the Query/UpgradedClientState RPC method
  • QueryUpgradedClientStateResponse is the response type for the Query/UpgradedClientState RPC method.
  • QueryUpgradedConsensusStateRequest is the request type for the Query/UpgradedConsensusState RPC method
  • QueryUpgradedConsensusStateResponse is the response type for the Query/UpgradedConsensusState RPC method.
  • UpgradeProposal is a gov Content type for initiating an IBC breaking upgrade.