cosmicus 0.1.9

Cosmicus Client and Server to make the runner better
use cosmicus::{
  runner::{Runner, WorkflowMessage, WorkflowRunner},
  Client, ClientPlugin,

struct MyPlugin;

impl ClientPlugin for MyPlugin {
  fn on_init(&self, _runner: &Runner) {
    log::info!("MyPlugin init");

  fn on_event(&self, event: &WorkflowMessage) {
    log::info!("MyPlugin on_event: {:?}", event);

  fn on_workflow_runner_init(&self, _runner: &WorkflowRunner) {
    log::info!("MyPlugin on_workflow_runner_init");

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let _res = env_logger::builder()

  let client = Client::builder()

  client.register_plugin(MyPlugin {});

  let mut connect_times = 0;
  loop {
    log::info!("Connecting... {}", connect_times);
    if let Err(err) = client.connect().await {
      log::error!("Error connecting: {}", err);
    connect_times += 1;