cosmian_kyber 0.1.0

A rust implementation of the post-quantum Kyber KEM algorithm. This is a fork of the `pqc_kyber` crate
use crate::{cbd::*, ntt::*, params::*, reduce::*, symmetric::*};

pub struct Poly {
    pub coeffs: [i16; KYBER_N],

impl Copy for Poly {}

impl Default for Poly {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Poly {
            coeffs: [0i16; KYBER_N],

// new() is nicer
impl Poly {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

// Name:        poly_compress
// Description: Compression and subsequent serialization of a polynomial
// Arguments:   - [u8] r: output byte array (needs space for KYBER_POLYCOMPRESSEDBYTES bytes)
//              - const poly *a:    input polynomial
pub fn poly_compress(r: &mut [u8], a: Poly) {
    let mut t = [0u8; 8];
    let mut k = 0usize;
    let mut u: i16;

        128 => {
            for i in 0..KYBER_N / 8 {
                for j in 0..8 {
                    // map to positive standard representatives
                    u = a.coeffs[8 * i + j];
                    u += (u >> 15) & KYBER_Q as i16;
                    t[j] = (((((u as u16) << 4) + KYBER_Q as u16 / 2) / KYBER_Q as u16) & 15) as u8;
                r[k] = t[0] | (t[1] << 4);
                r[k + 1] = t[2] | (t[3] << 4);
                r[k + 2] = t[4] | (t[5] << 4);
                r[k + 3] = t[6] | (t[7] << 4);
                k += 4;
        160 => {
            for i in 0..(KYBER_N / 8) {
                for j in 0..8 {
                    // map to positive standard representatives
                    u = a.coeffs[8 * i + j];
                    u += (u >> 15) & KYBER_Q as i16;
                    t[j] = (((((u as u32) << 5) + KYBER_Q as u32 / 2) / KYBER_Q as u32) & 31) as u8;
                r[k] = t[0] | (t[1] << 5);
                r[k + 1] = (t[1] >> 3) | (t[2] << 2) | (t[3] << 7);
                r[k + 2] = (t[3] >> 1) | (t[4] << 4);
                r[k + 3] = (t[4] >> 4) | (t[5] << 1) | (t[6] << 6);
                r[k + 4] = (t[6] >> 2) | (t[7] << 3);
                k += 5;
        _ => panic!("KYBER_POLYCOMPRESSEDBYTES needs to be one of (128, 160)"),

// Name:        poly_decompress
// Description: De-serialization and subsequent decompression of a polynomial;
//              approximate inverse of poly_compress
// Arguments:   - poly *r:                output polynomial
//              - const [u8] a: input byte array (of length KYBER_POLYCOMPRESSEDBYTES bytes)
pub fn poly_decompress(r: &mut Poly, a: &[u8]) {
        128 => {
            let mut idx = 0usize;
            for i in 0..KYBER_N / 2 {
                r.coeffs[2 * i + 0] = ((((a[idx] & 15) as usize * KYBER_Q) + 8) >> 4) as i16;
                r.coeffs[2 * i + 1] = ((((a[idx] >> 4) as usize * KYBER_Q) + 8) >> 4) as i16;
                idx += 1;
        160 => {
            let mut idx = 0usize;
            let mut t = [0u8; 8];
            for i in 0..KYBER_N / 8 {
                t[0] = a[idx + 0];
                t[1] = (a[idx + 0] >> 5) | (a[idx + 1] << 3);
                t[2] = a[idx + 1] >> 2;
                t[3] = (a[idx + 1] >> 7) | (a[idx + 2] << 1);
                t[4] = (a[idx + 2] >> 4) | (a[idx + 3] << 4);
                t[5] = a[idx + 3] >> 1;
                t[6] = (a[idx + 3] >> 6) | (a[idx + 4] << 2);
                t[7] = a[idx + 4] >> 3;
                idx += 5;
                for j in 0..8 {
                    r.coeffs[8 * i + j] =
                        ((((t[j] as u32) & 31) * KYBER_Q as u32 + 16) >> 5) as i16;
        _ => panic!("KYBER_POLYCOMPRESSEDBYTES needs to be either (128, 160)"),

// Name:        poly_tobytes
// Description: Serialization of a polynomial
// Arguments:   - [u8] r: output byte array (needs space for KYBER_POLYBYTES bytes)
//              - const poly *a:    input polynomial
pub fn poly_tobytes(r: &mut [u8], a: Poly) {
    let (mut t0, mut t1);

    for i in 0..(KYBER_N / 2) {
        // map to positive standard representatives
        t0 = a.coeffs[2 * i];
        t0 += (t0 >> 15) & KYBER_Q as i16;
        t1 = a.coeffs[2 * i + 1];
        t1 += (t1 >> 15) & KYBER_Q as i16;
        r[3 * i + 0] = (t0 >> 0) as u8;
        r[3 * i + 1] = ((t0 >> 8) | (t1 << 4)) as u8;
        r[3 * i + 2] = (t1 >> 4) as u8;

// Name:        poly_frombytes
// Description: De-serialization of a polynomial;
//              inverse of poly_tobytes
// Arguments:   - poly *r:                output polynomial
//              - const [u8] a: input byte array (of KYBER_POLYBYTES bytes)
pub fn poly_frombytes(r: &mut Poly, a: &[u8]) {
    for i in 0..(KYBER_N / 2) {
        r.coeffs[2 * i + 0] =
            ((a[3 * i + 0] >> 0) as u16 | ((a[3 * i + 1] as u16) << 8) & 0xFFF) as i16;
        r.coeffs[2 * i + 1] =
            ((a[3 * i + 1] >> 4) as u16 | ((a[3 * i + 2] as u16) << 4) & 0xFFF) as i16;

// Name:        poly_getnoise_eta1
// Description: Sample a polynomial deterministically from a seed and a nonce,
//              with output polynomial close to centered binomial distribution
//              with parameter KYBER_ETA1
// Arguments:   - poly *r:                   output polynomial
//              - const [u8] seed: input seed (pointing to array of length KYBER_SYMBYTES bytes)
//              - [u8]  nonce:       one-byte input nonce
pub fn poly_getnoise_eta1(r: &mut Poly, seed: &[u8], nonce: u8) {
    const LENGTH: usize = KYBER_ETA1 * KYBER_N / 4;
    let mut buf = [0u8; LENGTH];
    prf(&mut buf, LENGTH, seed, nonce);
    poly_cbd_eta1(r, &buf);

// Name:        poly_getnoise_eta2
// Description: Sample a polynomial deterministically from a seed and a nonce,
//              with output polynomial close to centered binomial distribution
//              with parameter KYBER_ETA2
// Arguments:   - poly *r:                   output polynomial
//              - const [u8] seed: input seed (pointing to array of length KYBER_SYMBYTES bytes)
//              - [u8]  nonce:       one-byte input nonce
pub fn poly_getnoise_eta2(r: &mut Poly, seed: &[u8], nonce: u8) {
    const LENGTH: usize = KYBER_ETA2 * KYBER_N / 4;
    let mut buf = [0u8; LENGTH];
    prf(&mut buf, LENGTH, seed, nonce);
    poly_cbd_eta2(r, &buf);

// Name:        poly_ntt
// Description: Computes negacyclic number-theoretic transform (NTT) of
//              a polynomial in place;
//              inputs assumed to be in normal order, output in bitreversed order
// Arguments:   - Poly r: in/output polynomial
pub fn poly_ntt(r: &mut Poly) {
    ntt(&mut r.coeffs);

// Name:        poly_invntt
// Description: Computes inverse of negacyclic number-theoretic transform (NTT) of
//              a polynomial in place;
//              inputs assumed to be in bitreversed order, output in normal order
// Arguments:   - Poly a: in/output polynomial
pub fn poly_invntt_tomont(r: &mut Poly) {
    invntt(&mut r.coeffs);

// Name:        poly_basemul
// Description: Multiplication of two polynomials in NTT domain
// Arguments:   - poly *r:       output polynomial
//              - const poly *a: first input polynomial
//              - const poly *b: second input polynomial
pub fn poly_basemul(r: &mut Poly, a: &Poly, b: &Poly) {
    for i in 0..(KYBER_N / 4) {
            &mut r.coeffs[4 * i..],
            &a.coeffs[4 * i..],
            &b.coeffs[4 * i..],
            ZETAS[64 + i],
            &mut r.coeffs[4 * i + 2..],
            &a.coeffs[4 * i + 2..],
            &b.coeffs[4 * i + 2..],
            -(ZETAS[64 + i]),

// Name:        poly_frommont
// Description: Inplace conversion of all coefficients of a polynomial
//              from Montgomery domain to normal domain
// Arguments:   - poly *r:       input/output polynomial
pub fn poly_frommont(r: &mut Poly) {
    let f = ((1u64 << 32) % KYBER_Q as u64) as i16;
    for i in 0..KYBER_N {
        let a = r.coeffs[i] as i32 * f as i32;
        r.coeffs[i] = montgomery_reduce(a);

// Name:        poly_reduce
// Description: Applies Barrett reduction to all coefficients of a polynomial
//              for details of the Barrett reduction see comments in reduce.c
// Arguments:   - poly *r:       input/output polynomial
pub fn poly_reduce(r: &mut Poly) {
    for i in 0..KYBER_N {
        r.coeffs[i] = barrett_reduce(r.coeffs[i]);

// Name:        poly_add
// Description: Add two polynomials; no modular reduction is performed
// Arguments: - poly *r:       output polynomial
//            - const poly *a: first input polynomial
//            - const poly *b: second input polynomial
pub fn poly_add(r: &mut Poly, b: &Poly) {
    for i in 0..KYBER_N {
        r.coeffs[i] += b.coeffs[i];

// Name:        poly_sub
// Description: Subtract two polynomials; no modular reduction is performed
// Arguments: - poly *r:       output polynomial
//            - const poly *a: first input polynomial
//            - const poly *b: second input polynomial
pub fn poly_sub(r: &mut Poly, a: &Poly) {
    for i in 0..KYBER_N {
        r.coeffs[i] = a.coeffs[i] - r.coeffs[i];

// Name:        poly_frommsg
// Description: Convert `KYBER_SYMBYTES`-byte message to polynomial
// Arguments:   - poly *r:                  output polynomial
//              - const [u8] msg: input message (of length KYBER_SYMBYTES)
pub fn poly_frommsg(r: &mut Poly, msg: &[u8]) {
    let mut mask;
    for i in 0..KYBER_SYMBYTES {
        for j in 0..8 {
            mask = ((msg[i] as u16 >> j) & 1).wrapping_neg();
            r.coeffs[8 * i + j] = (mask & ((KYBER_Q + 1) / 2) as u16) as i16;

// Name:        poly_tomsg
// Description: Convert polynomial to 32-byte message
// Arguments:   - [u8] msg: output message
//              - const poly *a:      input polynomial
pub fn poly_tomsg(msg: &mut [u8], a: Poly) {
    let mut t;

    for i in 0..KYBER_SYMBYTES {
        msg[i] = 0;
        for j in 0..8 {
            t = a.coeffs[8 * i + j];
            t += (t >> 15) & KYBER_Q as i16;
            t = (((t << 1) + KYBER_Q as i16 / 2) / KYBER_Q as i16) & 1;
            msg[i] |= (t << j) as u8;