coset 0.1.2

Set of types for supporting COSE


Docs CI Status codecov

This crate holds a set of Rust types for working with CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) objects, as defined in RFC 8152. It builds on the core CBOR parsing functionality from the serde_cbor crate.

See crate docs, or the signature example for documentation on how to use the code.

This repo is under construction and so details of the API and the code may change without warning.

Working on the Code

Local coding conventions are enforced by the continuous integration jobs and include:

  • Build cleanly and pass all tests.
  • Free of Clippy warnings.
  • Formatted with rustfmt using the local rustfmt.toml settings.
  • Compliance with local conventions:
    • All TODO markers should be of form TODO(#99) and refer to an open GitHub issue.
    • Calls to functions that can panic (panic!, unwrap, expect) should have a comment on the same line in the form // safe: reason (or /* safe: reason */) to document the reason why panicking is acceptable.


This is not an officially supported Google product.