corundum 0.4.1

Persistent Programming Library
//! *Corundum* is a crate with an idiomatic persistent memory programming
//! interface and leverages Rust’s type system to statically avoid
//! most common persistent memory programming bugs. Corundum lets programmers
//! develop persistent data structures using familiar Rust constructs and have
//! confidence that they will be free of those bugs.
//! # Statically Prevented Bugs
//! |     Common Bugs     | Explanation  <img width=700/> | Approach |
//! |         ---         |              ---              |    ---   |
//! | Inter-Pool Pointers | A pointer in another pool which is unavailable | Type checking pools in persistent pointers. |
//! | P-to-V Pointers     | A persistent pointer pointing at volatile memory | Persistent pointers accept only [`PSafe`] types and volatile pointers are `!PSafe`. Only, [`VCell`] allows single-execution P-to-V pointers. |
//! | V-to-P Pointers     | A volatile pointer keeping a zero-referenced object alive | Only [`VWeak`] allows V-to-P pointers which is a weak reference and does not keep data alive. |
//! | Unlogged Updates    | An unrecoverable update to persistent data | Modifications are enforced to be inside atomic [`transaction`]s. | 
//! | Data Race           | Updating persistent data simultaneously in two threads | Mutable borrowing is limited to [`PMutex`] which uses a transaction-wide lock to provide both atomicity and isolation. |
//! | Locked Mutex        | A persistent mutex remains locked on powerfail | [`PMutex`] uses [`VCell`] which resets at restart. |
//! | Memory Leaks\*      | An allocated memory becomes unreachable | Persistent objects, except the root object, cannot cross transaction boundaries, and memory allocation is available only inside a transaction. Therefore, the allocation can survive only if there is a reference from the root object (or a decedent of it) to the data. <br>\* Cyclic references are not prevented in this version, which lead to a memory leak. Please visit [`this link`] for the information on how to manually resolve that issue. |
//! For more technical details on the implementation, please refer to Corundum's
//! academic [paper] and/or watch the [presentation] 📺.
//! [presentation]:
//! [paper]:
//! [`this link`]: ./prc/index.html#cyclic-references
//! # Persistent Objects
//! Persistent objects in Corundum are available through persistent pointers:
//! * [`Pbox`]: A pointer type for persistent memory allocation.
//! * [`Prc`]: A single-threaded reference-counting persistent pointer.
//! * [`Parc`]: A thread-safe reference-counting persistent pointer.
//! # Programming Model
//! Persistent memory is available as a file on a DAX-enable file system such as
//! EXT4-DAX or NOVA. These files are called memory pools. Corundum allows
//! memory pool types rather than memory pool objects to enforce pointer safety
//! while compilation. The trait [`MemPool`] provides the necessary
//! functionalities for the pool type.
//! The first step is to open a memory pool file in the program to be able to
//! work with persistent data. The [`default`] module provides a default memory
//! pool type ([`Allocator`]). To open a pool, we can invoke [`open<T>()`]
//! function which [initializes and] returns a reference to the root object of
//! type `T`. 
//! Data modification is provided and allowed only through [`transaction`]al
//! interface. None of the persistent pointers is mutably dereferencing for
//! safety. Mutable objects are allowed via interior mutability of any of the
//! following memory cells:
//! * [`PCell<T,P>`] (or [`PCell<T>`]): An unborrowable, mutable persistent
//! memory location for a value of type `T` in pool `P`.
//! * [`PRefCell<T,P>`] (or [`PRefCell<T>`]): A mutable persistent memory location
//! with dynamically checked borrow rules for a value of type `T` in pool `P`.
//! * [`PMutex<T,P>`] (or [`PMutex<T>`]): A mutual exclusion primitive useful for
//! protecting shared persistent data of type `T` in pool `P`.
//! The following example creates a pool file for a linked-list-based stack, and
//! obtains the root object of type `Node`.
//! ```
//! use corundum::default::*;
//! // Aliasing the pool type for convenience
//! type P = Allocator;
//! #[derive(Root)]
//! struct Node {
//!     value: i32,
//!     next: PRefCell<Option<Prc<Node>>>
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     let head = P::open::<Node>("foo.pool", O_CF).unwrap();
//!     P::transaction(|j| {
//!         let mut h =;
//!         *h = Some(Prc::new(Node {
//!             value: rand::random(),
//!             next:
//!         }, j));
//!     }).expect("Unsuccessful transaction");
//! }
//! ```
//! [`PSafe`]: ./trait.PSafe.html
//! [`VCell`]: ./cell/struct.VCell.html
//! [`VWeak`]: ./prc/struct.VWeak.html
//! [`transaction`]:  ./alloc/trait.MemPool.html#method.transaction
//! [`PMutex`]: ./sync/struct.PMutex.html
//! [`Pbox`]: ./boxed/struct.Pbox.html
//! [`Prc`]: ./prc/struct.Prc.html
//! [`Parc`]: ./sync/struct.Parc.html
//! [`MemPool`]: ./alloc/trait.MemPool.html
//! [`default`]: ./alloc/default/index.html
//! [`Allocator`]: ./alloc/default/struct.Allocator.html
//! [`PCell<T,P>`]: ./cell/struct.PCell.html
//! [`PCell<T>`]: ./alloc/default/type.PCell.html
//! [`PRefCell<T,P>`]: ./cell/struct.PRefCell.html 
//! [`PRefCell<T>`]: ./alloc/default/type.PRefCell.html
//! [`PMutex<T,P>`]: ./sync/struct.PMutex.html
//! [`PMutex<T>`]: ./alloc/default/type.PMutex.html
//! [`open<T>()`]: ./alloc/

// #![feature(async_stream)]


pub(crate) const PAGE_LOG_SLOTS: usize = 128;

extern crate crndm_derive;
extern crate impl_trait_for_tuples;

pub mod ll;
pub mod prc;
pub mod sync;
pub mod ptr;
pub mod stm;
pub mod stat;
pub mod utils;
pub mod stl;
pub mod gen;

mod alloc;
mod boxed;
mod cell;
mod clone;
mod str;
pub mod vec;
mod convert;
mod marker;
mod tests;

pub use cell::RootObj;
pub use stm::transaction;
pub use marker::*;
pub use crndm_derive::*;
pub use boxed::*;
pub use prc::Prc;
pub use sync::{Parc,PMutex};
pub use clone::*;
pub use vec::Vec as PVec;
pub use self::str::{String as PString, ToPString, ToPStringSlice};
pub use cell::*;
pub use alloc::*;
pub use convert::*;
pub use stm::Journal;

// This is an example of defining a new buddy allocator type
// `Allocator` is the default allocator with Buddy Allocation algorithm

/// A `Result` type with string error messages
pub mod result {
    pub type Result<T: ?Sized> = std::result::Result<T, String>;