Expand description

Core peripherals.


To use (most of) the peripheral API first you must get an instance of the peripheral. All the core peripherals are modeled as singletons (there can only ever be, at most, one instance of any one of them at any given point in time) and the only way to get an instance of them is through the Peripherals::take method.

let mut peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();

This method can only be successfully called once – this is why the method returns an Option. Subsequent calls to the method will result in a None value being returned.

let ok = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let panics = Peripherals::take().unwrap();

A part of the peripheral API doesn’t require access to a peripheral instance. This part of the API is provided as static methods on the peripheral types. One example is the DWT::cycle_count method.

    let mut peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
} // all the peripheral singletons are destroyed here

// but this method can be called without a DWT instance
let cyccnt = DWT::cycle_count();

The singleton property can be unsafely bypassed using the ptr static method which is available on all the peripheral types. This method is a useful building block for implementing safe higher level abstractions.

    let mut peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
} // all the peripheral singletons are destroyed here

// actually safe because this is an atomic read with no side effects
let cyccnt = unsafe { (*DWT::PTR).cyccnt.read() };


  • ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual (Issue E.b) - Chapter B3


Cache and branch predictor maintenance operations


Debug Control Block

Data Watchpoint and Trace unit

Flash Patch and Breakpoint unit

Implementation Control Block

Memory Protection Unit

Nested Vector Interrupt Controller

Security Attribution Unit

System Control Block

SysTick: System Timer

Trace Port Interface Unit;


Cache and branch predictor maintenance operations


Debug Control Block

Data Watchpoint and Trace unit

Flash Patch and Breakpoint unit

Floating Point Unit

Implementation Control Block.

Instrumentation Trace Macrocell

Memory Protection Unit

Nested Vector Interrupt Controller

Core peripherals

Security Attribution Unit

System Control Block

SysTick: System Timer

Trace Port Interface Unit