coroutine 0.2.0

Coroutine Library in Rust
# coroutine-rs

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Coroutine library in Rust

git = ""


coroutine = "*"

## Usage

Basic usage of Coroutine

extern crate coroutine;

use coroutine::Coroutine;

fn main() {
    // Spawn a new coroutine
    let coro = Coroutine::spawn(move|| {

        println!("1. Hello in coroutine!");

        // Yield back to it's parent

        println!("3. We are back!!");

        // Spawn a new coroutine
        Coroutine::spawn(move|| {
            println!("4. Begin counting ...");
            for i in 0..5 {
                println!("Counting {}", i);

                // Yield to it's parent
            println!("5. Counting finished");
        }).join().ok().expect("Failed to join");

        println!("6. Good bye");

    // Resume `coro`
    coro.resume().ok().expect("Failed to resume");

    println!("2. We are here!");

    // Resume the coroutine
    coro.resume().ok().expect("Failed to resume");

    println!("7. Back to main.");

This program will print the following to the console

1. Hello in coroutine!
2. We are here!
3. We are back!!
4. Begin counting ...
Counting 0
Counting 1
Counting 2
Counting 3
Counting 4
5. Counting finished
6. Good bye
7. Back to main.

For more detail, please run `cargo doc --open`.

## Features

- Feature `enable-clonable-handle` is enabled by default. The Coroutine is thread-safe, so the handle (`coroutine::Handle`) is clonable.

- If the feature `enable-clonable-handle` is disable, the handle will become unique, which may improve context switch performance because no lock is required.

## Goals

- [x] Basic single threaded coroutine support

- [x] Clonable coroutine handle

- [x] Unique coroutine handle (for special usage)

- [x] Thread-safe: can only resume a coroutine in one thread simultaneously

- [ ] Multithreaded scheduler with work stealing feature

- [ ] Asynchronous I/O supports

## Notes

* Currently this crate **can only** be built with Rust nightly because of some unstable features.

* Basically it supports arm, i686, mips, mipsel and x86_64 platforms, but we have only tested in

    - OS X 10.10.*, x86_64, nightly

    - ArchLinux, x86_64, nightly

## Thanks

- The Rust developers (context switch ASM from libgreen)