core_io 0.1.20210325

This is a copy of libstd::io with all the parts that don't work in core removed. Most importantly, it provides the Read and Write traits. This crate is (mostly) automatically generated from the rust git source. The version of the source that corresponds to your compiler version will be selected automatically by the build script.
extern crate rustc_version;

use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;

struct Mapping(&'static str,&'static str);

fn parse_mappings(mut mappings: &'static str) -> Vec<Mapping> {
	// FIXME: The format used here used to be parsed directly by rustc, which
	// is why it's kind of weird. It should be changed to a saner format.

	const P1: &'static str = r#"-Mapping(""#;
	const P2: &'static str = r#"",""#;
	const P3: &'static str = "\")\n";

	trait TakePrefix: Sized {
		fn take_prefix(&mut self, mid: usize) -> Self;

	impl<'a> TakePrefix for &'a str {
		fn take_prefix(&mut self, mid: usize) -> Self {
			let prefix = &self[..mid];
			*self = &self[mid..];

	let mut result = Vec::with_capacity( mappings.len() / (P1.len()+40+P2.len()+40+P3.len()) );

	while mappings.len() != 0 {
		match (
		) {
			(P1, hash1, P2, hash2, P3) => result.push(Mapping(hash1, hash2)),
			_ => panic!("Invalid input in mappings"),


type Cfg = Option<&'static str>;
type Date = &'static str;
/// A `ConditionalCfg` is basically a list of optional feature names
/// (`Cfg`s) separated by `Date`s. The dates specify ranges of compiler
/// versions for which to enable particular features.
type ConditionalCfg = (Cfg, &'static [(Date, Cfg)]);
const CONDITIONAL_CFGS: &'static [ConditionalCfg] = &[
	(None, &[("2019-02-24", Some("pattern_guards"))]),
	(None, &[("2018-08-14", Some("non_exhaustive"))]),
	(Some("unicode"), &[("2018-08-13", None)]),
	(None, &[("2018-01-01", Some("core_memchr"))]),
	(None, &[("2017-06-15", Some("no_collections"))]),
	(Some("rustc_unicode"), &[("2016-12-15", Some("std_unicode")), ("2017-03-03", None)]),

fn main() {
	let ver=rustc_version::version_meta();

	let io_commit=match env::var("CORE_IO_COMMIT") {
		Ok(c) => c,
		Err(env::VarError::NotUnicode(_)) => panic!("Invalid commit specified in CORE_IO_COMMIT"),
		Err(env::VarError::NotPresent) => {
			let mappings=parse_mappings(include_str!(""));

			let compiler=ver.commit_hash.expect("Couldn't determine compiler version");
			mappings.iter().find(|&&Mapping(elem,_)|elem==compiler).expect("Unknown compiler version, upgrade core_io?").1.to_owned()

	for &(mut curcfg, rest) in CONDITIONAL_CFGS {
		for &(date, nextcfg) in rest {
			// if no commit_date is provided, assume compiler is current
			if ver.commit_date.as_ref().map_or(false,|d| &**d<date) {
			curcfg = nextcfg;
		if let Some(cfg) = curcfg {
			println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", cfg);

	let mut dest_path=PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
	let mut f=File::create(&dest_path).unwrap();

	let mut target_path=PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());

	f.write_all(target_path.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap().replace("\\", "\\\\").as_bytes()).unwrap();
	f.write_all(br#""] mod io;"#).unwrap();