pub trait SliceExt {
    type Elem;

    fn contains_slice(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
    fn is_slice(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
    fn offset_of_slice(&self, other: &Self) -> usize;
    fn get_offset_of_slice(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<usize>;
    fn index_of(&self, other: *const Self::Elem) -> usize;
    fn get_index_of(&self, other: *const Self::Elem) -> Option<usize>;
    fn slice_lossy<SB>(&self, range: Range<usize>, bias: SB) -> &Self
        SB: Into<SliceBias>
; fn slice_lossy_mut<SB>(&mut self, range: Range<usize>, bias: SB) -> &mut Self
        SB: Into<SliceBias>
; }
Available on crate feature slices only.
Expand description

Extension trait for [T] and str.

Required Associated Types

The type of a slice element.

Required Methods

Checks whether self fully contains the other slice in memory.

If other is a zero-length slice it is not contained inside self.

Called on slices
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let list = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let another = [6, 7, 8];

// Empty slices aren't considered contained by any other slice

Called on strs
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let string = "foo bar baz";
let another = String::from(string);
let foo = &string[..3];
let bar = &string[4..7];
let baz = &string[8..11];

// Empty slices aren't considered contained by any other slice


Checks whether self is exactly the other slice in memory.

Called on slices
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let slice_0 = &list[..0];
let slice_1 = &list[..];

let other = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

assert!( slice_0.is_slice(slice_0));
assert!( slice_0.is_slice(&list[..0]));

Called on strs
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let string = "foo bar baz";
let another = String::from(string);
let foo = &string[..3];
let bar = &string[4..7];
let baz = &string[8..11];



Returns the index at which other starts.

If other is not inside self, this returns self.len()

Called on slices
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let list = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let other = [0, 1, 2, 3];

assert_eq!(list.offset_of_slice(&list[..0]), 0);
assert_eq!(list.offset_of_slice(&list[3..]), 3);
assert_eq!(list.offset_of_slice(&list[5..]), 5);
assert_eq!(list.offset_of_slice(&list[6..]), list.len());
assert_eq!(list.offset_of_slice(&[]), list.len());

assert_eq!(list.offset_of_slice(&other), list.len());
Called on strs
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let string = "foo bar baz";
let another = String::from(string);
let foo = &string[..3];
let bar = &string[4..7];
let baz = &string[8..11];
assert_eq!(string.offset_of_slice(string), 0);
assert_eq!(string.offset_of_slice(&string[..0]), 0);
assert_eq!(string.offset_of_slice(foo), 0);
assert_eq!(string.offset_of_slice(bar), 4);
assert_eq!(string.offset_of_slice(baz), 8);
assert_eq!(string.offset_of_slice(&string[11..]), 11);

assert_eq!(string.offset_of_slice(&another), string.len());

Returns the index at which other starts.

If other is a zero-length slice, or is not inside self, this returns None.

Called on slices
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let other = [0, 1, 2, 3];

assert_eq!(list.get_offset_of_slice(&list[..0]), None);
assert_eq!(list.get_offset_of_slice(&list[1..]), Some(1));
assert_eq!(list.get_offset_of_slice(&list[3..]), Some(3));
assert_eq!(list.get_offset_of_slice(&list[5..]), Some(5));
assert_eq!(list.get_offset_of_slice(&list[6..]), None);

assert_eq!(list.get_offset_of_slice(&other), None);
Called on strs
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let string = "foo bar baz";
let another = String::from(string);
let foo = &string[..3];
let bar = &string[4..7];
let baz = &string[8..11];
assert_eq!(string.get_offset_of_slice(&string[..0]), None);
assert_eq!(string.get_offset_of_slice(string), Some(0));
assert_eq!(string.get_offset_of_slice(foo), Some(0));
assert_eq!(string.get_offset_of_slice(bar), Some(4));
assert_eq!(string.get_offset_of_slice(baz), Some(8));
assert_eq!(string.get_offset_of_slice(&string[11..]), None);

assert_eq!(string.get_offset_of_slice(&another), None);

Returns the index of other if it’s stored in the slice (if it points within the slice).

If other is not inside self, this returns self.len().

Called on slices
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let list = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let other = [0, 1, 2, 3];

assert_eq!(list.index_of(&list[0]), 0);
assert_eq!(list.index_of(&list[3]), 3);
assert_eq!(list.index_of(&list[5]), 5);
assert_eq!(list.index_of(list.as_ptr().wrapping_offset(6)), 6);
assert_eq!(list.index_of(list.as_ptr().wrapping_offset(7)), 6);
assert_eq!(list.index_of(&0), list.len());

assert_eq!(list.index_of(&other[0]), list.len());
assert_eq!(list.index_of(&other[1]), list.len());
Called on strs
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let string = String::from("abcdefgh");
let bytes = string.as_bytes();

let other = b"abcdefgh";

assert_eq!(string.index_of(&bytes[0]), 0);
assert_eq!(string.index_of(&bytes[3]), 3);
assert_eq!(string.index_of(&bytes[5]), 5);
assert_eq!(string.index_of(bytes.as_ptr().wrapping_offset(6)), 6);
assert_eq!(string.index_of(bytes.as_ptr().wrapping_offset(7)), 7);
assert_eq!(string.index_of(&0), string.len());

assert_eq!(string.index_of(&other[0]), string.len());
assert_eq!(string.index_of(&other[1]), string.len());

Returns the index of other if it’s stored in the slice (if it points within the slice).

If other is not inside self, this returns None.

Called on slices
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let list = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let other = [0, 1, 2, 3];

assert_eq!(list.get_index_of(&list[0]), Some(0));
assert_eq!(list.get_index_of(&list[3]), Some(3));
assert_eq!(list.get_index_of(&list[5]), Some(5));
assert_eq!(list.get_index_of(list.as_ptr().wrapping_offset(6)), None);
assert_eq!(list.get_index_of(list.as_ptr().wrapping_offset(7)), None);
assert_eq!(list.get_index_of(&0), None);

assert_eq!(list.get_index_of(&other[0]), None);
assert_eq!(list.get_index_of(&other[1]), None);
Called on strs
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let string = String::from("abcdefgh");
let bytes = string.as_bytes();

let other = b"abcdefgh";

assert_eq!(string.get_index_of(&bytes[0]), Some(0));
assert_eq!(string.get_index_of(&bytes[3]), Some(3));
assert_eq!(string.get_index_of(&bytes[5]), Some(5));
assert_eq!(string.get_index_of(bytes.as_ptr().wrapping_offset(6)), Some(6));
assert_eq!(string.get_index_of(bytes.as_ptr().wrapping_offset(7)), Some(7));
assert_eq!(string.get_index_of(&0), None);

assert_eq!(string.get_index_of(&other[0]), None);
assert_eq!(string.get_index_of(&other[1]), None);

Used for non-panicking slicing.

If range.end is less than range.start, this returns an empty slice.

bias parameter

The bias parameter, by being converted into a SliceBias, determines how this method handles invalid ranges.

The impl for [T] ignores this parameter, saturating ranges at self.len().

For str, it grows the range in the directions determined by bias parameter.

[T] slice
use core_extensions::SliceExt;

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
assert_eq!(arr.slice_lossy(0..3, ()), &arr[..3]);
assert_eq!(arr.slice_lossy(3..1000, ()), &arr[3..]);
assert_eq!(arr.slice_lossy(1000..1000, ()), &[]);
assert_eq!(arr.slice_lossy(1000..0, ()), &[]);
str slice
use core_extensions::SliceExt;
use core_extensions::slices::SliceBias;

let word = "niño"; // 'ñ' is 2 bytes long , spanning the range 2..4

assert_eq!(word.slice_lossy(0..3, SliceBias::LEFT ), "ni");
assert_eq!(word.slice_lossy(0..3, SliceBias::RIGHT), "niñ");
assert_eq!(word.slice_lossy(0..3, SliceBias::IN ), "ni");
assert_eq!(word.slice_lossy(0..3, SliceBias::OUT), "niñ");

assert_eq!(word.slice_lossy(3..10000, ()), "ño");
assert_eq!(word.slice_lossy(3..10000, SliceBias::OUT), "ño");

assert_eq!(word.slice_lossy(1000..1000, ()), "");
assert_eq!(word.slice_lossy(1000..1000, SliceBias::OUT), "");
assert_eq!(word.slice_lossy(1000..0, SliceBias::OUT), "");

Used for non-panicking mutable slicing.

Identical behavior to slice_lossy with respect to ranges.

Implementations on Foreign Types
