    // Attributes available to this derive:
Available on crate features derive and transparent_newtype only.
Expand description

Derives the TransparentNewtype trait.

This derive macro requires the type to be a struct with a #[repr(transparent)] representation.

If the type has multiple fields, the derive macro errors when the non-#[twrap]-annotated fields don’t ìmplement the MarkerType trait (which ensures that those fields are all zero-sized).

For examples look below


Container attributes

Attributes used above the type definition.

#[twrap(crate = foo::bar)](example):
Replaces the path to core_extensions with foo::bar

#[twrap(where T: Foo + Bar)](example):
Adds arbitrary bounds to the TransparentNewtype impl.

For diagnostics, causes the derive macro to panic with the code generated by it.

Field attributes

Tells the derive macro that this is the wrapped field, and other fields are zero-sized.

Tells the derive macro to delegate the TransparentNewtype impl to this field.
This adds a TypeOfThisField: TransparentNewtype bound to the implementation.


Single-field struct

use core_extensions::{TransparentNewtype, TransparentNewtypeExt};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, TransparentNewtype)]
struct SingleField<T>(T);
assert_eq!(SingleField::from_inner(3), SingleField(3));
assert_eq!(SingleField::from_inner_ref(&5), &SingleField(5));
assert_eq!(SingleField::from_inner_mut(&mut 8), &mut SingleField(8));

Many-field struct

use core_extensions::{TransparentNewtype, TransparentNewtypeExt};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, TransparentNewtype)]
struct WithPhantom<T, U>{
    ghost: PhantomData<U>,
    // you need to annotate the wrapped field when this has zero-sized fields.
    value: T,
    WithPhantom::<_, &str>::from_inner(13), 
    WithPhantom{value: 13, ghost: PhantomData},
    WithPhantom::<_, String>::from_inner_ref(&21),
    &WithPhantom{value: 21, ghost: PhantomData},
    WithPhantom::<_, Vec<u8>>::from_inner_mut(&mut 34),
    &mut WithPhantom{value: 34, ghost: PhantomData},

Delegating to type parameter

This example demonstrates how you can delegate the TransparentNewtype implementation to a field.

use core_extensions::{TransparentNewtype, TransparentNewtypeExt};
use std::num::Wrapping;
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop as MD;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, TransparentNewtype)]
struct Foo<T>(
assert_eq!(<Foo<Wrapping<u8>>>::from_inner(13), Foo(Wrapping(13)));
assert_eq!(<Foo<Wrapping<u16>>>::from_inner_ref(&21), &Foo(Wrapping(21)));
assert_eq!(<Foo<Wrapping<u32>>>::from_inner_mut(&mut 34), &mut Foo(Wrapping(34)));
assert_eq!(<Foo<MD<u8>>>::from_inner(55), Foo(MD::new(55)));
assert_eq!(<Foo<MD<u16>>>::from_inner_ref(&89), &Foo(MD::new(89)));
assert_eq!(<Foo<MD<u32>>>::from_inner_mut(&mut 144), &mut Foo(MD::new(144)));

Crate attribute

This example demonstrates how you can use this derive macro when this crate is renamed.

use cext::{TransparentNewtype, TransparentNewtypeExt};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, TransparentNewtype)]
#[twrap(crate = cext)]
struct SingleField<T>(T);
assert_eq!(SingleField::from_inner(3), SingleField(3));
assert_eq!(SingleField::from_inner_ref(&5), &SingleField(5));
assert_eq!(SingleField::from_inner_mut(&mut 8), &mut SingleField(8));

Additional bounds

This example demonstrates how you can make the TransparentNewtype impl conditional.

use core_extensions::{TransparentNewtype, TransparentNewtypeExt};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, TransparentNewtype)]
#[twrap(where T: Copy)]
struct CopyWrapper<T>{
    val: T
assert_eq!(CopyWrapper::from_inner(3), CopyWrapper{val: 3});
assert_eq!(CopyWrapper::from_inner_ref(&5), &CopyWrapper{val: 5});
assert_eq!(CopyWrapper::from_inner_mut(&mut 8), &mut CopyWrapper{val: 8});

This doesn’t compile because CopyWrapper requires the wrapped type to be Copy:
