core_extensions 1.4.0

Extensions for core/std library types, and other miscelaneous features.
repository = "rodrimati1992/core_extensions/"
optional = true
version = "=1.4.0"

default-features = false
optional = true
version = "1.0"
version = "0.4.6"

all_items = ["bools", "callable", "collections", "const_default", "const_val", "generics_parsing", "item_parsing", "macro_utils", "integers", "iterators", "marker_type", "on_drop", "option_result", "phantom", "self_ops", "slices", "strings", "transparent_newtype", "type_asserts", "type_identity", "type_level_bool", "void"]
alloc = []
bools = ["type_identity"]
callable = []
collections = []
const_default = []
const_val = ["enable_proc_macro_crate", "generics_parsing"]
docsrs = []
enable_proc_macro_crate = ["core_extensions_proc_macros"]
generics_parsing = ["enable_proc_macro_crate"]
integers = []
item_parsing = ["generics_parsing", "macro_utils", "core_extensions_proc_macros/item_parsing"]
iterators = []
macro_utils = ["enable_proc_macro_crate", "core_extensions_proc_macros/macro_utils"]
marker_type = []
on_drop = []
option_result = ["type_identity"]
phantom = []
rust_1_46 = ["core_extensions_proc_macros/rust_1_45"]
rust_1_51 = ["rust_1_46"]
self_ops = []
serde_ = ["serde"]
slices = []
std = ["alloc"]
strings = ["slices"]
track_caller = ["rust_1_46"]
transparent_newtype = []
type_asserts = ["type_identity"]
type_identity = []
type_level_bool = []
void = []

name = "core_extensions"
path = "src_core_extensions/"

authors = ["rodrimati1992 <>"]
categories = ["no-std"]
description = "Extensions for core/std library types, and other miscelaneous features."
include = ["Cargo.toml", "src_core_extensions/**/*.rs", "", "./", "./APACHE_license", "./MIT_license"]
keywords = ["no-std"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
name = "core_extensions"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "1.4.0"
features = ["std", "serde_", "all_items", "rust_1_51", "docsrs"]