core_collections 0.3.20170409

This is a copy of libstd::collections with all the parts that don't work in core removed. Most importantly, it provides HashMap and HashSet. This crate is (mostly) automatically generated from the rust git source. The version of the source that corresponds to your compiler version will be selected automatically by the build script. This depends on the rand crate, so make sure to include that and configure the no_std feature on it.
extern crate rustc_version;

use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::ops::{Neg,Sub};

 * Let me explain this hack. For the sync shell script it's easiest if every 
 * line in looks exactly the same. This means that specifying an 
 * array literal is not possible. include!() can only expand to expressions, so 
 * just specifying the contents of an array is also not possible.
 * This leaves us with trying to find an expression in which every line looks 
 * the same. This can be done using the `-` operator. This can be a unary 
 * operator (first thing on the first line), or a binary operator (later 
 * lines). That is exactly what's going on here, and Neg and Sub simply build a 
 * vector of the operangs.
struct Mapping(&'static str,&'static str);

impl Neg for Mapping {
	type Output = Vec<Mapping>;
    fn neg(self) -> Vec<Mapping> {

impl Sub<Mapping> for Vec<Mapping> {
    type Output=Vec<Mapping>;
    fn sub(mut self, rhs: Mapping) -> Vec<Mapping> {

fn main() {
	let ver=rustc_version::version_meta();

	let coll_commit=match env::var("CORE_COLLECTIONS_COMMIT") {
		Ok(c) => c,
		Err(env::VarError::NotUnicode(_)) => panic!("Invalid commit specified in CORE_COLLECTIONS_COMMIT"),
		Err(env::VarError::NotPresent) => {
			let mappings=include!("");
			let compiler=ver.commit_hash.expect("Couldn't determine compiler version");
			mappings.iter().find(|&&Mapping(elem,_)|elem==compiler).expect("Unknown compiler version, upgrade core_collections?").1.to_owned()

	if ver.commit_date.as_ref().map_or(false,|d| &**d>"2016-08-23") {

	let mut dest_path=PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
	let mut f=File::create(&dest_path).unwrap();

	let mut target_path=PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());

	f.write_all(br#""] mod collections;"#).unwrap();