cordoba 0.3.1

Zero-copy and mmapable CDB access library with a Python interface
name = "cordoba"
description = "Zero-copy and mmapable CDB access library with a Python interface"
version = "0.3.1"
authors = ["Jonathan Bastien-Filiatrault <>"]
edition = "2018"

homepage = ""
repository = ""
license = "GPL-3.0+"
readme = ""
keywords = ["cdb", "python"]
categories = ["database", "data-structures", "config", "filesystem", "no-std"]

panic = "abort"

clap = { version="2.31", optional=true }
memmap = { version="0.7.0", optional=true }
pyo3 = { version="=0.6.0-alpha.2", optional=true }

default = ["build-binary", "std"]
build-binary = ["clap", "memmap"]
std = []
python = ["pyo3"]

name = "cdb"
required-features = ["build-binary"]

name = "cdbwrite"
required-features = ["build-binary"]

members = ["cordoba-py"]