coral 0.8.0

A library that parses output from `cargo check`, and a cli tool that uses the library to print compact error messages.
clap = '2.33.0'
colored = '1.8.0'
notify = '4.0.12'
pad = '0.1.5'
serde = '1.0.92'
serde_derive = '1.0.92'
serde_json = '1.0.39'
terminal_size = '0.1.8'
toml = '0.5.1'

authors = ['Kai Schmidt <>']
categories = [
description = 'A library that parses output from `cargo check`, and a cli tool that uses the library to print compact error messages.'
documentation = ''
edition = '2018'
keywords = [
license = 'MIT'
name = 'coral'
readme = ''
repository = ''
version = '0.8.0'