
@brief A single transcript computed by the model, including a confidence value and the metadata for its constituent tokens.

@brief An array of CandidateTranscript objects computed by the model.

@brief Stores text of an individual token, along with its timing information



@brief Add a hot-word and its boost.

@brief Removes all elements from the hot-words map.

@brief An object providing an interface to a trained Coqui STT model.

@brief Create a new streaming inference state. The streaming state returned by this function can then be passed to {@link STT_FeedAudioContent()} and {@link STT_FinishStream()}.

@brief Disable decoding using an external scorer.

@brief Enable decoding using an external scorer.

@brief Remove entry for a hot-word from the hot-words map.

@brief Returns a textual description corresponding to an error code. The string returned must be freed with @{link STT_FreeString()}.

@brief Feed audio samples to an ongoing streaming inference.

@brief Compute the final decoding of an ongoing streaming inference and return the result. Signals the end of an ongoing streaming inference.

@brief Compute the final decoding of an ongoing streaming inference and return results including metadata. Signals the end of an ongoing streaming inference.

@brief Free memory allocated for metadata information.

@brief Frees associated resources and destroys model object.

@brief Destroy a streaming state without decoding the computed logits. This can be used if you no longer need the result of an ongoing streaming inference and don’t want to perform a costly decode operation.

@brief Free a char* string returned by the Coqui STT API.

@brief Get beam width value used by the model. If {@link STT_SetModelBeamWidth} was not called before, will return the default value loaded from the model file.

@brief Return the sample rate expected by a model.

@brief Compute the intermediate decoding of an ongoing streaming inference.

@brief EXPERIMENTAL: Compute the intermediate decoding of an ongoing streaming inference, flushing buffers first. This ensures that all audio that has been streamed so far is included in the result, but is more expensive than STT_IntermediateDecode() because buffers are processed through the acoustic model. Calling this function too often will also degrade transcription accuracy due to trashing of the LSTM hidden state vectors.

@brief Compute the intermediate decoding of an ongoing streaming inference, return results including metadata.

@brief EXPERIMENTAL: Compute the intermediate decoding of an ongoing streaming inference, flushing buffers first. This ensures that all audio that has been streamed so far is included in the result, but is more expensive than STT_IntermediateDecodeWithMetadata() because buffers are processed through the acoustic model. Calling this function too often will also degrade transcription accuracy due to trashing of the LSTM hidden state vectors. Returns results including metadata.

@brief Set beam width value used by the model.

@brief Set hyperparameters alpha and beta of the external scorer.

@brief Use the Coqui STT model to convert speech to text.

@brief Use the Coqui STT model to convert speech to text and output results including metadata.

@brief Returns the version of this library. The returned version is a semantic version (SemVer 2.0.0). The string returned must be freed with {@link STT_FreeString()}.

Type Definitions