Expand description

OSC 52 escape sequence to set clipboard contents.

This provider can set clipboard contents by outputting a sequence to stdout in supported terminals. It uses Xterm escape sequences, OSC 52 to be exact.

Getting clipboard contents is not supported through this context and will error.


  • Keeps contents in clipboard for the terminal lifetime even after your application exists.


  • Requires terminal that supports these escape codes.
  • Doesn’t catch errors while setting clipboard contents.
  • Cannot get clipboard contents.


use copypasta_ext::prelude::*;
use copypasta_ext::x11_bin::X11BinClipboardContext;

let mut ctx = X11BinClipboardContext::new().unwrap();
ctx.set_contents("some string".into()).unwrap();

Use new_with to combine with another context such as X11ClipboardContext to support getting clipboard contents as well.

use copypasta_ext::prelude::*;
use copypasta_ext::osc52::Osc52ClipboardContext;
use copypasta_ext::x11_bin::X11BinClipboardContext;

let mut ctx = Osc52ClipboardContext::new_with(X11BinClipboardContext::new().unwrap()).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", ctx.get_contents());
ctx.set_contents("some string".into()).unwrap();


OSC 52 escape sequence to set clipboard contents.


Represents OSC 52 clipboard related error.

Type Definitions

Platform specific context.